This article is a list of original music used in the series starting with the letter D.
List of original music contents |
D Aug Pizz Swtnr[]
"D Aug Pizz Swtnr" was composed by Jeffrey Lingle.
- 245b. "King Plankton" - SpongeBob puts on his employee hat.
Daily Chores Jig[]
- Michael Bolger and Nicolas Carr. "Daily Chores Jig" was composed by
Dance Party[]
"Dance Party" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- . "SpongeBob's Legendary Dance Party" - Plays throughout
Danger at the Goo Lagoon Drum[]
"Danger at the Goo Lagoon Drum" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Tom Haydon.
- . "Separation Anxiety" - Patrick is glued to his surfboard.
Dangerous Milkshake Zone[]
"Dangerous Milkshake Zone" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Steve Marston.
- 181a. "License to Milkshake" - Training montage.
Dark Forces 2[]
"Dark Forces 2" (alternate title: "The Haunted Houseboat") was composed by Eban Schletter.
- 162. "Ghoul Fools" - SpongeBob and Patrick enter the houseboat. ("The Haunted Houseboat")
Dark Knight Battle[]
"Dark Knight Battle" (alternate title: "Dark Knight Battle w/ Electric Guitar Licks") was composed by Nicolas Carr.
SpongeBob SquarePants[]
- 66. "Dunces and Dragons" - SpongeBob and the Dark Knight fighting.
- 121a. "Sand Castles in the Sand" - SpongeBob's army / Patrick hides from SpongeBob's army / SpongeBob's army runs off / Ball of sand destroys SpongeBob's army. ("Dark Knight Battle w/ Electric Guitar Licks")
The Patrick Star Show[]
- 10b. "Klopnodian Heritage Festival" - GrandPat's flashback; "Thrown down your cream puffs, you Klopnodians!"
Death Bell[]
- "Death Bell" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Death Bell Sting[]
"Death Bell Sting" was composed by Nicolas Carr. It sounds very similar to Church Bell.
- 56a. "Born Again Krabs" - "Those are his socks."; "Let's go."
Death Metal Will Never Die[]
"Death Metal Will Never Die" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 300b. "In the Mood to Feud" - Rock music.
- 302-303. "Kreepaway Kamp" - Nurse Helga's motorcycle.
Death Metal Will Never Die Short with Guitar Solo[]
"Death Metal Will Never Die Short with Guitar Solo" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 251b. "Senior Discount" - Krabs plays loud rock music in the Krusty Krab.
Deck the Halls (ukulele & steel)[]
"Deck the Halls (ukulele & steel)" (alternate title: "Deck the Halls") was arranged by Sage Guyton and Jeremy Wakefield.
- 28. "Christmas Who?" - Little girl asks for a present/Squidward decides what to give to the little kid. ("Deck the Halls")
- 175. "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!" - Johnny and Frankie greet each other.
- 272. "SpongeBob's Road to Christmas" - Title card; “I'm gonna destroy you two!”
- 306. "Sandy's Country Christmas" - Sandy finishes her experiment.
"Deelicious" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 249b. "Insecurity Guards" - "Ooh, delicious."
Deep Shadows[]
"Deep Shadows" (alternate titles: "The Haunted Houseboat," "Darker Shadows," "Pale Shadows," "MysteriousShadows") was composed by Eban Schletter. It features a vibraphone, bassoon and organ being played, similarly to Something Creepy Looming.
- 162. "Ghoul Fools" - "It's probably just one of those fake haunted houses, you know, for babies." ("The Haunted Houseboat"); "Our engine room broke down." ("The Haunted Houseboat")
- 169b. "Planet of the Jellyfish" - Line of Jellien clones at Krusty Krab. ("Darker Shadows")
- 187b. "Séance Shméance" - SpongeBob reads from the sacred text. ("Pale Shadows")
- 259a. "The Ghost of Plankton" - "Pay close attention, squirt. This is how you scare someone." ("MysteriousShadows")
Descent Into Madness[]
- "Descent Into Madness" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Detective Hiroshi[]
"Detective Hiroshi" was composed by Nicolas Carr using "Hot Fuzz 05 112 C" from Big Fish Audio.
- 236a. "Call the Cops" - Krabs searching for the evidence room.
- 240a. "Bubbletown" - "I'm afraid the only sorting out your friend's going to be doing is in jail."
- 263b. "Kwarantined Krab" - SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mrs. Puff and Pearl escape from the freezer.
The Devil's Merry Go Round[]
"The Devil's Merry Go Round" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Version 1[]
- 172b. "Glove World R.I.P." - Mirrors break.
Version 2[]
- 220. "The Legend of Boo-Kini Bottom" - "Come to the Chum Bucket and witness the horrors of the Krusty Krab!"
Version 3[]
- 266. "Escape from Beneath Glove World" - Washing machine ride rolls around with SpongeBob, Patrick and the little kid inside.
"Dirgey" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Steve Marston. It features an accordion and bells being played, similarly to ShantyDirge.
- 135a. "Back to the Past" - Mermaid Man points to the graves of the older Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.
- 136a. "A Day Without Tears" - SpongeBob throws a Krabby Patty in the trash. (high-pitched +1)
Disco Feverish[]
"Disco Feverish" was composed by Nicolas Carr. It sounds similar to Chiho O's Disco.
- 123-124. "Truth or Square" - Disco theme.
Disco Furnace[]
"Disco Furnace" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Steve Marston.
- 294a. "Single-Celled Defense" - Plankton and Karen at a dance club.
