Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Granny Tentacles' Famous Tar Pit is a tar pit that was located in the prehistoric Bikini Bottom before it was moved to a museum in the present. It appears in the season 1 episode "The Prehistoric Patrick Star Show" in The Patrick Star Show.


It was a tar pit owned by the prehistoric counterpart of Granny Tentacles. In the present, it has dried and turned into concrete. This was taken out of the ground by construction workers and cut open, then they noticed that it contained a prehistoric family, so it was sent to a museum.

Role in series[]

After Patrick CaveStar flies out of their volcano house because of GrandPat, it lands on prehistoric Granny Tentacles' barbecue grill, causing Patrick's clothes to catch on fire. He quickly jumps into the neighbor's pool to put out the fire and then he calls his family to come and swim. They realize that they are in a tar pit only after the incident, because they notice that it is sticky. With the passage of time, in the present, a group of workers find the dried tar pit which they lift out of the ground and then cut in two. After cutting it open, they notice that the prehistoric family is trapped inside and immediately take it to the museum, where the Star family visits the fossil.
