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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

Parkour like a pro.

— Description, Sonic Lost World (Wii U)

Parkour[1] is a type of move that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It refers to a set of moves that enable the user to traverse walls or ceilings by performing several different actions, including running, jumping, vaulting, swinging and spinning.

List of parkour moves[]

Name Description Image
Hang Allows the user to grab on to handles and vines on a ceiling and swing across in the Wii U/PC version. After reaching the ceiling by using the Wall Climb, the player can press Snnwiidsxbuttondisco/Snnwiidsybuttondisco to grab hold and use the analog stick to move. The player can also hold WiiU-Button-ZR whilst moving to go faster.
Side Step Occurs only during a Wall Climb; when the player needs to move left or right as they climb a wall, they can tilt Left-Analog-Stick or Directional buttons (Nintendo 3DS) in the desired direction, then press WiiDSA/DSB to quickly hop to either side.
Vault Allows the user to vault over approaching low walls while Dashing in the Wii U/PC version. To use the Vault, the player must Dash toward a low wall.
Parkour Sunset
Vault Dash Only occurs during a Vault in the Wii U/PC version. To use the Vault Dash, the player can press WiiU-Button-ZR during a Vault right after climbing the ledge.
Wall Climb Allows the user to run up almost any wall. Typically, walls colored black and white cannot be climbed on. To use Wall Climb, the player must Dash towards the specific wall without stopping.
Wall Jump Only occurs during a Wall Climb or Wall Run; when the player needs to leap off a wall while maintaining their momentum, they can tilt the Left-Analog-Stick or Directional buttons (Nintendo 3DS) in the direction opposite of the wall's surface and press WiiDSA/DSB.
Wall Run Allows the user to run perpendicular on walls for a limited time. To use Wall Run, player player must Dash diagonally towards the specific wall without stopping.
SONIC LOST WORLD Wii U Screenshots 720p 1280x720 v1 6
Wall Spin Dash Only occurs during a a Wall Climb or Wall Run; If the player needs a boost while running on a wall, they can press WiiU-Button-ZL (Wii U/PC) or Snnwiidsxbuttondisco/ButtonIcon-3DS-Y (Nintendo 3DS) to go faster.


  • In real life, parkour is a sport that involves people performing tricks, usually in dangerous situations, (for example, performing a front-flip from one roof to the roof of a lower building, followed by a roll) all to keep one's speed and momentum.
  • If parkour is used to climb walls for an extensive amount of time in the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Lost World, the user begins to sweat.
  • According to an interview with Takashi Iizuka during Summer of Sonic 2013, parkour might possibly not be used in future Sonic games due to the moveset being specifically designed for Sonic Lost World.[2]


  1. Sonic Lost World (Wii U) Australian instruction booklet, .
  2. SWISS (9 August 2013). Summer of Sonic 2013: Takashi Iizuka Interview. The Sonic Stadium. Retrieved on 25 October 2020. "The parkour has been specifically designed for Lost World since it really suits our game as it stands now with its cylindrical stages and so forth. Moving forwards, we’re not really intended on keeping parkour but that’s not set in stone. We’re just not planning on it being in the future games right now."

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