Archie Sonic Super Digest Issue 15 is the fifteenth issue in the Sonic Super Digest comic series published by Archie Comics.
Official solicitation[]
- Sonic Comic Origins continues this month with an ALL-NEW story featuring Razor the Shark! This never-before-seen tale showcases an EXCLUSIVE back-story to the underwater side of the new Sonic Comic universe with one of the most popular new characters to debut in the series! It's a real splash this month in Sonic Super Digest! Plus, don’t miss all the classic fun and adventure you love in stories from the comics’ 20+ year history as Sonic and his friends embark on daring adventures, face evil villains and save the day one chili dog at a time! Race into the fun that only Archie Comics and Sonic Super Digest can bring! Featuring super duper cover art from Tyson Hesse and story & art from the biggest names in Sonic comics history!
Featured stories[]
Sonic Comic Origins - Castaway[]
- Writer: Ian Flynn
- Pencils: Adam Bryce Thomas
- Inks: Rick Bryant
- Colors: Matt Herms
- Letters: Jack Morelli
Sonic and Razor are surfing on the waves near Meropis Bay while exchanging friendly banter. Sonic thanks Razor for the experience since the hunt for the Gaia Temples has proven strenuous to him. Razor apologizes for the Eusebes Shrine not being one of the temples, but Sonic assures him it is fine as he recalls Razor not originally being from around the area. Razor confirms this, explaining that he once sailed with a crew and that they ended up going their separate ways following a philosophical disagreement, with the crew making it clear that Razor would not be welcome back.
After being abandoned by them, Razor wound up at the Eusebes Shrine, where he was found by Pearly the Manta Ray and Coral the Betta, the latter of whom fed Razor and helped him recover. Razor noticed she was lonely and asked her about the nearby city, Meropis. Coral explained that there were objections to her being selected as the temple priestess instead of Princess Undina, and that she does not get many visitors. Razor initially did not intend to stay at the shrine, but would soon find himself defending it from Captain Striker the Mantis Shrimp and the Meropis City Guard, who believed he was behind a recent string of robberies despite Razor denying any involvement. Coral defended him, arguing that Razor had been at the shrine the entire time and would not do such a thing. Before Striker could press the matter further, he was informed by Echo the Dolphin that the thief had been caught in the royal treasury, and they departed. Razor then decided to stay at Coral's side in order to defend the shrine and its inhabitants.
In the present day, Sonic teases Razor about him being in a relationship with Coral, which Razor quickly denies. Sonic decides to return to the Sky Patrol to continue the search for the Gaia Temples and bids Razor farewell, leaving the shark to ponder whether Coral would actually be interested in him.
- Coral the Betta
- Captain Striker the Mantis Shrimp
- Crusher the Chao
- Echo the Dolphin
- Pearly the Manta Ray
- Princess Undina (mentioned)
- Razor the Shark
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Prime Zone
- Sonic's World
- Northern Oceans
- South Ocean
- Meropis
- Meropis Bay
- Meropis
- South Ocean
- Northern Oceans
- Sonic's World
Races and species:
Reprinted stories[]
Sticks and Stones[]
The Silver Age Part One[]
Cold Hearted[]
Back in Business[]
Babylon Rising Part One: Remembrance[]
Spark of Life Part Three[]
- This issues cover artwork and Sonic Comic Origins story was originally intended for the now cancelled Sonic Super Special Magazine #15, which was originally intended for release in June 2015. Coincidentally, both books share the same issue number.
- In "Babylon Rising Part One: Remembrance", a line in which Rotor mentions Elias Acorn is edited to remove said reference.
Preview pages[]
External links[]
- Sonic Super Digest Issue 15 at Mobius Encyclopaedia, the Archie Sonic wiki.