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This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic Boom continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

The Gatling Elite[1] is an enemy that appears in the Sonic Boom series. It is a mass-produced model of Destruction Troops created by Lyric the Last Ancient. One of Lyric's most elite warriors, they can shoot energy blasts in a berserker-like fashion.


The Gatling Elites are tall and very bulky robots with dark red armor and black joints. Possessing a massive upper torso, they have broad round shoulders with thin arms, laser cannons for forearms, long and pointy elbows, and three clawed fingers. On their chest, they have a purple eye with yellow-green sclera, a slit-like pupil and armored eyelids with an adjustable horn on top. They also have a medium-sized waist with yellow-green lines, a round pelvis, and three black legs covered in dark red armor.


The Gatling Elites were made by Lyric the Last Ancient about a millennium ago to aid with his plans to destroy the earth's lifeforms and conquer it. When Lyric was imprisoned before reaching his goal, the Gatling Elites were shut down.[2] However, Lyric left some of them behind to be found as a contingency plan so the finders would set him free to learn the Gatling Elites' secrets.[3] When Lyric was released in the present, he reactivated and/or reclaimed his Gatling Elites to have them aid his schemes and battle Team Sonic.

The Gatling Elites are very rare enemies which are only fought a few times as small minibosses in the last levels of the game. The player encounters them in Ocean Purification Plant, Creeper Gorge, Sky Citadel and Lyric's Lair. In gameplay, the Gatling Elites have three attack methods: the first is unleashing a short-ranged shock wave around them, the second is deploying five stationary mines around itself which cause damage upon contact, and the third is shooting a rapid barrage of beams at the characters. Since most of their attacks cat hit the characters from any distance though, they do not move very often.

The Gatling Elites are some of the strongest and most dangerous enemies in the game: their attacking methods ensure maximum damage and they have a large amount of health. Also, their size make them impossible to be lassoed with the Enerbeam. If the player can stun them though, the player can lank the Gatling Elites with the Enerbeam by pressing WiiDSA to instantly destroy them, during which they will shoot until they overheat and blow up. When defeated, the Gatling Elites release six Rings and a varying amount of Robot Scrap.

After Team Sonic defeated Lyric, all the Gatling Elites were subsequently scrapped.


At their core, the Gatling Elites are mindless and silent drones unwaveringly loyal to Lyric the Last Ancient, having been programmed to obey his every command.[2] Their loyalty is only superficial however, as the Gatling Elites are just soulless machines adhering to their programing, meaning their allegiance can easily shift when someone else takes control of them.

Powers and abilities[]

The Gatling Elites are impressively tough robots, capable of withstanding excessive amounts of damage. Equipped with energy cannons, they can project harmful green energy as either a short-ranged shockwave by releasing it into the ground or energy beams, though extensive usage of the latter will make them overheat. They can also temporarily cloak their entire bodies in a blue force field, making them invulnerable to harm.




  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. The Cutting Room Floor. Retrieved on 6 March 2015.
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 SONIC BOOM. Characters: Lyric the Last Ancient. Archived from the original on 23 March 2016. Retrieved on 25 July 2014. "As seen in the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games, Lyric is the last of his kind from an ancient civilization who lived a millennium ago. His race was devoted to peacefully controlling the world’s resources. Driven mad by power, Lyric turned on his fellow Ancients and took control of the resources. Building an army of robots programmed to obey his every command, the deadly snake-like villain set out to destroy everything organic and create a world of twisted metal and robots. However, just before he could successfully take over, he was attacked by the last surviving Ancients and imprisoned forever. With his army shut down and his plans ruined, he waited in prison plotting his revenge. Years passed and Lyric began to give up hope. That is, until Sonic comes across him. Now with his army rebooted, and his plans in place, the only thing stopping Lyric from total victory is Sonic and his friends."
  3. ↑ Big Red Button Entertainment (21 November 2014). Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. Wii U. Sega. Area/Level: Abandoned Research Facility. "Dr. Eggman: Eggman. Dr. Eggman. But you can call me Dr. 'the guy who set you free so you can give me the secrets of your technology so I can be even more powerful than I already...' you know what? Just call me 'boss.' / Lyric: Who do you think made these robots and left them for you to find, you pathetic waste of carbon!"

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