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"They're all here - warriors from the greatest fighting video games of all time. Only one shall emerge victorious. Let the battle begin!"
—Arcade Tagline

Neo Geo Battle Coliseum (ネオジオバトルコロシアム), abbreviated as NGBC and NBC, is a 2-on-2 tag team fighting game for the Atomiswave arcade board. A four-volume manhua for this game was also released.


The official story, as given by SNK Playmore, is as follows:

"In February, 2017 of the new Japanese era there is a man trying to rule the NEOGEO World. "I will topple NeoGeo's most powerful warriors and put myself on the throne!" We knew that if he managed to obtain NeoGeo world's awesome power, world domination would not be far from his reach. This man, who sat at the heart of "The Warez Conglomerate" with overwhelming financial power behind him, had already set out on his ambitious path to gain NeoGeo World's power. Those who knew the truth of his intentions were already trembling with fear... As NeoGeo World drew closer to the verge of disaster, a Warez sponsored fighting competition was announced. This event is called "NEOGEO BATTLE COLISEUM". The Federal Government is worried about the situation, and has secretly dispatched its two best secret agents, Yuki and Ai. A world on the verge of eternal darkness… The future of NEOGEO World is now in the hands of the warriors."


The game system of the arcade NGBC, as previously mentioned, is a 2 vs 2 tag battle, regardless to how many players are playing. While the 2-player game system is similar to most tag-team systems of other games, the single player system is unusual.

The game's single play is more like a survival battle, where the player must beat enemies after enemies as long as possible. However, the game gives the player 300 seconds, and when time-out occurs, instead of win or lose, the player will face the boss (depending on how well they perform). Only at this point of time is when time out will determine the victor.

During a single-play, the rule is to defeat ANY member of the team, not both team members. That is, unlike most tag-team systems, but similar to Kizuna Encounter or Bandai Namco's Tekken Tag Tournament, where all opposition must be beaten in order to win, in NGBC, the player only needs to beat up one member of the team to win, without the need to fight the other member if the former is defeated.

The survival battles are divided into rounds of 3 battles, and after a player manages to clear 3 opponent teams, they are given a chance to use one of the three game services provided:

  • The first is to gain more time. Extra time helps the player to beat more teams, which is so because the game records the number of teams defeated in the hi-score table.
  • The second is to gain full power gauge. This is simply to blow the opposition away as soon as the next battle starts.
  • The third is adding more life. Self-explanatory, especially due to the winning condition mentioned earlier.
  • The fourth is to not use any of the three game services provided above.

In terms of control layout, every character uses a control scheme that is akin to The King of Fighters in terms of button layout, cancels and movement options, only with a few functions scrapped.

Playable Characters[]

The game features characters from the following titles and/or series:

This game is also noticeable for the introduction of several original characters developed for this game, who are the following:

Yuki, an agent of the Federative Government of New Japan, in the NEOGEO World. He is something of a pseudo-hero, and thinks high of himself, but his personality is kind of goofy sometimes, and also thinks is the best mechanical fighter in NEOGEO World.
Ai, other agent of the Federative Government of New Japan. She is a cheerful girl that loves to play the Neo Geo and (especially) the Neo Geo Pocket, and also is the type of person that will ignore her job to play the newest Neo Geo Pocket game.

Original Characters[]



Characters from SNK Playmore series[]

From The King of Fighters series[]

Kyo Kusanagi

Iori Yagami



From the Fatal Fury series[]

FF Sub-series[]

Terry Bogard

Geese Howard

Mai Shiranui

Kim Kaphwan

Jin Chonshu

Jin Chonrei

Tung Fu Rue

Wolves Sub-series[]

Rock Howard

Hotaru Futaba

From the Art of Fighting series[]

Robert Garcia

Lee Pai Long

Mr. Big

From Buriki One[]

Mr. Karate II (Ryo Sakazaki in his Buriki One persona)

From the Samurai Shodown series[]

SamSho Sub-series[]


Genjuro Kibagami


64/Warriors Rage Sub-series[]



From the World Heroes series[]

Hanzo Hattori


Fuuma Kotaro

From the Metal Slug series[]

Marco Rossi

Mars People

From The Last Blade series[]

Kaede (in his Awakened form)

Moriya Minakata

Akari Ichijou

Keiichiro Washizuka

From Athena[]


From the King of the Monsters series[]

Cyber Woo

From Aggressors of Dark Kombat[]

Kisarah Westfield

From the Savage Reign/Kizuna Encounter series[]

King Lion/Shishioh (hidden character because King Leo is his palette swap and is a unique NPC boss, hence the different name)


Original Bosses[]



From the Savage Reign/Kizuna Encounter series[]

King Leo/Shin Shishioh

From the World Heroes series[]

Neo Dio

Cameo Characters[]

Within Characters[]

Yuki transforms into Duke Edwards from Burning Fight during his Submarine Screw attack.

