The September 26, 2021 episode of Ice Ribbon Aisuriho is a Professional wrestling event produced by Ice Ribbon, which took place on September 26, 2021 at the Nagoya Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. It was broadcast on
- Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
- (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
- Rebel X Enemy (Maika Ozaki & Ram Kaicho) defeated Ibuki Hoshi & Yappy (10:16)
- Miku Aono defeated [Totoro Satsuki]] (7:11)
- Saori Anou & Suzu Suzuki defeated Hamuko Hoshi & Rina Yamashita (9:38)
- Mochi Miyagi & Tsukasa Fujimoto defeated Thekla & Tsukushi Haruka (12:31)
- Akane Fujita defeated Yuki Mashiro (13:42)
- Azure Revolution (Maya Yukihi & Risa Sera) (c) defeated Maika Ozawa (Onryo) & Maya Yukipe (Konaka) to retain the International Ribbon Tag Team Championship (14:15)