Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

"Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 13. In this episode, when SpongeBob's parents come to visit, their thirst for thrills comes as a big surprise.



Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah 001

Avocondo Acres.

The French Narrator introduces Avocondo Acres, a retirement community in Bikini Bottom, also shown to be the residence of Harold and Margaret SquarePants. They soon notice that their avocado house is rotting and quickly run outside just in time before it melts. While they wait for their house to be grown again, they decide to stay with SpongeBob. SpongeBob receives the call from his parents at his house and realizes that they haven't visited him in a while, so he thinks that he needs to mature himself to thoroughly prepare for their visit.

SpongeBob cleans his house as part of the preparation, with Patrick randomly appearing every time. When his parents arrive, SpongeBob maturely greets them and lets them come inside the house. SpongeBob's parents soon arrive, ready to hang out with him for his youthful nature, but soon find him acting mature. SpongeBob gives his parents an agenda of "adult" activities to do for the day. Harold is about to question him, but Margaret agrees for them to go along with the agenda. After the activities, SpongeBob places them in bed at 4:00 pm.

Harold and Margaret don't like SpongeBob's new personality, so they decide to sneak out of the house while SpongeBob is sleeping. They arrive back at the house at 8:00 pm, as SpongeBob gets mad at them. SpongeBob's parents want him to have some fun, so they take him outside. Margaret throws toilet paper on Squidward's house, with Harold forcing SpongeBob to join her. Squidward soon comes out of his house, with SpongeBob accidentally throwing toilet paper at him.

SpongeBob and his parents then drive to a wrestling center. SpongeBob first thinks that they are just there to watch, but his parents soon enter the ring for tag team wrestling against Los Diablos, as SpongeBob gets worried about them. SpongeBob enters the ring when he notices his parents getting pounded by the wrestlers, but it's soon revealed that his parents have already left the ring. SpongeBob runs from his opponent "El Muerte," later revealed to be Patrick, and his parents soon take him out of the ring afterwards.

Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah 168

SpongeBob's parents rollerskating.

Harold and Margaret next take SpongeBob to Roller Rink. SpongeBob first thinks that they will just skate through the rink, but his parents actually plan to skate across the town. SpongeBob chases them through various locations in Bikini Bottom, eventually heading back to SpongeBob's house. SpongeBob gets angry at his parents for acting wild when he just wanted to impress them, resulting in him going crazy and being flung through the house from the pressure of the soda bottles equipped to him. After the house is destroyed with smoke, SpongeBob lands asleep into Harold and Margaret's hands. They roller skate back to their house as they think it is now ready, claiming that they do not want SpongeBob to fully mature too soon. Patrick soon shows up as "El Muerte," about to chase down SpongeBob's parents, but soon stops to only ask for peanuts.


Amy Lewis announced they had begun doing background painting on the show on July 16, 2022, and this was the first episode they worked on. She did background painting for this episode between that date[2] and July 31, 2022.[3]

This episode was confirmed by Cartoonlounge.de on December 20, 2022.[4]


Background design[]

  • Art direction by Peter Bennett,[5] layouts by George Nachev, traditionally painted by Amy Lewis in gouache,[6] with the line and editing drawn digitally on top.[7][8]




Production notes[]

Fred Osmond

  • Osmond said that the episode was "hilariously written by Kaz and expertly plussed by Dave Cunningham and his crack team of cartoon magicians."[9][10]

Dylan 'Houston' King

  • King said that "drawing SB's folks was a lot of fun, especially Senior SquarePants - dude's head is a potato."[1]