Yuki and Ai transform into Atomic Guy from King of the Monsters during their double assault.

Marco summons Hyakutaro Ichimonji and a SV-001 during his special attacks. His teammates Eri Kasamoto, Tarma Roving and Fio Germi all appear in one of his victory animations.

Akari summons Youkai Kusaregedo, Gandara, Earthquake and Nicotine Caffeine from Samurai Shodown, Juzoh Kanzaki from The Last Blade, Ryuhaku Todoh and Honki ni Natta Mr. Karate from Art of Fighting, Sokaku Mochizuki from Fatal Fury and Orochi Iori from The King of Fighters during her special attacks.

Kisarah summons Joe Kusanagi from Aggressors of Dark Kombat during her special attack.

Neo Dio summons Geegus from World Heroes during his special attack.

Stage Cameos[]

The King of Fighters series[]

Fatal Fury series[]

Art of Fighting series[]

Samurai Shodown series[]

King of Monsters series[]

Ikari Warriors series[]

Savage Reign series[]

Other Games[]

Cool Cool Toon[]
  • Spica
  • Amp
  • Yusa
Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy[]
Robo Army[]


Arcade & PlayStation 2 Stages[]

Note: Each stage has two versions, and some stages are homages to classic Neo Geo games.
Stage Stage Name Description Notes
Antenna-1 Also called the Military Base Stage (基地ステージ?), the stage takes place at a base that is apparently used by the Ikari team,[1]:153 taking place on a balcony next to an antenna station surrounded by snowy mountains (possibly located in the North Pole). In the background are three large radio telescopes. In the daytime version of the stage, balloons bearing the words "SNK PLAYMORE" can be seen floating in the background and a cameraman named Jin[1]:153 records the fight. In the night-time version of the stage (Antenna-2), the cameraman and balloons disappear and the flashing lights can be seen around the sub-reflector of each radio telescope. Only in the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.
Castle-1 Also called the Japan Stage (日本ステージ?), it takes place inside a castle that has yet to be named, which is apparently the home of a kunoichi named Kaname.[1]:154 The background of the stage features two byōbu (with the one on the left being Wind God and Thunder God by Tawaraya Sōtatsu and the one on the right being Karajishi by Kanō Eitoku), three signs (with one of the signs asking visitors to take their shoes off, and another asking not to light any fires), two lit floor lamps, a spear rack on the right of the stage, and a staircase to the left of the stage. A castle that resembles Himeji Castle can be seen outside.
Castle-2 is set at night. The visitors and signs are now gone but the floor lamps remain.
Only in the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.
Image-1 Also called the Cavern Stage (洞窟ステージ?), the stage takes place inside a cave that is apparently a part of the "Cool Cool Town" theme park.[1]:154 Features stone pillars, fire pyres, small ladders, a videographer, a small bridge, metal structures, a neon sign with the phrase SNK BATTLE COLISEUM.
In Image-2, the stage is now coloured red, apparently the result of the temperature control malfunctioning.[1]:154
Only in the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.
Kurukuru-1 Also called the Cool Cool Town Stage (クルクルタウンステージ?), it is located in a theme park appropriately called "Cool Cool Town"[1]:154 based around the game Cool Cool Toon. Features the characters of the game as statues, the entrance of the park, a version of Pao Pao Cafe, with tables, chairs, a menu board, buildings, rope barriers, a castle, lamp posts, neon signs. In the other version of the stage, the park is closed. Only in the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.
KOM-1 Also called the King of Monsters stage (キングオブモンスターズスージ?).[1]:155 It is set out in what appears to be a desert, at sunset. In the background, the large skeletal remains of what appears to be Geon can be seen grappling with a large, decaying robot that resembles Cyber-Woo. Rosa can be seen standing in the middle of the stage and a videographer dressed as a cowgirl, named Rex,[1]:155 stands on the right side of the stage, recording the fight.
KOM-2 is largely the same although it is set at night and there's nobody around.
Only in the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.
Last Resort-1 Also called the NEOGEO Mecha stage (NEOGEOメカステージ?), it is located in what is a weapons exhibition hall for shady organisations.[1]:153 In the middle of the stage is the fighter jet from the game Last Resort. To the left of the stage is platform that holds one of the mechs from Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy. On the right side of the stage has platform with the ship from Alpha Mission II (called ASO II in Japan). In between the Last Resort and Top Hunter platforms is a videographer, named Luke,[1]:153 recording the fight. In the middle of the stage, a secretary (who is apparently Rugal's[1]:153) watches the fight, holding a tray of drinks.
Last Resort-2 is mostly the same except a few people are missing and the stage is now slightly blue.
Only in the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.
Last Resort-2
Planet-1 Also called the Planetarium Stage (プラネタリウムステージ?),[1]:153 it takes place inside a blue planetarium that seems to be called "SNK/PLANET." In Planet-1, Rocky stands at the centre of the stage, recording the fight. To the left of the stage, Brian Battler can be seen fiddling around with the navigation console, seemingly confused by it. To the right of the stage, Heavy D! can be seen reading one of the many monitors and panels that dot the stage as Lucky Glauber talks to him.
Planet-2 is set at night with the planetarium closed. A few of the monitors are still turned on but the planetarium projector is now shut off. Apparently, Brian Battler had broken the navigation panel earlier that day and is now under repair.[1]:153
Only in the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.
Column-1 Also called the Dragon Shrine Stage (竜の祠ステージ?), it takes place on a small island that holds what is apparently a dragon shrine, located somewhere near the UK.[1]:154 Six columns with an upside-down triangle carved into them surrounds a statue of dragon that stands on top of a pedestal. At the bottom of the pedestal lies the dragon statue's head. On the platform that holds the pedestal, Kain can be seen standing on top of it while a videographer sits next to him, recording the fight. To the left of the stage, Grant stands right next to the platform and a blimp with the words "SNK Playmore" etched onto its sides can be seen high in the sky on the right side of the stage.
Column-2 is set at night. The stage is devoid of people and the blimp can no longer be seen though the dragon statue's eyes are now glowing.
Only in the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.

