Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

This article is a list of original music used in the series starting with the letter B.

List of original music contents

# · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M

N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

B.B.P.D. Suspense MIX[]

Main article: B.B.P.D. Suspense MIX

"B.B.P.D. Suspense MIX" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

B B High Marching Band Full Mix 3[]

"B B High Marching Band Full Mix 3" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Baby Gator[]

"Baby Gator" (alternatively known as Gator Pup) was composed by Steve Belfer.

Baby Sponge[]

"Baby Sponge" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

  • 81. "Friend or Foe" - Flashback to SpongeBob making a Krabby Patty for the first time.

The Baby Whale Walk[]

"The Baby Whale Walk" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Barry Anthony. The track is inspired by "Baby Elephant Walk" composed by Henry Mancini. It was composed before Barry Anthony's retirement in 2014.

  • 263a. "Who R Zoo?" - SpongeBob trying to feed the bubble sea monsters.

Backstage Jam[]

"Backstage Jam" was composed by Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, and Barry Anthony.

Bad Clarinet[]

"Bad Clarinet" was composed by James King.

  • 282a. "Arbor Day Disarray" - Squidward plays his clarinet for his tree; Squidward still playing his clarinet for his tree.

Bad Clarinet 2[]

"Bad Clarinet 2" was composed by Nicolas Carr and James King.


"BadClarinet" was composed by Eban Schletter. There are ten recordings of a badly played clarinet.

BadClarinet A[]

BadClarinet B[]

BadClarinet C[]

BadClarinet D[]

BadClarinet E[]

BadClarinet F[]

BadClarinet G[]




Bad Ghost[]

"Bad Ghost" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bad Joke[]

"Bad Joke" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

The Patrick Star Show[]

  • 3b. "Pat-a-thon" - No one laughs at Patrick's joke.

Bad Marching Band[]

"Bad Marching Band" (alternate title: "Big Marching Band") was composed by Brad Carow, Robert Lee Faust, and Ira Nepus.

Bad to the Spongebone[]

"Bad to the Spongebone" was composed by Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony, and Roberto Vergara. It features drums, a guitar, a bass guitar, and a saxophone being played.

Bad to the Spongebone[]

SpongeBob SquarePants[]

  • 87a. "To Love a Patty" - A table of tough guys is shown; tough guy eats "grilled shoe."
  • 154b. "The Hot Shot" - Another speedboat pulls up. (Bad to the Spongebone 2)

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]

  • 15a. "Hill-Fu" - Narlene puts the badge on. (high-pitched +1, sped up)

Bad to the Spongebone Alt[]

SpongeBob SquarePants[]

  • 87a. "To Love a Patty" - Squidward gives the Krabby Patty to the tough guy.

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]

  • 15a. "Hill-Fu" - Narlene's jacket changes. (high-pitched +1, sped up)

Were Rock Stars Now[]

Band1 SnailSong[]

"Band1 SnailSong" was composed by Eban Schletter.

The Patrick Star Show[]

  • 3b. "Pat-a-thon" - "Welcome to the first annual Pat-a-thon!" / Patrick sings about snails who can't dance.

Band2 ToThePanel[]

"Band2 ToThePanel" was composed by Eban Schletter.

The Patrick Star Show[]

  • 3b. "Pat-a-thon" - "Hey, everybody! I just bought a timeshare in the Black Lagoon!"

Band3 TheBoard[]

"Band3 TheBoard" was composed by Eban Schletter.

The Patrick Star Show[]

  • 3b. "Pat-a-thon" - The Pat-a-thon has raised zero dollars so far.

Band4 Board&Psychic[]

"Band Jam ALT" was composed by Eban Schletter.

The Patrick Star Show[]

  • 3b. "Pat-a-thon" - The Pat-a-thon has raised one penny.

Band Jam ALT[]

"Band Jam ALT" was composed by Eban Schletter.

The Patrick Star Show[]

  • 3b. "Pat-a-thon" - "Let's say hello to our Pat-a-thon phone bank!"

The Band Tunes Up[]

"The Band Tunes Up" was composed by Nicolas Carr. It uses the Orchestral Colours sample Intro Tune 01 Intro along with various orchestral sounds.


"Banjopants" was composed by Nicolas Carr. It's an instrumental version of "Narlene's Feuding Song".

Barbarian Fanfare[]

"Barbarian Fanfare" was composed by Nicolas Carr.


"Barnicles!" was comosed by Jason Dobrowner.

