Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
SpongeBob, why? Why did you set me on fire, SpongeBob? Why didn't you just write your essay?! Stop wasting time!
— SpongeBob's house, "Procrastination"
Not to be confused with SpongeBot's house or Tiny SpongeBob's house or Gary's playhouse with a similar design.

Sir Urchin and Snail Fail 178

While usually orange, SpongeBob's house is dark blue at night.

Truth or Square 551

SpongeBob's house before SpongeBob buys and owns it.

Home Sweet Pineapple 195

SpongeBob's house in "Home Sweet Pineapple," after it has grown.

124 Conch Street[1][2] is the address of the pineapple house where SpongeBob SquarePants resides with his pet snail Gary and his pet scallop Shelley. The house is three stories high and fully furnished. It first appears in the pilot episode "Help Wanted." The house is in a suburban area of Bikini Bottom much like his neighbors and the Krusty Krab and Chum Bucket as some houses can be seen from his house and is located near Squidward's house and Patrick's house and is located on Conch Street. Despite the house being a short distance from the Krusty Krab and the Chum Bucket, the restaurants cannot be seen from the pineapple in the SpongeBob SquarePants series.

The pineapple originates from land, when it fell off of a ship navigating above the sea, turning into a house as seen in the TV movie "Truth or Square."


It is a gigantic pineapple with blue windows, door, green leaves on the top, and chimney.


Interior and exterior[]

There is a garage in the back of the house and two windows in the front. The garage along with the backside of SpongeBob's house is first seen in the episode "Reef Blower." Out back of the house, the backyard is closed in by a square of flowers, much like the ones seen in the sky.

It also has an outdoor tap where a hose can be attached, as seen in "Unreal Estate."


First floor[]


There is a small garage in the back of the house and two windows in the front
Spongebob house collage

Clockwise (left to right at the upper part and right to left at the lower part): Bathroom, bedroom, library, roof, workout room, stairs, kitchen, and living room.



Out back of the house, the backyard is closed in by a square of flowers, but in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie video game (PC version), SpongeBob's backyard has fence boards instead. The house features a living room, coat closet, trophy closet, kitchen, laundry room, and a kitchen pantry.

Living room[]

The living room features an inflatable sofa, a regular armchair with a life ring as a seat, a diving helmet-shaped TV, a clock known as a "snail clock" which has a similar appearance to Gary, and a small table with a phone shaped like a conch shell called a "shellphone." There are decorations such as a fishing lure above the sofa, a photo of Gary near the kitchen door, and on the left a fishing hook wall ornament, above a small table. On the small table is a potted coral plant. The living room features blue bamboo wallpaper, two fishing hook ornaments, and various pictures framed on the wall. It first appears in "Jellyfishing."


The kitchen contains a fridge, a stove, a sink, a cupboard, a table, and other typical kitchen tools. Gary's food bowl can also be found here, though sometimes it is seen in SpongeBob's bedroom. A green staircase is located outside of the kitchen.

There is a set of stairs on the left that twists around the home and stops at a safe door behind the chute entrance to the second floor. In some episodes, there is a hallway behind the door.

Laundry room[]

The laundry room features a basket full of square pants, some washing bottles, as well as washing machines.

This room is only seen in "To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants."


Wallhalla 068
Main article: Wallhalla (location)

Wallhalla is located in the walls of SpongeBob's house where Wally lives that appears in the episode "Wallhalla." It plays a major role. It features a mold garden with a magic fridge that appears to be SpongeBob's and a magic medicine cabinet that also appears to be SpongeBob's. It also features a dining area.

Second floor[]

SpongeBob's bedroom[]

SpongeBob's bathroom is found on the second floor along with the bedroom. The hallway contains doors leading to his library, bathroom, and gallery, as well as an additional staircase that leads to his bedroom.

SpongeBob's bathroom[]

His bathroom contains a square-shaped toilet, a shower/bathtub, a sink, wringer, etc. as well as a porthole window that looks out onto Conch Street. His bathtub is decorated with a bamboo curtain. It first appears in "Suds."

