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Hildegard von Krone (ヒルデガルド��フォン・クローネ Hirudegarudo fon Kurōne), or Hilde (ヒルダ Hiruda) for short, is a character in the Soul series of fighting games.

Physical Appearance[]

Hilde's primary outfit in Soulcalibur IV consists of a suit of armor decorated with a wolf motif; an unusually practical attire, given the Soul series's reputation for mostly scantily-clad characters. Her secondary outfit is an elegant blue dress with her long, red hair let down. It has been described as a beautiful, yet non-sexualized costume for a woman, which is very uncommon in the Soul series. In Soulcalibur V, Hilde still wears armor but this time, it's decorated by a griffin motif. Her secondary outfit has a Three Musketeers theme.




Hilde's full name is derived from Old Germanic words "hild" and "gard", meaning "battle" and "enclosure" respectively, therefore her name means "enclosed area for battle" or even "battlefield". Her title "Von Krone" means "Of the Crown" which relates to her royalty.

Series Appearances[]



  • The symbol of Wolfkrone is, appropriately, the wolf, which adorns Hilde's armor in Soulcalibur IV. In Soulcalibur V however, her 1P and 2P costumes have a griffin motif.

Soulcalibur IV[]

  • Director Katsutoshi Sasaki describes Hilde as "the 'most alluring'" female character in Soulcalibur IV, because she is "a brave and noble warrior who fights with cunning grace, using a short sword for quick attacks and a spear to do some serious damage from afar.”[1]
  • Hilde's spear, "Frischer Himmel" carries the Wolfkrone banner.
  • In Hilde's Story Mode, Hilde is accompanied by her royal guard, Gerhilde, for the first two stages, but then she is unable to continue afterwards, and Hilde then goes on her own.
    • Gerhilde, as well as other soldiers of Wolfkrone that serve as Hilde's royal guard in other encounters with her in Story Mode (Siegrune, Waltraute, Schwertleite and Grimgerde) are named after Valkyries in Richard Wagner's opera Die Walküre, the second of four operas in Wagner's Ring Cycle.
    • Incidentally, the soldiers under Astaroth's command (Helmwige, Ortlinde, and Rossweisse) are also named after other Valkyries in that same opera, which (in addition to their similar outfits) could imply that they were also soldiers of Wolfkrone turned evil.
    • The only Valkyrie that wasn't represented as a bodyguard to either Hilde or Astaroth was Brünnhilde, however, a character named Brunhild appears as the enemy commander of the Rebel forces in a chronicle in the Chronicles of the Sword mode in Soulcalibur III.
  • In Scheherazade's Story Mode, Scheherazade brings Hilde along with her after she defeats the princess, some of her royal guards, and Siegfried on the fourth stage. This is so that Scheherazade can have a witness for the conclusion of her "story."
  • To explain the new features of Soulcalibur IV, Namco released Exciting! Soulcalibur Dojo, in which returning character Cassandra "taught" Hilde about the game's features.[2]

Soulcalibur V[]

  • As Hilde's screenshots and artworks suggest, her new weapon "Fruchtbare Erde" has a griffin-themed banner attached to it as a nod to her membership in the Schwarzwind. However, when zooming in on the artwork, "Wolfkrone" is visibly written on the banner.
  • Hilde's Critical Edge, Storm and Urge, is the English translation of Sturm und Drang, a proto-Romantic German movement in literature and music taking place from the 1760s to 1780s.
  • Oddly Hilde's new weapon looks very similar between her old default weapon and her ultimate weapon "Ga-Dreg & Ga-Boi".
  • Hilde's alternative costume is reminiscent of The Three Musketeers.
  • Hilde is one of only four characters to show physical signs of aging from Soulcalibur V's time skip. The others are Siegfried, Mitsurugi and Viola (once revealed to be Amy in a reboot universe sequel).

Soulcalibur: Lost Swords[]

  • She was described as "A highly mobile long-range fighter thar can charge up her power and release it for devastatiog one-hit attacks".

