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â—„ Apocalypse Cow
Any Given Sundance
Mona Leaves-a â–º
Lisa: No toupees.
Homer: Whaaat, I'm going for the Shia LaBeouf thing. Not quite a nerd, not quite a hunk. Shia LaBeouf!

Homer: I never wanted to be famous for being mean. I wanted to be famous for catching Santa Claus.

Jim Jarmusch: I can eat a raw onion without crying.
Homer: Oh yeah? Prove it, Hollywood!
(Jim Jarmusch eats an onion and tears up)
Homer: Hey, you're crying!
Jim Jarmusch: Yes, but I'm crying about something else.

Superintendent Chalmers: (about the Springfield Creative Arts School) The whole school is made up of modeling clay! Every afternoon, they re-shape it just to get my goat!

(Narration during Nelson's documentary)
Nelson: I like to cry at the ocean, because only there do my tears seem small.
Homer: You stupid kid! What if I walked in here barefoot?!
Bart: You are, dad.
Homer: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (angrily strangling Bart painfully / grunting)

Marge: Thank God they're not jeering at us anymore.
Homer: I know. (pause) Kind of miss it.
Bart: I know! We'll be in another movie. And this time we'll act really bad!
Marge: No more Simpsons movies! One was plenty.

Marge: Sweetie, I'm usually your number one fan, but call me old-fashioned; I usually don't like movies that humiliate our family in front of the world.

(After seeing Nelson's documentary)
Man: Hey, Nelson! Say something poor!

Homer: Robert Redford? Guess what. A scissor runs through it.

â—„ Season 18 Season 19 Quotes Season 20 â–º
He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs • The Homer of Seville • Midnight Towboy • I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings • Treehouse of Horror XVIII • Little Orphan Millie • Husbands and Knives • Funeral for a Fiend • Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind • E. Pluribus Wiggum • That '90s Show • Love, Springfieldian Style • The Debarted • Dial "N" for Nerder • Smoke on the Daughter • Papa Don't Leech • Apocalypse Cow • Any Given Sundance • Mona Leaves-a • All About Lisa