The July 1, 2018 episode of Ice Ribbon Aisuriho is a professional wrestling event produced by Ice Ribbon, which took place on July 1, 2018 at the Susukino Mars Gym in Sapporo.
- Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
- Kyuri, Maika Ozaki & Satsuki Totoro defeated Giulia, Matsuya Uno & Tae Honma (8:37)
- Yoshiko defeated Tsukushi (11:12)
- Hideki Suzuki (c) defeated Akane Fujita and Miyako Matsumoto to retain the Triangle Ribbon Championship (5:03)
- Ibuki Hoshi & Tsukasa Fujimoto defeated Hiragi Kurumi & Tequila Saya (12:34)
- Lovely Butchers (Hamuko Hoshi & Mochi Miyagi) defeated Azure Revolution (Maya Yukihi & Risa Sera) (c) to win the International Ribbon Tag Team Championship (19:30)