Boss Stages[]

These stage are available in all versions of the game.

Stage Stage Name Description Notes
Mizuchi Also called Orochi Stage (オロチステージ?),[1]:155 it is Mizuchi's stage. Set inside what appears to be the courtyard of an unknown castle. At the start of the match, the three portcullises seen in the background can be seen lowering their wrought iron doors. Between each of the portcullises are two blue banners; the banner on the left has an image of a snake whilst the one on the right has the Kusanagi sword. A small amount of snow can be seen falling onto the ground, and the centre of the stage has what appears to be a blue circular dais.
King Lion Also called Shin Shishiou Stage (真・獅子王ステージ?).[1]:155 As the name suggests, it is King Lion's stage. Set in the same place as Mizuchi's but with many differences. No longer snowing, the entire stage is now coloured orange and red; the only blue being the hallway seen behind the middle portcullis that's left open. The other two portcullises remain closed, although the gates have been replaced with steel doors. The two banners have also been changed; the left banner bears an image of battle axes and the right banner has the head of a lion. Around the walls of the stage, flaming sconces are now lit.
Neo-Dio Also called Neo-Dio Stage (NEO-DIOステージ?).[1]:155 As the name suggests, it is Neo-Dio's stage. Set in the same place as Mizuchi's, but with many differences. No longer snowing, the stage is now desaturated, left dilapidated and decaying, covered with moss. The three portcullises now have iron doors, but they no longer seem to be working as the one in the middle seems to have been broken open and the one on the right is left ajar. The two banners have been replaced by grey ones covered in moss; the left banner has an image of a skull with horns.
Last Boss Also called Goodman Stage (グッドマンステージ?).[1]:155 As the name suggests, it is Goodman's stage. A long hallway that rests atop flowing water that pours in from above, it stretches outside into the night sky, towards a statue of a warrior wielding a spear that stands in front of a lunar eclipse—the moon seen on the stage is said to be fake.[1]:155 Small platforms with floating crystals above them line each sides of the hallway, with red banners draped down behind each one.
In the Xbox 360 version, the stage is no longer set at night; the night sky is replaced with a golden one. The moon-like object is no longer visible as the centre is now obscured by blinding white light, and water can no longer be seen in the stage. Additionally, the red banners now flutter with the wind and more floating crystals have been added to the stage.

Console Exclusive Stages[]

Stage Stage Name Description Notes
Stage A1 Only available in the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 ports.
Stage A2
Stage B1 Only available in the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 ports.
Stage B2
Stage C1 Only available in the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 ports.
Stage C2
Stage D1 Only available in the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 ports.
Stage D2
Stage E1 Only available in the Xbox 360 port.
Stage E2
Stage F1 Only available in the Xbox 360 port.
Stage F2
Stage G1 Only available in the Xbox 360 port.
Stage G2
Stage H1 Only available in the Xbox 360 port.
Stage H2



  • This game, like The King of Fighters series and the collaborations between SNK and Capcom, is a crossover.
  • Most of its assets and gameplay, particularly for Hotaru Futaba, Tung Fu Rue, Geese Howard, Robert Garcia and Mr. Big were reused for their appearances in console versions of The King of Fighters XI.
  • While not directly implied, WAREZ may pertain to the real-life software piracy term that became partially responsible for the downfall of the NEO GEO console platform.
  • Unlike the other characters in the game, whose general backstories are the same as that of their home series, Athena's backstory mentions how she was kicked out of heaven due to her failure in a certain "incident."[1]:52
    • Both her ending and some of her win quotes make mention of her being kicked out and wanting to get back in. The said incident most likely refers to the events of SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos, where the boss fight against Athena has her fight the player character for entering heaven without permission before getting defeated by them. This implies that NGBC is a direct continuation of the SNK vs. Capcom crossover.

