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“ | I have been through death and conquered it. I have returned with my power multiplied. The dark side of the Force lives and manifests itself through me! I reach into the dark side now and send ripples through it to all who serve it—know that I live! | „ |
~ Krayt proclaiming his power with the dark side. |
“ | The Galaxy must experience the pain of death and rapture of rebirth as I have. I will bring chaos. It is time for war. | „ |
~ Darth Krayt announcing his intent to “enlighten” all life in the galaxy. |
Darth Krayt, born A'Sharad Hett, is the main antagonist of the part of Legacy Era of the Star Wars Legends continuity set after the novels. He is also an overarching antagonist through the New Jedi Order and Legacy novels, though mostly he remains in the shadows.
He is a powerful Sith Lord who used to be a Jedi Knight before Order 66, leading him to fall to the Dark Side of the Force and become a Sith. He resurfaces more than 100 years after the Battle of Endor as the founder of the One Sith, a Sith organization that tries to conquer the galaxy.
What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]
- Initially, he had many redeeming qualities and standards, but overtime and through life experiences, all were subverted:
- Such as being deeply committed to the Jedi's values and philosophies. He was a great general during the Clone Wars and before that partook in anti-terrorist operations.
- Believing in personal accountability, he did not judge Anakin Skywalker for the Tusken Raider massacre and even blamed himself when Anakin succumbed to the dark side.
- However, his darkness was felt by his fellow Jedi, and he himself was vengeful toward Aurra Sing for causing his father's death, despite the fact that Jedi do not seek revenge. To be fair, while he was a Jedi he fought down these urges, even requesting exile when he thought that was the only way to step away from evil, though at last a suited mentor was found for him. Later, once the Great Jedi Purge began, he lost all faith in the Jedi and became a criminal.
- By the Legacy era, these standards no longer existed, and Krayt has clearly overcome the good peacekeeper he once was by the time he is resurrected. This demonstrates that Darth Krayt was always a conflicted individual who was destined to fall to the dark side for his lust for power, and nothing can justify his heinous actions.
- Rejoined the Tusken Raiders and attacked many human settlements on Tatooine, taking revenge for years of farmers killing Tuskens. He even dueled his old friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was defending the Lars moisture farm.
- Refused to warn the New Republic about the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, deeming the New Republic too weak to deserve to last.
- Established a new Sith Order known as the One Sith on Korriban so he could seize control of the galaxy, ensuring his position as the sole Dark Lord of the Sith with many lesser Sith Lords serving him.
- Due to the above and what his agents did, one of the Jedi Order’s greatest heroes was killed by the Vong and another Jedi was left to be tortured by them.
- His future horrified a man who foresaw it, who sank to become one of the most evil and dangerous Sith of all time in an effort to stop the Emperor’s accent.
- While he did team up with Luke Skywalker to help defeat Abeloth, it was purely for pragmatic reasons.
- Abducted the young Malincha when she was a child, killed her parents, and raised her to become the Sith Lady Darth Maladi.
- Sparked the Sith-Imperial War, which led to the destruction of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the New Jedi Order, killing thousands of people.
- Attempted to exterminate the Skywalker/Solo family (except for Cade, who he wanted as his servant).
- Attempted to turn Cade Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force.
- Ordered the extermination of ten percent of the Mon Calamari species, as well as forcing the survivors into forced labor at slave camps before their actual demise. This was all done simply because Senator Gial Gahan aided Admiral Gar Stazi in stealing one of Krayt's Star Destroyers.
- Killed Wyyrlok for his betrayal and took over Coruscant.
- Nearly indirectly murdered countless people by almost getting the Fel Empire to virus bomb Coruscant.
- After coming back from the dead, he attempted to make all life in the galaxy experience death and rebirth as he did.
- Chronologically, Darth Krayt is the very last Pure Evil in the Star Wars Legends continuity.
External Links[]
- Darth Krayt on the Villains Wiki
- Darth Krayt on the Star Wars Wiki
Pure Evils | ||
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