The team tackles some unruly bandits and finally gets to the bottom of their current mystery, only to find out they need to go back to the top of it.

"Razing The Stakes" is the ninth and final episode of RWBY: The Grimm Campaign Season One, which premiered on the Rooster Teeth website on October 10th, 2020 for First members. It was released publicly on July 17th, 2021.


The episode opens with Team SAFR in the subbasement of Pastel’s estate, having been ambushed by a group of bandits. The group defeats the raids in a short fight, prompting the only conscious bandit to beg them to let him live, explaining they’d been locked in to escape the Grimm. Javi Pastel had hired them to help with experiments they had been conducting on something that had been found in the mountains. The bandit tells the group that Grimm had been brought here in cages and that Pastel had been conducting experiments on them as well.

The Huntsmen decide to have the bandit lead them across the facility, who takes them to the security room. There, Fenix Nemean disarms a trap in the room before they can enter, finding a charred body of an unfortunate soul who had been caught up in the room. The group finds a keycard in a corpse in the security room, and checks the computers, which shows various cameras across the facility.

“Room 7” has various locked boxes which have been slammed open, the camera pointing at the only box that was still lodged shut. Another room’s camera points to the Grimm holding cages, who are now torn open. The group discovers most files and systems have been transferred to L1, the lowest level of the subbasement where backup archives are stored. The group diverts power to the L1 elevator, as power in L5 shuts down almost entirely.

As this happens, the computer screen flickers, and a woman’s voice speaks to the group. This is Lemon, the leader of the Wave. Lemon recognizes the group, surprised and impressed that they had both found Pastel’s laboratory and survived Team SMMK, even having led to Mina Lavender’s arrest. Lemon asks how they had found the facility, as she has been looking for it for a long time, and smugly tells them that Kuchinashi will be a different city when they return to the surface. Arrastra Skye notices that Lemon is wearing something from the auction, an old silver and gold necklace with ornate jewels in its center, glowing blue. Lemon asks out of curiosity, after having put her through so much annoyance, what team she’s dealing with – Arrastra declares they are Team SAFR (Sapphire). Lemon cuts the screen off, and the team begins to hear Grimm coming towards them. The group runs into the old school Gravity Dust-powered elevator room, the door behind them beginning to be ripped through by the Grimm. As Team SAFR fights various Grimm, a Beringel breaks the elevator’s cable, causing it to plummet into L1.

Upon crashing, the team realizes that the surviving gorilla Grimm has glowing blue eyes, and thinking back so did the other monsters they had seen in the elevator – the color of Lemon’s necklace. They enter the backup room in the facility, and find a various databases of items that had been numbered; various experiments that were being conducted on the Grimm. One of the items, labeled “03”, has an archive filled with notes. The item had an effect on the Grimm, with security videos on the item displaying Javi Pastel holding up Lemon’s necklace, putting it on, and opening the Sabyrs’ cages. Pastel motions to a woman tied up to a chair, and motions at her, which causes the Grimm to obey his command and maul her. Pastel turns back to the camera, excitedly saying it will make him very rich. They find logs about how he backed out on selling the item to the Wave as someone else showed up in town, and that items 05 and 08 were still in the facility. The team saves all the logs into their Scrolls, and finds a shaft leading back up to the mountains of Kuchinashi. As team SAFR makes their way to a clearing, they realize: Kuchinashi is on fire.

Fenix receives a call from Taupe who worriedly asking if they had made it out of the Estate. The Wave had made a move the night of the auction sale, with all their enemies and authorities gathered in one place, the Grimm came and attacked. The team tells Taupe that Team SAFR is on the way, as the Kuchinashi Incident arc ends.


Player Characters[]

Non-Player Characters[]


  • In this episode, the name of Team SAFR is officially revealed, after the group of Huntsmen had been previously referred to as "Team TBD".
  • The title of the episode is a reference to the growing stakes for the main characters by the end of the episode and season.
RWBY: The Grimm Campaign