Soulcalibur VI[]

  • The dress that the younger Hilde wears in her Soul Chronicle is similar to her 2P outfit in Soulcalibur IV[3]


External links[]

Soulcalibur Playable Characters
Introduced in Soul Edge CervantesHwangInfernoLi LongMitsurugiRockSeong Han-myeongSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaTakiVoldo
Introduced in Soulcalibur ArthurAstarothEdge MasterIvyKilikLizardman (Aeon)MaxiNightmareXianghuaYoshimitsu
Introduced in Soulcalibur II AssassinBerserkerCassandraCharadeHeihachiLinkLizardman (Generic)NecridRaphaelSpawnTalimYun-seong
Introduced in Soulcalibur III AbeliaAbyssAmyAureliaChesterDemuthGirardotGreedHualinLynetteLunaMiserOlcadanRevenantSetsukaStrife AstlarTiraValeriaZasalamel
Introduced in Soulcalibur Legends Lloyd Irving
Introduced in Soulcalibur IV AlgolAngol FearThe ApprenticeAshlotteDarth VaderHildeKamikirimusiScheherazadeShuraYoda
Story only: AzolaGerhildeHelmwigeShadow
Introduced in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny DampierreKratos
Introduced in Soulcalibur V Devil JinEzio AuditoreElysiumLeixiaNatsuPatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)ViolaXibaZ.W.E.I.
Introduced in Soulcalibur VI 2BAzwelGeralt of RiviaGrøhHaohmaru
Soulcalibur IV
Soulcalibur IV (Broken Destiny)Soulcalibur MobileSoulcalibur IV (DC Comics)Exciting! Soulcalibur DojoThe Art of Soulcalibur: Broken DestinySoulcalibur IV UnlockablesSoulcalibur IV Original SoundtrackSoulcalibur Broken Destiny Best Of SoundtrackCritical FinishTower of Lost SoulsQuick MatchThe Gauntlet • Trials (Trial of Attack, Trial of Defence, Endless Trial) • Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Unlockables
AlgolAmyAngol FearThe ApprenticeAshlotteAstarothCassandraCervantesDampierreDarth VaderHildeInfernoIvyKamikirimusiKilikKratosLizardmanMaxiMitsurugiNightmareRaphaelRockSeong Mi-naSetsukaScheherazadeShuraSiegfriedSophitiaTakiTalimTiraVoldoXianghuaYodaYoshimitsuYun-seongZasalamel
Challenge of the GodsDistant Marsh (Sleeping Marsh) • Egyptian Temple - Sacred Flame (Egyptian Temple - Sand Cloud) • Grand Labyrinth - Corridor of Suspended TimeHall of the Warrior GodIce Coffin of the Sleeping AncientJyurakudai Villa - Virgin Snow (Jyurakudai Villa - Twill Damask and Brocade) • Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants (Grand Shrine of Palgaea - Sea of Decay) • Ostrheinsburg Castle Throne RoomOstrheinsburg Castle - Twilight (Dark Capital Ostrheinsburg) • Phantom PavilionSailor's Rest (Sailor's Rest - Twilight) • Star Destroyer Docking BayThesmophoros' Imperial Garden (Thesmophoros' Imperial Garden - Sunset) • Tower of Remembrance - Ancient GateTower of Remembrance - DegradationTower of Remembrance - Encounter (Tower of Remembrance - Omen) • Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of TimeVoiceless Volpe BridgeWolfkrone Monument
Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur VUnlockablesThe Art of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur: New Legends of Project SoulThe Making of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur V Original SoundtrackStory ~1607 A.D.~
AeonAlgolAstarothCervantesDampierreEdge MasterElysiumEzio AuditoreHildeIvyKilikLeixiaMaxiMitsurugiNatsuNightmarePatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)RaphaelSiegfriedTiraViolaVoldoXibaYoshimitsuZ.W.E.I.
Ancient Citadel: PeacetimeAncient Citadel: Under SiegeAstral ChaosAstral Chaos: PathwayCavern of Light and DarknessConqueror's ColiseumConqueror's Coliseum: Underground FightDenevér Castle: AssaultDenevér Castle: Eye of ChaosFree Imperial City: Old QuarterFree Imperial City CenterFu-Ma No Sato: Mechanical SpiderHouse of Valentine's Prague ResidenceLast Rites on the BattlefieldLuoyang: Grand Festival of Guandi TempleMt. Fuji the Holy: Hidden DragonPenitentiary of DestinyShrine of the Snake God PalgeaSinking Merchant ShipThe AdrianTorture ChamberTower of Glory: Most Holy DichotomyTower of Glory: Spiral of Good and EvilTranquil Wasteland Unknown ForestUnknown Forest: Dark NightUtopia of the Blessed