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]

  • 6b. "Hot Pearl-tato" - SpongeBob and Squidward go off into the woods; Moose Snail attacks SpongeBob and Squidward.
  • 21b. "Prickly Pests" - Urchins attacking everyone at camp.

Bass Drum Hit 2[]

"Bass Drum Hit 2" was composed by Nicolas Carr.


"Bassdrum" was composed by Jeffrey Lingle. There are 2 different versions.

Bassdrum f[]

Bassdrum pp[]

  • 245b. "King Plankton" - Plankton lands in front of the Chum Bucket.

Bathroom Nirvana[]

Main article: Bathroom Nirvana
"Bathroom Nirvana" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Battle Begins[]

"Battle Begins" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Battle Field[]

"Battle Field" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Beach Blanket Party[]

"Beach Blanket Party" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Beach Bunny from Miyazaki[]

"Beach Bunny from Miyazaki" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Beautiful Morning Trail[]

"Beautiful Morning Trail" was composed by Steve Belfer and Steve Cohen.

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]


Main article: Befuddled
"Befuddled" was composed by Pat Irwin.


"Behold" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]


"Bell" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bell & Sitar[]

"Bell & Sitar" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bell Hit[]

"Bell Hit" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

The Patrick Star Show[]

  • 3b. "Pat-a-thon" - "Ring! Ring! Give my phone life!"

Bell Jingles[]

"Bell Jingles" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bell Tree Gliss[]

Main article: Bell Tree Gliss
"Bell Tree Gliss" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Best Clarinet[]

"Best Clarinet" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Barry Anthony.

Big Baby Krab[]

Main article: Big Baby Krab
"Big Baby Krab" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Big Band Bumper 1-5[]

"Big Band Bumper 1-5" (alternate title: Big Band Bumber 1-5) was composed by Nicolas Carr. It uses the Optigan sample "Swing It!."

SpongeBob SquarePants[]

The Patrick Star Show[]

Big Band Bumpers[]

"Big Band Bumpers" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

  • 234b. "ChefBob" - "Hi, everybody! Who's hungry?"; The ChefBob Cooking with Insults Show.

Big Long Fall W Crashes[]

"Big Long Fall W Crashes" (alternate title: "Big Long Fall With Crashes") was composed by Nicolas Carr. It also includes Piati Crash and Nude Sting.

Big Tadah[]

"Big Tadah" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Big Time Dixieland Rag[]

"Big Time Dixieland Rag" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

  • 258b. "The Goofy Newbie" - SpongeBob making all the ice creams for the customers.

Big Top in 3[]

"Big Top in 3" was composed by Brad Carow. There are two versions.

Big Top in 3[]

Big Top in 3 Lite Mix[]

Big Top in 4[]

Main article: Big Top in 4
"Big Top in 4" was composed by Brad Carow.

The Bikini Bottom Ballroom Dance Band[]

"The Bikini Bottom Ballroom Dance Band" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bikini Bottom Bound[]

Main article: Bikini Bottom Bound
"Bikini Bottom Bound" was composed by Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, and Jeremy Wakefield.

Bikini Bottom High School Band Full Mix[]

Bikini Bottom High School Band Full Mix was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bikini Bottom Cops[]

Bikini Bottom Cops was composed by Nicolas Carr.

  • 313b. "Pinned" - ”To the cop mobile!”

Bikini Bottom Hillbillies[]

"Bikini Bottom Hillbillies" is an arrangement of the Optigan sample "Bluegrass Banjo" and was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bikini Bottom Mens Choir Ahhhs[]

"Bikini Bottom Mens Choir Ahhhs" (alternate title: "Bikini Bottom Mens Choir") was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bikini Bottom News Theme[]

"Bikini Bottom News Theme" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bikini Bottom Philharmonic[]

"Bikini Bottom Philharmonic" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bikini Bottom Police[]

Main article: Bikini Bottom Police
"Bikini Bottom Police" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bikini Bottom Public Access[]

"Bikini Bottom Public Access" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

The Bill Piano Crash[]

"The Bill Piano Crash" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bird Brains[]

"Bird Brains" was composed by Peter Straus and Steve Belfer. Stephen Hillenburg performed an electric guitar solo on this track.

Birth of the Krabby Patty[]

"Birth of the Krabby Patty" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Black Shadows[]

"Black Shadows" was composed by Eban Schletter. It features a vibraphone and an organ being played.

The Blacker Belt[]

"The Blacker Belt" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Blazing Baloney Western[]

"Blazing Baloney Western" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Blue Acres[]

Main article: Blue Acres
"Blue Acres" was composed by Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, and Jeremy Wakefield.