SpongeBob's library[]

Boating School 067
Main article: SpongeBob's library

The library is the largest room in the house and occupies both the second and third stories. It contains books such as Memories of T.S. Halibut, Cooking Without Salt, and Head Shrinking for Beginners!, as well as various comic books and SpongeBob's work diary. The library also contains a reading chair chained to the ceiling by a fishing hook, a huge pipe organ, a fireplace, a porthole window, and a spare closet. There is also an entrance chute coming from SpongeBob's room, first seen in "Boating School."

Workout room[]

There is a workout room, featuring a stuffed animal barbell and other light objects that are heavy for SpongeBob, as seen in "Help Wanted," "MuscleBob BuffPants," "The Great Snail Race," "The Sponge Who Could Fly" (archive footage from "Help Wanted" during the "Remembering SpongeBob" sequence), "Bummer Vacation," "No Nose Knows," "A Pal for Gary," "The Way of the Sponge," and "Sharks vs. Pods."

Third floor[]


Bubble Buddy 002

The staircase to the third floor is also green-colored and is found next to the library. SpongeBob's bedroom is found on the third floor, along with a hallway, and has red bamboo wallpaper on the right side and blue metal wallpaper on the left. The left side also contains a porthole window from which the inside of Squidward Tentacles' house can be seen.

In the middle, there is a bed that contains three white mattresses, bamboo sticks used to hold them together, a white pillow, and a green buoy with dark green rings. Above his bed is a diving board connected to a ladder, which appears to be used to jump from one room to another to put on his clothes, as seen in "Help Wanted."

Objects in his room include a foghorn that serves as an alarm clock, which sits atop a barrel, a food bowl from which his pet snail Gary eats, piles of newspaper near the bowl for Gary to sleep on, a toy treasure chest, a scallop that hangs in a birdcage, and a giant calendar.


SpongeBob's closet

Production artwork of SpongeBob's closet.

There is also a closet in the room, in which SpongeBob stores his pants.

The season 5 episode "Night Light" shows that there is another bathroom attached to the bedroom.

There is also an escape hatch to the grassy roof of the house, which is seen in "Jellyfish Jam," "Something Smells," "That Sinking Feeling," "Love That Squid," and "Gary's New Toy." This terrace is hidden by the leaves atop the pineapple.

In several of the early tie-in video games such as Operation Krabby Patty, SpongeBob's bedroom is on the first floor as SpongeBob's house appears to only have one floor in those video games.


SpongeBob's third floor contains an escape hatch to the roof. Most of the time, SpongeBob climbs onto his roof to avoid various types of danger, although he also runs up his wall to the roof in, "Best Day Ever" where Gary is revealed to be at the top of. The roof contains one unfurnished room with no ceiling, and the wall is made out of the green crown of the pineapple.


The attic is located on near the top of the pineapple as it has no wallpaper as seen in "Squidiot Box" where he was cleaning his attic until he finds the imagination box. The attic is where all of SpongeBob's old stuff is found.


Big Sister Sam 168

SpongeBob's house destroyed in "Big Sister Sam."

