

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Imperial freighter, this is Governor Everi Chalis. If you do not adjust course within fifteen seconds, I will deal with you as I dealt with the crew of the Mandible during the Belnar Insurrections. That will be my gift to your superior, Commodore Krovis, before I have him tried for gross incompetence."
―Everi Chalis to the crew of an Imperial freighter — (audio) Listen (file info)[3]

Belnar was an astronomical object situated at the coordinates M-9 within an intersecting portion of the Colonies[1] and the Interior regions.[2] It shared its name with the Belnar Insurrections,[3] which took place at some point by 3 ABY.[4] During the Belnar Insurrections, Everi Chalis, an emissary to the Galactic Empire's ruling council, punished the crew of the starship Mandible over an incident, executing those responsible.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Belnar was introduced in the current Star Wars canon via a mention of the Belnar Insurrections in the novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed[3] and published on November 3, 2015.[5] It was first established to have been a celestial body by the fifty-second issue of De Agostini's magazine series Star Wars: Build the Millenium Falcon,[6] released around December 30 of the same year.[7] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet[8] Belnar was first mentioned in Wanted by Cracken, a sourcebook written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and published in 1993.[9]



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