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"Welcome to my store!"
— Lynette

Lynette (リネット, Rinetto, Лінетт) is a fictional character in Namco's Soul series of fighting games. She is the shopkeeper created for the Armor Shop within Soulcalibur III, and an unlockable Bonus Character in the main game as well. She represents the "Tambourines" Create-a-Fighter discipline.

What lies in her soul is Joy.


Lynette's profile doesn't give too many details of her past or how she came to work with Cepheus. She's the one in charge of selling clothes and accessories, but she's in search of her life's calling.

She often saw her co-workers work hard to become what they've chosen as their careers, and usually compared herself to them. Even though she lived in a town in the Ukraine, she was yet to find something she would focus her energy on. One day, Cepheus, realizing her suffering, came and told her to be patient, that she didn't need to be like the others, and that she should take her time and find her answer.

Since then, Lynette has started to travel in search of an answer. She went from store to store, trying to work there while hearing others' experience and stories. She asked customers as well, and also took walks outside. Eventually she took other hobbies, like dancing and self-defense. Still nothing seemed appealing to her. She would still search, for the world is wide and full of surprises.


Her dream was...still undecided. At present, that was what she was searching for.
Lynette started working in the shop at a young age, and she had only seen the outside world over a counter. The shop that old man Cepheus ran was located in a town where the cultures of the east and west converge, which gave her the opportunity to see many cultures. She spends her day tending to clothes and armor, but she has yet to come across something that she would like to pursue for the rest of her life. She went through a period where she would compare herself to her fellow workers, some of whom already had a passion in their lives and became proficient in their chosen specialties.
"You have to be patient. There is no reason for you to be the same as the others," old man Cepheus would kindly tell her. "Take your time and find an answer that works for you."
From then on, Lynette searched for an answer that she could be satisfied with. She would go from one shop to another and listen to people's stories or try working there for a while. She would ask for stories of the outside world from customers. She would even take walks outside. She took up non-work related hobbies like dancing, playing music and even self-defense. Nonetheless, the answer refused to present itself. Everything seemed appealing to her.
All the vast world lay in front of her. Everything was so full of promise.[1]



Lynette has no stages of her own, but she appears on Tales of Souls mode as a "Prepare to Defend Yourself" challenge in the Lakeside Coliseum (caged version) among the other shopkeepers as the third opponent of a 3-characters Team Battle.


  • "Welcome to my store!"
  • "Can I help you find something?"
  • "You don't have enough money."
  • "Are you really going to buy anything?"
  • "Which one would you like?"
  • "Farewell, good luck! Please come again!"
  • "Thank you very much!"
  • "Congratulations!"


  • Lynette is easily the most childish, cheerful and innocent minded of the shopkeeper girls.
  • Lynette is the series' first and thus far, only Eastern European character.
  • Lynette appears first in the game's Shop, in charge of the Armor section. In her shop, the player can buy various parts pertaining to Create-a-Fighter mode, both male and female parts.
  • The tambourines first appeared as Voldo's Joke weapon in Soulcalibur II. In fact, at some points when you fight her in the Soul Arena mission Hard Workers, she sometimes will use Voldo's idle animation for a split second.
  • In Olcadan's ending, should he choose to sell Soul Edge, Lynette and Valeria make an appearance, but oddly not Hualin, the shopgirl who actually deals with weapons.
  • Like the other shopkeepers, Lynette uses various retail-related taunts that have little to do with the battle taking place.
  • Lynette's Destined Battle during Quick Play is Talim.
  • Lynette's ultimate weapon, Terpsichore, is named after one of the Muses of Greek Mythology, specifically, the muse of Dance.
  • Lynette bears a resemblance to Colette Brunel from Namco's Tales of Symphonia in appearance, personality, weapon choice, and English voice actress.
  • Oddly, Lynette's blouse, headdress, neck ribbon, and shoes appear in Soulcalibur IV and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny. Also, Setsuka's "Frilled Skirt" from her alternate costume resembles Lynette's, although at a longer length, and with a slit and gold trim.
  • Concept art unlocked as bonuses in Soulcalibur III reveal that Lynette was also initially designed to have brown curly hair.
  • Although Lynette's costume is made from Create-a-Fighter parts, her body build, voice as well as the texture of her skirt, the blouse and underwear are unique.
  • Lynette shares the same voice with Amy and Marienbard. They are all voiced by Heather Hogan.
  • Despite the fact that her birthplace is stated as Kiev in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (modern-day Ukraine), Lynette's name isn't Polish or Lithuanian (and is in fact anachronistic, as the name Lynette first appeared in that form in the poem Gareth and Lynette by Alfred Tennyson, published in 1872). However, there is Ukrainian equivalent of the English name Lynn, of which Lynette is a diminutive - "Ліна" (Lina).
  • Some of her moves are borrowed from Christie Monteiro or Eddy Gordo from Tekken.
  • Lynette and Valeria both have the logo of Nakamura Seisakusho, Namco's predecessor, hidden on their clothes. In Lynette's case, it's on the back of her panties.

Series appearances[]



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "SOULCALIBUR III". Soul Archive. NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. Archived from the original on March 20, 2020. Retrieved January 15, 2024.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j キャラクター|リネット (in Japanese). Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. Archived from the original on October 7, 2007. Retrieved May 31, 2024.
Soulcalibur Playable Characters
Introduced in Soul Edge CervantesHwangInfernoLi LongMitsurugiRockSeong Han-myeongSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaTakiVoldo
Introduced in Soulcalibur ArthurAstarothEdge MasterIvyKilikLizardman (Aeon)MaxiNightmareXianghuaYoshimitsu
Introduced in Soulcalibur II AssassinBerserkerCassandraCharadeHeihachiLinkLizardman (Generic)NecridRaphaelSpawnTalimYun-seong
Introduced in Soulcalibur III AbeliaAbyssAmyAureliaChesterDemuthGirardotGreedHualinLynetteLunaMiserOlcadanRevenantSetsukaStrife AstlarTiraValeriaZasalamel
Introduced in Soulcalibur Legends Lloyd Irving
Introduced in Soulcalibur IV AlgolAngol FearThe ApprenticeAshlotteDarth VaderHildeKamikirimusiScheherazadeShuraYoda
Story only: AzolaGerhildeHelmwigeShadow
Introduced in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny DampierreKratos
Introduced in Soulcalibur V Devil JinEzio AuditoreElysiumLeixiaNatsuPatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)ViolaXibaZ.W.E.I.
Introduced in Soulcalibur VI 2BAzwelGeralt of RiviaGrøhHaohmaru
Bonus characters
Soul Edge Siegfried!Seong Han-myeongSophitia!Sophitia!!
Soulcalibur II LizardmanAssassinBerserker
Soulcalibur III AbeliaAmyArthurAureliaChesterDemuthGirardotGreedHualinHwangLi LongLunaLynetteMiserRevenantStrifeValeria
Soulcalibur IV Angol FearScheherazadeShuraAshlotteKamikirimusi
Soulcalibur V Devil Jin (Katsuhiro Harada)