June 10 is the 161st day of the year (162nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 204 days remaining.
- 2003: Jingle Smells was published.
- 2005: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie was released in theaters in Denmark.
- 2009: "The Slumber Party" and "Grooming Gary" premiered in Japan.
- 2010: "No Hat for Pat" and "Toy Store of Doom" premiered in Poland.
- 2013: "Squiditis" and "Demolition Doofus" premiered in Greece.
- 2014: The second movie title and poster was revealed.
- 2015: SpongeBob Comics No. 45 was released.
- 2016: "SpongeBob Checks His Snapper Chat" was released.
- 2017:
- "The Getaway" and "Lost and Found" premiered.
- "Unreal Estate" and "Code Yellow" premiered in Russia.
- "Kenny the Cat" and "Yeti Krabs" premiered in Japan.
- 2018: "Krabby Patty Creature Feature" and "Teacher's Pests" premiered in Russia.
- 2019:
- "Chatterbox Gary," "Don't Feed the Clowns," "Drive Happy," and "Old Man Patrick" premiered in Albania.
- "No Free Rides" premiered in Bangladesh.
- "Gary's Got Legs" accidentally premiered in Italy.
- 2020: Super Brawl Universe got updated.
- 2021: "Sandy's Rocket" and "Squeaky Boots" premiered in Kenya.
- 2022:
- "Pearl Wants to Be a Star" premiered in Central & Eastern Europe, Turkey, Poland, South Africa, Iberia, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Wallonia.
- "To Dad and Back" and "Survivoring" premiered in Australia and New Zealand.
- "The Haunting of Star House" premiered in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
- "Who's a Big Boy?" premiered in Austria and Switzerland.
- "Drive Thru" and "The Hot Shot" premiered in Kenya.
- 2023:
- "The Patrick Show Sells Out" and "Neptune's Ball" premiered in Canada.
- "Who's a Big Boy?" premiered in Latin America.
- 2024:
- "Best Served Cold" premiered in Germany.
- "Chum Bucket List" and "Big Baby Patrick" premiered in Israel.
- "The Switch Glitch" and "Prickly Pests" premiered in South Korea.
- "Sir Urchin and Snail Fail" premiered in China.
External links[]
- June 10 on Wikipedia