DJ 2 Sc00pz Dubstep[]
"DJ 2 Sc00pz Dubstep" was composed by Ego Plum.
SpongeBob SquarePants[]
- 270a. "Goofy Scoopers" - DJ 2 Sc00pz's song.
The Patrick Star Show[]
- 44a. "Driven to Drive" - Music on radio.
Dobro Flashback[]
"Dobro Flashback" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 142a. "Trenchbillies" - Flashback starts.
Doing the Goober Rag[]
"Doing the Goober Rag" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 258b. "The Goofy Newbie" - Goofy Goober's training video; A few minutes later...; One hour later...; Patrick gets fired from Goofy Goober's.
- 289a. "My Friend Patty" - SpongeBob and Krabby Patty at Goofy Goober's.
Don't Breathe the Water[]
"Don't Breathe the Water" was composed by Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton and Jeremy Wakefield.
Don't Eat the Puffer Fish[]
"Don't Eat the Puffer Fish" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
The Donut Dilema[]
- "The Donut Dilema" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Doom Gong[]
"Doom Gong" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 76b. "Hocus Pocus" - "ENTER!"
Doomed Bell[]
"Doomed Bell" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]
- 9b. "Game Night" - "Oh no!"
Double Tongue Trp Cluster[]
"Double Tongue Trp Cluster" was composed by Jeffrey Lingle.
- 245b. "King Plankton" - Plankton gets licked by the tongue.
Down in Davie Jones Locker[]
- "Down in Davie Jones Locker" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
"DP02 HEROIC LAUNCH & CRASH" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 229a. "Doodle Dimension" - Portal to other worlds is shown; Doodle Sandy draws a vortex doodle.
- 310a. "Biscuit Ballyhoo" - The Science Scouts land on Mars.
"DP07 HELLO BABY" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 308b. "Unidentified Flailing Octopus" - "Looks like somebody failed eradication class."
- 310a. "Biscuit Ballyhoo" - Martian girl tries to sell biscuits.
"DP09 ITS THE ALIEN" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 196a. "The Fish Bowl" - SpongeBob and Patrick stiltedly greet each other; Sandy resumes observation; SpongeBob and Patrick get stilted; "Et tu, Gary?"
- 201a. "Sandy's Nutmare" - Chemistry set.
DR SET2-32-LR[]
"DR SET2-32-LR" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]
- 15a. "Hill-Fu" - The camp is empty; Patrick says Sandy got everyone but him.
Drama Gong[]
"Drama Gong" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 54. "Ugh" - Gong.
Drama Stings[]
"Drama Stings" was composed by Steve Marston. There are different variations.
Dramatic Piano End[]
"Dramatic Piano End" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 133a. "The Curse of Bikini Bottom" - "How could anyone live like this?"
Dramatic Tymp Roll[]
"Dramatic Tymp Roll" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 77b. "Rule of Dumb" - Overlays "Entry of the Heroes E."
Dream Chimes[]
"Dream Chimes" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 86a. "Roller Cowards" - Transition to dream.
Dream Out[]
"Dream Out" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 61a. "Fear of a Krabby Patty" - Camera zooms in on SpongeBob again.
"Dreamer" was composed by Nicolas Carr, Steve Sechi, and Kostas Varotsis.
SpongeBob SquarePants[]
- 293b. "Sandy, Help Us!" - "I'm sorry to interrupt, Science Officer Cheeks."
The Patrick Star Show[]
- 3a. "Lost in Couch" - Opening.
- 9a. "To Dad and Back" - Patrick and Rube exploring Cecil's stomach.
Dreamy Harp[]
"Dreamy Harp" (alternate title: Story Harp Gliss) was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 27b. "Life of Crime" - Patricks sees the balloons.
- 57a. "Krabby Land" - "Tell me more about summer break." (Story Harp Gliss)
Drowsey Reef[]
- "Drowsey Reef" was composed by Sage Guyton and Jeremy Wakefield.
Drum Creshendo[]
"Drum Creshendo" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 55a. "The Great Snail Race" - Drum roll.
Drum Drop[]
"Drum Drop" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 27a. "Prehibernation Week" - Rimshot.
Drum Machines Aint Cool[]
"Drum Machines Aint Cool" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
- 218b. "There's a Sponge in My Soup" - Toy monkey drum.
Drunken Sailor[]
- "Drunken Sailor" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Drunken Sailor Jig[]
"Drunken Sailor Jig" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Steve Marston.
- 128a. "Growth Spout" - Mr. Krabs climbs a hill.
(with tambourine)[]
- 88b. "SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget" - Patty gadget buried underground.
Drunken Sailor Solo Accordion[]
- "Drunken Sailor Solo Accordion" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Drunken Sailor Solo Concertina[]
"Drunken Sailor Solo Concertina" was composed by Nicolas Carr. It is a soundalike to Drunken Sailor (B).
- 116b. "To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants" - "What are you two doing?"
Drunken Sailor Transition[]
- "Drunken Sailor Solo Transition" was composed by Nicolas Carr.
Dueling Jingles[]
"Dueling Jingles" was composed by Eban Schletter and Jacob Fleisher.
The Patrick Star Show[]
- 21a. "The Patrick Show Sells Out" - Krabs and Plankton fighting over their jingles.
Dunces & Dragons Cues[]
The "Dunces & Dragons Cues" were composed by Nicolas Carr and Barry Anthony.
Dunces & Dragons Fanfares[]
The "Dunces & Dragons Fanfares" were composed by Nicolas Carr and Barry Anthony.