


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Those who stand with the usurper die with him."
―Darth Krayt[1]

The Assault on the Temple of the Sith was an attack orchestrated by Darth Krayt in revenge for the betrayal of Darth Wyyrlok, Voice and Regent of the One Sith.

The battle[]

At first Krayt, alongside Darth Talon, Darth Nihl and two Sith troopers, was confronted by five Sith allied to Darth Wyyrlok; however, Krayt and his followers quickly cut through them.

Afterward, Lord Wyyrlok confronted the true Dark Lord of the Sith and the two fought. Both showed an excellent knowledge of the Force and lightsaber technique; eventually though, Wyyrlok decided to play on Darth Krayt's painful experiences which he had learned during his term as his Voice. Thinking he had bested him, Wyyrlok prepared to make the killing blow, but at that point Krayt revealed he had led Wyyrlok into a trap. It was at that point that Krayt spun around and stabbed his former ally through the chest.

Defeated, Wyyrlok fell to his knees and clutched to Darth Stryfe for a moment before dying and falling to the ground. However, Lord Stryfe pledged allegiance to the victor, as dictated by the Sith ways.

With both the Empire and the One Sith under his control once again, Darth Krayt began his plans to unleash chaos and war against the galaxy.


Notes and references[]

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