


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"All right, star-jumpers! Let's let 'em have it!!"
―Han Solo, signaling the attack on the Cloud-Riders[3]

The Battle of Aduba-3 was a skirmish between a small band of Star-Hoppers organized by Han Solo and Cloud-Riders, led by Serji-X Arrogantus


After the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo was awarded by the Rebel Alliance. However, before he could reach Jabba the Hutt, Solo was robbed by Crimson Jack and his gang of pirates. Deciding to stay low for a while, Han reached a forgotten world of Aduba-3. There, he helped Pera to bury a cyborg and was hired by a local moisture farmer Ramiz to protect the village against the Cloud-Riders. Solo then assembled a group consisting of Lepi Jaxxon, Spinner Hedji, a Force-sensitive librarian Don-Wan Kihotay who believed he was the last Jedi Knight, leader of Black Hole Gang Amaiza Foxtrain, a local boy Jimm Doshun calling himself the Starkiller kid and his droid Effie.

High-hounds and Old One[]

Before Star-Hoppers reached Serji-X they were attacked by High-hounds. By using their abilities, the group managed to defeat birdlike scavengers and save Merri, who brought Star-Hoppers to the village. There, Han Solo met the Old One, a some sort of mystic or shaman who told Solo that he was capable of defeating Serji-X himself by summoning the Behemoth he found years ago to defend the village. However, Solo thought that this story was just a Fairy-tale. As the Old One departed, Cloud-Riders attacked.

The battle[]

A fearsome firefight began between the Cloud-Riders and Star-Hoppers. Chewbacca defeated at least one Cloud-rider, and Effie was destroyed when he sacrificed himself to protect Jimm from a blaster bolt. Amaiza killed another cloud-rider and the third captured her. Don-Wan Kihotay later saved Amaiza but was shot in the back himself and believed to be dead by the others. As the battle continued the Old One proved that he was really a shaman and summoned the Behemoth from the World Below.

Fighting the Behemoth[]

The Monster started to kill cloud-riders as Han and the others waited. Don-Wan Kihotay said that his armor saved him from death. Seeing that he couldn't even scratch a beast, Serji-X decided to kill Old One who controlled it. But the Behemoth killed them both. Without their leader remaining Cloud-Riders soon fell prey to a monster. No longer controlled monster attacked Star-Hoppers and killed Hedji. Don-Wan attempted to kill Behemoth by himself but Han sensed that the old man was too slow to do it, so he took Don-Wan's lightsaber and killed the creature with it.


After the battle, the Star-Hoppers received their reward and parted ways. Jimm Doshun stayed in the village and later married Merri, Jaxxon and Amaiza Foxtrain set up shop at Jaxxon's old residence on Nar Shaddaa and began a smuggling career, Don-Wan Kihotay went to Telos IV to recover, and Han Solo and Chewbacca left Aduba-3 to rejoin Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia on Yavin 4, only to be captured once again by Crimson Jack.


Notes and references[]

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