"RWBY VTubing" is an animated V-tuber series featuring Ruby Rose doing a vlog. It premiered for Rooster Teeth First Members on August 4th, 2023, and for the public on August 5th, 2023. While future episodes were originally planned to be released on Thursdays for First members and Fridays for the public and on the Rooster Teeth YouTube channel[1], this was changed to Fridays for First members and Saturdays for the public.[2]
Ruby also hosts a live stream every Monday and Wednesday at 10am CT on RTTV and Twitch as well as a stream on Fridays on RTTV only. Hightlights from these streams may be released as future episodes.
Guest Characters[]
Voice only cameo[]
- Ruby's V-tuber model was first used to advertise RWBY: Arrowfell on Twitter, before being re-used during live question and answer sessions at RTX 2023.
- Ruby also appeared as a V-tuber alongside Crunchyroll's Crunchyroll-Hime in a livestream playing Sims 4 on August 22, 2023.[3]
- During the stream, Ruby mentioned that she was 19 years old. She also mentions that she once wore a garbage can costume her friends made for her.
- Can We Borrow Your Moon?! aired on a Monday instead of a Friday. The reason for this is likely due to the special Q&A that was held on the Thursday for the previous week.
- DC RWBY comics appear on the table in the Rooster Teeth stage.
- Sun and Neptune's VT designs were based on their appearnce RWBY Volume 9: Beyond.
External Links[]
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