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Buffalo Horn
General Information
Wielder Voldo
Weapon Type Dual Jamadhar Katars
Power 8/10
Defense 6/10
Strength 3/10
Durability 5/10
Weight 2/10
"Recovers energy."
— In-game description

Buffalo Horn (バッファローホーン?) is one of Voldo's weapons in Soul Blade. The Buffalo Horns are one of Voldo's more useful weapons out of the ones he is given, the second best probably being the Pata. It is powerful, defensive and light, and also recovers health quite quickly. It looks like its name, being quite large compared to all of his other weapons in Soul Blade. It has large handles, and pincer-like blades, that are light yellow in colour.

It can be unlocked by completing Episode 8 of Voldo's Edge Master mode. Voldo accidentally stumbles upon a colosseum during his travels, where a contest is being held where the victor would be awarded with a weapon upon defeating all foes. After defeating Sophitia, Rock, Mitsurugi, and Siegfried, Voldo is awarded with Buffalo Horn.

Voldo's Weapons
Soul Edge KatarFull MoonIron ClawGuillotinePoison ArrowBuffalo HornPataSoul Edge
Soulcalibur Shame & Blame (1P)Shame & Blame (2P) • Edge Master's Katars
Soulcalibur II Manas & Ayus (1P)Manas & Ayus (2P)Cat ClawsTofana ScissorsShame & BlameIron RamHeavy JurKarma & MaraFull MoonSoul Edge (Complete)GuillotineTambourines
Soulcalibur III Manas & Ayus (1P)Manas & Ayus (2P)Cat ClawsTofana ScissorsIron RamGuillotineTambourinesThe Ancient
Soulcalibur IV Manas & Ayus (1P)Manas & Ayus (2P)JamadharCat ClawsTofana ScissorsGuillotineSoul EdgePasticcere
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Manas & Ayus (1P)Manas & Ayus (2P)Cat ClawsTofana ScissorsGuillotineSoul EdgePasticcereJamadhar
Soulcalibur V Manas & Ayus (1P)Manas & Ayus (2P)Cat ClawsTofana ScissorsGuillotineKitty PawsIkhtiraqThe Master
Soulcalibur VI Manas & AyusCerberusCat ClawsTofana ScissorsDecapitatorIkhtiraqJewel Hunter
Soul Edge Weapons
Mitsurugi KorefujiOnimaruIron SlasherKojiro's SwordWater MoonTwo Handed SwordFalxMurasame
Seong Mi-na ZanbatouTiger FangLong Handled SwordNagamakiHalbardMorning StarSickled SpearSpiked Mace
Taki Rekki-MaruIron FanMekki-MaruJutteGaea SwordKunaiTantoSpirit Blade
Li Long FalconSnake WindTitanPhoenixSteel DragonWhite TigerAsuraTwin Thunder
Voldo KatarFull MoonIron ClawGuillotinePoison ArrowBuffalo HornPataSoul Edge
Sophitia Omega SwordGaea SwordSword BreakerFire BladeBlue Crystal RodRapierApollo SwordValkyrie
Siegfried FaustGrimbladeAtlas SwordFlamberge7 Branch BladeHard Steel BladeClaymoreSoul Edge
Rock Battle AxStone ClubCrescent AxWar HammerTwin AxCross AxDouble TomahawkGreat Ax
Hwang Blue StormNippon BladeMountain BreakerThunderous FireFalchionSword of DawnMidas BladePhantom
Cervantes Soul EdgeMain GaucheDefenderJirotohKatana3 Bladed EdgeHeavy LanceSerpent's Tongue