Blue Tide[]

Main article: Blue Tide
"Blue Tide" was composed by Sage Guyton and Jeremy Wakefield.

Bluesy Bender[]

Main article: Bluesy Bender
"Bluesy Bender" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bluesy Harpy[]

"Bluesy Harpy" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

  • 83b. "Waiting" - Patrick getting hungry

Boing ![]

"Boing !" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]

Bond Chord Surfs Up[]

"Bond Chord Surfs Up" was composed by Nicolas Carr. It features a short guitar sting also heard in Sponge Burgler and Evil Spy Sting.

  • 71a. "Whale of a Birthday" - "I'm going undercover."
  • 84a. "Spy Buddies" - "Spy buddies." (high-pitched +4); SpongeBob gets a quarter out of his pocket.

Bongo Crauy[]

"Bongo Crauy" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

  • 78b. "Best Frenemies" - Bongos overlay "Panther Prowl" and "City Heat."

Bongo Overdub[]

"Bongo Overdub" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]

Bongos Roll[]

"Bongos Roll" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Boothill Bell Sting[]

"Boothill Bell Sting" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Booting Up[]

"Booting Up" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Boring Morning[]

Main article: Boring Morning
"Boring Morning" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Steve Marston.

Born to be Dumb[]

"Born to be Dumb" (alternate title: "Born to be Dumb Western") was composed by Nicolas Carr. It features an electric guitar and drums being played.

  • 76b. "Hocus Pocus" - Squidward escapes with the motorcyclist. (high-pitched +1)
  • 92. "Atlantis SquarePantis" - Patchy's ultra rare Frampton Comes Alive 8-track. (pitch gradually gets lower)
  • 240a. "Bubbletown" - Bubble Buddy's motor scooter turns into a bubble motorcycle. (low-pitched -2)
  • 272. "SpongeBob's Road to Christmas" - Plankton's tattoo; "... I was born to be naughty."

Bowling for Clams[]

"Bowling for Clams" was composed by Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Spike Herring and Jeremy Wakefield.

The Patrick Star Show[]

Brahms Lullaby Full Mix[]

"Brahms Lullaby Full Mix" was composed by Jeremy Wakefield, Nicolas Carr, and Sage Guyton.

The Patrick Star Show[]

Brahms Lullaby steel Guitar pad[]

"Brahms Lullaby steel Guitar pad" was composed by Jeremy Wakefield, Nicolas Carr, and Sage Guyton.

The Patrick Star Show[]

Brain Massage[]

"Brain Massage" was composed by Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield.

Brass Jab[]

"Brass Jab" was composed by Nicolas Carr. It features a short brass sting and sounds very similar to Mermaidman Sting.

Breathing Underwater[]

Main article: Breathing Underwater
"Breathing Underwater" was composed by Nicolas Carr.


"BROKEN GLASS. NC. NC_2" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Broken Hearted Frycook[]

"Broken Hearted Frycook" was composed by Michael Bolger and Nicolas Carr. It is a sad, slow piece featuring an accordion being played.

  • 138a. "The Play's the Thing" - Start of play / "He had promise until he came to work here..." / "But, who will refill the empty chasm in my soul?"; "And then, there's my skinflint boss."
  • 170a. "Free Samples" - "Not this time, boy." (high-pitched +1)

Bubble Beat Box[]

Main article: Bubble Beat Box
"Bubble Beat Box" was composed by Theo Mondle.

Bubble Poppin' Boys[]

Main article: Bubble Poppin' Boys
"Bubble Poppin' Boys" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Barry Anthony.

Bubble Tension[]

"Bubble Tension" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bubbly Wubbly Huggly[]

"Bubbly Wubbly Huggly" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Bula Bula Bob[]

"Bula Bula Bob" was composed by Nicolas Carr. It features drums, percussion, bass and steel guitar being played. Only the very end can be briefly heard in the show.


Bula Bula Bob - SB Soundtrack

Bummin Around[]

"Bummin Around" was composed by Andy Paley.

SpongeBob SquarePants[]

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]

Bunny Buns Band[]

"Bunny Buns Band" was composed by Brad Carow and Nicolas Carr.

SpongeBob SquarePants[]

The Patrick Star Show[]

  • 3b. "Pat-a-thon" - Dr. Plankenstein destroying everything with a chainsaw.

Busted Bust[]

"Busted Bust" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

  • 292a. "SquidBird" - Squidward accidentally breaks his bust.

Button Ending[]

"Button Ending" was composed by Nicolas Carr.

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]