External Links[]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 "enterbrain mook ARCADIA EXTRA Vol.22 NEOGEO BATTLE COLISEUM MASTER GUIDE". Enterbrain, Inc. ISBN 4-7577-2462-4.
SNK games
Major series Fatal FurySamurai ShodownThe King of FightersMetal Slug
Minor series Micon KitIkari WarriorsAthenaBeast BustersBaseball StarsSengokuWorld HeroesArt of FightingSuper SidekicksTwinkle Star SpritesThe Last BladeNeoSNK vs. CapcomDragon GalDays of MemoriesSuper OtousanSky LoveSister QuestDoki MajoKamitamaSNK Gals Island
Duologies VanguardAlpha MissionJongbouPrehistoric IsleKing of the MonstersQuizCrossed SwordsStarStakes WinnerPuzzle de Pon!Shock TroopersPuzzle LinkUnitronCool CoolKentei Mezase!KyujiNanairo MiraiSavage Reign
Crossovers ADK WorldSNK Gals' FightersNeo Geo Battle ColiseumNeo Geo Heroes: Ultimate ShootingSNK Dream BattleThe Rhythm of FightersSNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy
Standalone developed YosakuSafari RallySasuke vs. CommanderThe Monkey / Monkey FriendSatan of SaturnFantasyPioneer BalloonLassoMunch MobileMarvin's MazeMahjong ClassroomGladiatorJumping CrossMain EventMad CrasherHAL 21T.N.K. IIICanvas CroquisBermuda TriangleGuerrilla WarWorld WarsPaddle ManiaFighting SoccerFighting GolfChopper IIron TankP.O.W. - Prisoners of WarGold MedalistCountry ClubMechanized AttackStreet SmartThe Next SpaceSAR: Search and RescueCrystalisNAM-1975Mahjong KyōretsudenTop Player's GolfDexterityLittle League BaseballRiding HeroThe Super SpyCyber-LipPuzzledLeague BowlingGhost PilotsRobo ArmyFootball FrenzySoccer BrawlMutation NationLast Resort3 Count BoutTop Hunter: Roddy & CathyRoads EdgeXtreme RallySonic the Hedgehog Pocket AdventureMezase! Kanji OuGanbare Neo Poke-KunOgre Battle: Legend of the Zenobia PrinceBig Bang Pro WrestlingZupapa!HanasakariVait LordKimino YushaTouch Down FeverTsukibitoKimi Wa Hero
Standalone published Ozma WarsAtom SmasherMeijinsenTime SoldiersSky SoldiersGang WarsSky AdventureSatomi HakkendenSuper Champion BaseballMagician LordNinja CombatBlue's JourneyEight Man2020 Super BaseballBurning FightThrash RallyNinja CommandoAggressors of Dark KombatMaster of SyougiNeo Turf MastersOver TopNinja Master'sRagnagardPleasure Goal: 5 on 5 Mini SoccerIroncladZintrickThe Irritating MazeMelon Chan's Growth DiaryPocket TennisCrush RollerDoko Demo MahjongNeo Poke Pro YakyuuParty MailShigeru Mizuki's Yokai Photo AlbumDynamite Slugger
Console published Legend of Success JoeMinnasan no Okagesama DesuBakatono-sama Mahjong Man'yukiAndro DunosViewpointSpin MasterWindjammersGururinFight FeverFighter's History DynamiteJanshin Densetsu: Quest of JongmasterAero Fighters 2/3Puzzle Bobble/Puzzle Bobble 2Zed BladePower Spikes IIStreet HoopGoal! Goal! Goal!Bomberman: Panic BomberGalaxy Fight: Universal WarriorsDouble DragonKabuki KlashIdol Mahjong Final Romance 2Voltage Fighter GowcaizerChibi Maruko-chan Deluxe QuizSuper Dodge BallTecmo World Soccer '96Magical Drop II/III/PocketNeo Drift Out: New TechnologyWaku Waku 7BreakersMoney Puzzle ExchangerNeo BombermanNeo Mr. Do!Battle Flip ShotBang BeadGanryuCaptain TomadayShanghai MiniDive AlertPac-ManPuyo PopDensha de Go! 2KoudelkaFaselei!Strikers 1945 PlusPocket ReversiNightmare in the DarkCool Boarders PocketFantastic Night Dreams: CottonPicture PuzzleEvolution: Eternal DungeonsSuper Real Mahjong Premium CollectionRage of the DragonsPower Instinct MatrimeleePochi and Nyaa
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