The August 16, 2017 episode of Ice Ribbon Aisuriho is a Professional wrestling event produced by Ice Ribbon, which took place on August 16, 2017 at Ueno Park in Tokyo, Japan. The show aired on Niconico on September 15, 2017.
- Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
- (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
- Dark Match: Asahi vs. Ishikawa ended in a Time Limit Draw (3:00)
- Kyuri defeated Suzu Suzuki (6:12)
- Maika Ozaki defeated Ibuki Hoshi (4:48)
- Giulia & Thekla defeated Matsuya Uno & Maya Yukihi [6:5] (20:00)
- Hamuko Hoshi & Hiragi Kurumi & Ram Kaicho & Tsukasa Fujimoto defeated Miyako Matsumoto & Tsukushi in a Three Way Tag Team Falls Count Anywhere match (22:56)