 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Happy Sponge Chase Vibes - Nicolas Carr [Title card.]
  Aloha - Dick Walter [Opening.]
  Punctuations - Ralph Dollimore [Margaret and Harold smell their avocado rotting.]
  Hawaiian Farewell - George Elliot [Margaret and Harold's house has melted.]
  Dignity - Peter Yorke ["Take cover, Gary!"]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 34 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob laughs.]
  Bobmatisme - Achille Alberto Scotti [SpongeBob calls his parents.]
  The Pollywog Strut - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony ["My parents haven't seen me in a while!"]
  Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr [Close-up of SpongeBob.]
  Sanatized w-Choir - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob's living room sparkling.]
  Ripped Hide - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Montage of SpongeBob cleaning his house.]
  Hawaiian Party - Peter Dennis [Margaret and Harold arrive at SpongeBob's house.]
  Vibe Q Sting - Nicolas Carr [Margaret and Harold see SpongeBob acting mature.]
  Pink Lilac - Conrad Leonard [SpongeBob greets his parents while acting mature.]
  Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr ["One entrée later."]
  Red Stockings - Cedric King Palmer [SpongeBob gives his parents an agenda of "adult" activities.]
  Fast Asleep - Ernest Tomlinson [Margaret and Harold lying in bed.]
  New Student Solo Clarinet - Brad Carow [Squidward playing his clarinet.]
  Not Valid - Nicolas Carr ["Will you please stop that confounded racket?!"]
  Bridge 3 - Wilfred Burns ["Some grown-ups are trying to sleep in here!"]
  Squidwards Hair - Nicolas Carr ["What? Wait a minute!"]
  Even More Comical Cuts 1-5 - Ronald Hanmer ["Margaret, dear. I'm afraid our son has become, well, a fuddy-duddy."]
  Mambo Livre - Alec Gould [Margaret and Harold arrive back at SpongeBob's house.]
  Bluesy Bender - Nicolas Carr [Margaret and Harold walk inside.]
  Clowning Around Again - Barry Anthony ["We were just having a little fun."/"Okay, Mr. Mature, it's time for you to have some fun, whether you like it or not."]
  Mister Wobble - Jack Jordan [Margaret teepees Squidward's house.]
  WFL Parade Snare Drum - Nicolas Carr ["That is an order son!"]
  Mister Wobble - Jack Jordan ["C'mon killjoy!"]
  Loco for Lucha 3 - Nicolas Carr ["Masked luchador wrestling!"]
  Rio Grande - David Snell [It's tag team time! Los Diablos vs. Madre y Padre!"]
  Loco for Lucha-2 - Nicolas Carr [Margaret and Harold wrestling.]
  Mexican Fanfare 3 - David Snell ["Attaboy, SpongeBob!"]
  Mexican Fanfare 2 - David Snell ["For our next bout, it's El Muerte vs. Señor Peanut Bag!"]
  Punctuations - Ralph Dollimore ["El Muerte" enters the wrestling ring.]
  Buena Fiesta - Yvo Abadi, Manuel Dante, Mathieu Faivre, Miguel Saboga [SpongeBob running away from "El Muerte."]
  Whistling Rufus - Phil Kelsall ["I never even knew there was a 24-hour roller rink in Bikini Bottom."]
  Spongemonger - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob chases Harold and Margaret, who chaotically roller-skate across town.]
  Beautiful People (A) - David Walter, Dick Walter [Elevator music.]
  Spongemonger - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob continues chasing Harold and Margaret.]
  Tension Bits - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob gets angry at Margaret and Harold.]
  Hawaiian Misadventures B - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, and Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob acting wild.]
  Solo Steel 3 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob falls asleep.]
  Comic Consequences - Part 5 - Ronald Hanmer ["I wonder when he'll really grow up and be mature."]
  Buena Fiesta - Yvo Abadi, Manuel Dante, Mathieu Faivre, Miguel Saboga [Ending.]




  • This episode premiered as part of the 2023 event "Friday Nights on Nick."
  • This episode's premiere preceded a new episode of the Nickelodeon animated series Monster High.
  • This episode was paired up with a rerun of "Karen for Spot" during the original airing.[12]
  • In "BlackJack," Harold and Margaret live in their own house. Here, they have moved to a retirement community called Avocondo Acres.
  • If one looks closely at the newspaper Harold and Margaret were reading, the Chum Bucket can be seen in a picture.
  • When the two wrestlers smush SpongeBob's parents together, they look and squirm in a similar manner to the way SpongeBob and Squidward were smushed together in a scene from "SquidBob TentaclePants."
  • The fourth wall breaks in this episode when SpongeBob breaks one of the yellow flower clouds when he is bouncing destroying his house.
  • This is the first episode for several things:

Episode references[]

  • The production music track "Hawaiian Farewell" plays after Harold and Margaret's house rots, similar to the scene where SpongeBob loses his house to nematodes in "Home Sweet Pineapple," where the track also plays for the first time.
    • Harold and Margaret's house rotting scene was also similar to the scene where SpongeBob's house rots in "Home Sweet Rubble."
  • When SpongeBob and his parents were at Glove World, they skate on a roller coaster baring a striking resemblance to the Fiery Fist O' Pain from "Roller Cowards."

Cultural references[]


Patrick's house missing error

Patrick's house is missing.

Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah 115

But it appears in the next scene.

  • When Harold and Margaret go to Squidward's house to prank Squidward, Patrick's house is missing, although it appears in the next scene.
  • At the 24 hour Roller Rink, the incidentals seen outside the building are completely static and do not move.
The nurse's missing shoes and feet in Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah

The nurse's shoes and feet are missing.

  • When SpongeBob passes by the screen in the hospital, the Nurse's shoes and feet disappear.
Harold's Sleeve Error

Harold's sleeve error.

  • When Harold and Margaret skate their way back to SpongeBob's house, Harold's sleeve is uncolored for a few frames.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
German Das Avocado-Dilemma The Avocado Dilemma
Russian Мама, папа и сынок
Mama, papa i synok
Mother, Father, and Son
Spanish (American) La visita alocada de papá y mamá Mom and Dad's Crazy Visit
Spanish (European) La gran juerga de papá y mamá Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah

