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The Burning Fire Boost is a move that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is one of Burning Blaze's techniques, and a much stronger version of her Fire Boost, where she launches herself forward with a burst of energy.
When performing the Burning Fire Boost, Burning Blaze releases a fiery burst of red/pink energy from around her that launches her in a forward direction at speeds rivaling the Super Sonic Boost and with enough force to break through meteors.
In gameplay, the Burning Fire Boost is used to attack objects by ramming into them. Performing the Burning Fire Boost also appears to make Burning Blaze unaffected by attacks in certain situations: as seen in the Sonic Rush series, the Burning Fire Boost allows Burning Blaze to pass harmlessly through most attacks without any side effect.
Game appearances[]
Sonic Rush series[]
Sonic Rush[]
In Sonic Rush, the Burning Fire Boost is a move only Burning Blaze can use during the Egg Salamander boss battle in Exception. In this game, the Super Sonic Boost takes the form of a red and pink, cone-shaped aura that surrounds Burning Blaze from the waist down.
In gameplay, the Burning Fire Boost is a medium-ranged offensive dash whose direction the player can control. It is used to blast through the meteors that appear during the early stages of Exception. In addition, the move can be used by the player to pass through certain attacks from the Egg Salamander without any side effect. However, it cannot be used to damage the Egg Salamander. To perform the Burning Fire Boost in gameplay, the player must press .
Sonic Rush Adventure[]
In Sonic Rush Adventure, the Burning Fire Boost is a technique used exclusively by Burning Blaze in Deep Core during the battle with the Egg Wizard. In this game, the Burning Blaze looks exactly like how it was in Sonic Rush, except it takes the form of a cone surrounding Burning Blaze's entire body.
In gameplay, the Burning Fire Boost works just like it did in Sonic Rush. It is mainly used to shoot through the meteors that appear early on through Deep Core and to avoid or dash harmlessly through attacks from the Egg Wizard. To perform the Burning Fire Boost in gameplay, the player must press /.
The term "Burning Fire Boost" was actually derived from this wiki, but the name was used in official Sonic the Hedgehog material in Sonic Universe #58.[1]