SNK Wiki

Shinkuu Nage (真空しんくう; Vacuum Throw) is one of Geese's Throws & Rock Howard's Special Moves in both the Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series, first appearing in Fatal Fury Special.

Most appearances (as a normal throw in KOF or CVS)
or +
Most appearances (as a command throw)
Shinkuu Nage (old input)
+ or (MOTW, CVS2, NGBC, MI-to-MIRA)
Shinkuu Nage (current input)
+ or ( OK, KOF XIV onwards)
Hold then Release during Shinkuu Nage (MOTW, NGBC)
Hold then Release during Shinkuu Nage (CVS2)
+ (KOF XIV onwards)


In the case of Geese, he grabs his opponent's top and circle-throws them to the opposite side of the screen (via waving his arms as they fly away), striking a flexing stance afterwards.

In the case of Rock, he grabs his opponent by their ankle and does the same throw as his father, pumping his fist in a stance afterwards. What makes Rock's version different however is his ability to brake it with at the apex of the throw, allowing for follow-ups.

Rock can also perform the unique follow-up of Rasetsu (羅刹らせつ; lit. "Rakshasa"), where he fires a blast of energy from his palm at his falling foe - while this would originally be a manual input (mainly done by holding down the brake input), it would be incorporated as the version in his King of Fighters appearances, and merely the version after using Deadly Rave EXT in The King of Fighters XV.


To be added soon...