  • "Plankton!" - While under the control of Sheldon J. Plankton, SpongeBob walks through multiple walls of the house, destroying them in the process.
  • "Home Sweet Pineapple" - SpongeBob's pineapple house is destroyed by nematodes, but it grows back when SpongeBob plants the seed it got reduced to.
  • "Opposite Day" - SpongeBob and Patrick destroy the house on purpose, only to be fixed by Squidward, shortly afterward.
  • "Employee of the Month" - After Squidward boards the door shut, SpongeBob saws around the door, leading it to detach from the house.
  • "I Was a Teenage Gary" - Patrick runs through the wall of the house, creating a star-shaped hole.
  • "Dumped" - SpongeBob sinks his teeth into the pineapple, leading to tooth marks on the exterior.
  • "Shanghaied" - The anchor of the Flying Dutchman's ship crashes through the house.
  • "Frankendoodle" - DoodleBob erases part of the house.
  • "Procrastination" - SpongeBob's house catches on fire in his dream.
  • "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm" - A giant worm, which ravages the entire city of Bikini Bottom, destroys parts of the house. Alongside, the worm might've smashed the house along with the rest of Bikini Bottom after the worm falls off a cliff.
  • "Can You Spare a Dime?" - SpongeBob shoves his bed with Squidward on it out of his house, breaking the wall.
  • "SpongeBob Meets the Strangler" - Patrick and the Tattletale Strangler both run through the wall, leading to two large holes.
  • "Spy Buddies" - SpongeBob's house gets fried and turns black when a self-destructed patty explodes in Patrick's pants.
  • "Sing a Song of Patrick" - The house is destroyed by Patrick's song.
  • "The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom" - Rrarrg throws SpongeBob's house, along with Squidward and Patrick Star's house.
  • "Big Sister Sam" - Sam destroys the house in a rage, along with Patrick and Squidward's house.
  • "Gone" - Boatmobile crashes through the house's wall multiple times.
  • Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast - Jimmy's rocket sliced the house.
  • "A Pal for Gary" - Monstrous Puffy Fluffy chases after Gary around the house and causes various damage as the episode goes on.
  • "That Sinking Feeling" - SpongeBob's house, along with the rest of Bikini Bottom, sunk underground.
  • "New Fish in Town" - Squidward threw SpongeBob's house off a cliff with a bulldozer, along with Patrick's rock and Howard's trailer.
  • "A Friendly Game" - SpongeBob and Patrick opened up the first floor to turn it into a golf course, and caused various amounts of damage while playing.
  • "Mermaid Man Begins" - The house was blown away by a storm in a curly fashion.
  • "The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom" - Swallowed by the giant Krabby Patty.
  • "Home Sweet Rubble" - When SpongeBob's house rotted, his friends all pitched in to remodel it. However, a design oversight caused it to collapse, but it was soon replaced with a fully-furnished pineapple in a can.
  • "Glove World R.I.P." - A Glove World! roller coaster crashes in SpongeBob's library.
  • "Gary's New Toy" - The house catches on fire.
  • The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water - Ransacked by an angry mob during the apocalypse on Bikini Bottom.
  • "Unreal Estate" - Most of it is eaten by Patrick.
  • "Don't Wake Patrick" - Patrick makes a mess in the living room and threw a refrigerator through a wall while sleep-walking.
  • "Bunny Hunt" - Bunny Wunny destroys most of SpongeBob's living room while eating hot sauce. Later, when Patrick and the bunny crawls underneath the wallpaper, they knock over various things on the walls and ceiling.
  • "Chatterbox Gary" - After Squidward stole the translation collar and replaced it with a fake one, he spoke through the walkie-talkie and made SpongeBob create a big hole on the side of his house. Then he made SpongeBob attach wheels on the bottom and it rolled away. Luckily, the house rolled back and implanted back to where it was.
  • "Drive Happy" - SpongeBob destroys the front of his home to allow Coupe to enter. Coupe also destroys SpongeBob's bed, and leaves muddy tire tracks all over the house.
  • "Appointment TV" - SpongeBob's VCR goes haywire and causes a fire in the living room.
Present Falling on SpongeBob 22 Minute Birthday Blowout
  • "SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout" - The house was completely destroyed by all of the party goers throughout the episode. However, in the 22-minute version of this episode​​ the house is not destroyed.
  • "Pat the Dog" - Patrick (in his worm mode) destroys the living room while he chases Gary.
  • "The Big Bad Bubble Bass" - Bubble Bass destroys the house by burping it away to get the Pigulon action figure from SpongeBob and Patrick.
  • "Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah" - It is destroyed after SpongeBob blasts off while proving to his parents that he is wild. As a result, he temporarily moves to Avocondo Acres with his parents.


Truth or Square 649

SpongeBob's house being sentient in the episode "Truth or Square."

Sentient SpongeBob House

SpongeBob's house being sentient in the episode "Unreal Estate."

Just like Squidward's house, SpongeBob's house has shown sentience and has come alive on a few occasions.

  • "Procrastination" - SpongeBob's house can be seen on fire during SpongeBob's dream. It asks why it was set on fire, before then telling SpongeBob to stop wasting time and actually do his essay. In this appearance, the door simulates a mouth, while the upper window represents an eye (although the first floor window is not used as an eye).
  • "Ghost Host" - The Flying Dutchman possesses SpongeBob's house in order to scare SpongeBob. Its appearance in this episode is similar to that of "Procrastination." However, both windows are used as eyes instead of just one window.
  • "Truth or Square" - SpongeBob's house can be seen sentient in the "Rubber Hose Rag" song in Patchy the Pirate's World of Rare and Rejected SpongeBob Clips. It grows arms and legs to help SpongeBob go to the sentient Krusty Krab. This iteration of SpongeBob's house has the ability to grow arms and legs, a door mouth, and it has both windows for eyes (unlike in "Procrastination").
  • "Unreal Estate" - SpongeBob's house can be seen sentient during SpongeBob's flashbacks. It can be seen going down the slide with SpongeBob (crushing him in the process), taking photos in a photo booth, and playing pillow fight with SpongeBob. Although it has limbs like in "Truth or Square," this iteration of his house has no facial features.
  • The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run - When SpongeBob finds out that Gary went missing, the house becomes sentient and shouts his name. Its appearance here has no facial features besides the giant mouth.


Permanent residents[]

Temporary residents[]



  • While it is usually a golden-orange color, at nighttime it appears as a dark blue.
  • In "The Curse of Bikini Bottom," it is revealed that there is a dinosaur skeleton under SpongeBob's house.

A SpongeBob-themed villa, at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts in Punta Cana, has an exterior based on SpongeBob's house.

  • In "Squid Baby," it is mentioned by SpongeBob that his house contains an attic.
    • This would be later be confirmed 11 years later in the episode "Squidiot Box."
  • In the episode "Truth or Square," it shows that a cargo ship was carrying fruit, and a pineapple fell out of the ship and landed near Squidward's house; a door and windows suddenly appear.
  • The episodes "BlackJack," "Pet Sitter Pat," and "Bubble Buddy Returns" reveal that the post office uses "The Pineapple" and "The Big Pineapple" as alternates to "124 Conch Street."
  • The staircase inside SpongeBob's house is sometimes on the left side, and sometimes it's on the right side, or it could be on both sides.
  • In the episode "I'm with Stupid," after SpongeBob crashes into his house, Marty says, "That's unhealthy," after Janet says, "He lives in a fruit?" This is because of their stupidity.
  • In "Sandy's Rocket" and "One Krabs Trash," his bedroom is on the first floor, while it is usually on the third floor.
  • In "Procrastination," the voice for SpongeBob's house in his dream is provided by Dee Bradley Baker.
  • There is a game on TLC.com in which players have to match coupons to the correct item and one of the coupons has the pineapple house on it.
  • Sometimes, the garage at the back of SpongeBob's house is directly in the center, and sometimes, more off to the side. Sometimes, there's a back door in the center.
  • His house is sometimes shown as an actual pineapple and other times, it appears to be made of wood.
  • When one compares the outside and inside of SpongeBob's house, his house looks a lot bigger on the inside.
  • In the episodes "Help Wanted," "Pickles," "Employee of the Month," "One Krabs Trash," and "Best Day Ever," SpongeBob's bed is placed on the right side of his room, but in other episodes, his bed is on the left side.
  • If a straw is stuck in the side in the house, one could use it to drink the pineapple juice from it. This is demonstrated by the nematodes in the episode "Home Sweet Pineapple."
  • In the episode "Boating School," SpongeBob's library is located right where the staircase should be. Yet, in later episodes, the true passageway to SpongeBob's library is unknown though many instances show that it is located just before the stairs, supposedly if SpongeBob has a hallway connecting the stairs and the library.
Suds 023

SpongeBob's house frozen.


Open Letter to Nickelodeon, Re- SpongeBob's Pineapple under the Sea


