Icon-megarangerThis article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers in Space, the last installment in the Zordon Era.

The Craterite Invasion is the ninth episode of Power Rangers in Space.


The Power Rangers are training in the SimuDeck, when a bolt of lightning strikes the Astro Megaship, turning the holographic-simulation drones, the Craterites, into living creatures. They pile out of the Megaship by the dozens and infiltrate Angel Grove, capturing adults and disguising themselves in their place. A young boy named Patrick, known for crying wolf and telling huge lies, discovers this evil plan, and tries to convince someone to believe him. Bulk, Skull, and Professor Phenomenus witness the Craterites landing.


Carlos and Cassie eavesdrop on a story that a child, Patrick, is telling a group of kids. It's revealed that his story was fabricated only to impress them.

On the Astro Megaship, Ashley and T.J. enter the SimuDeck and activate the Craterites training simulation. Carlos and Cassie return to the ship just before they enter a storm. They're struck by lightening, which causes the SimuDeck to malfunction and create real Craterites. The Craterites escape the Astro Megaship and end up landing in Angel Grove.

Meanwhile, Professor Phenomenus is out with Bulk and Skull with his latest invention when he spots the falling Craterites falling towards Earth, mistaking them for an alien invasion. Patrick wakes up in the middle of the night to see something suspicious happening across the street and quickly heads back to sleep.

In the morning, he's woken up by his mother as she informs him that their neighbor will be taking him to school. When he heads over to meet with her, he peeks through the window and notices the Craterites currently inside her home. He runs out of his home to find even more Craterites inhabiting his neighborhood and end up running into his local police officer, Officer Hemming.

Just before he tells him about the Craterites, Patrick looks into the side mirror of the police cruiser and discovers that Officer Hemming is a Craterite in disguise with the real one tied up in the back seat. Patrick runs away, and ends up with the crowd of kids he lied to yesterday. The kids don't believe Patrick as he tries to tell them about the Craterites and eventually leave him all alone.

The Rangers head down to Angel Grove where the split up in search of the Craterites, knowing that their primary objective is to fight them. Cassie and Carlos end up running into Patrick sobbing on a nearby bench. When they ask him what was wrong, Patrick refuses to tell them, thinking they won't believe him if he did. Cassie tells him the importance of not making up stories, and offers to walk him back home. When Patrick asks if the two could stay with him until his mom go home, they had to refuse but told him to trust in the Power Rangers to watch out for him.

Ashely, T.J., and Andros walk into a construction site when Ashley finds a tied-up worker in the back of a van. The Craterites reveal themselves to the trio as Andros calls in the other two for reinforcements. They all morph and eliminate the Craterites before heading to the beach to fight even more. Ashley informs the other two that the Craterites were in disguises, which made Carlos suspect that was what Patrick wanted to tell them.

They come to get Patrick out of the neighborhood only to be chased out by Craterites. Patrick's mom shows up and the Rangers get him inside her car to escape the area.

Having split up earlier, Andros and Cassie are fighting Craterites in the forest, waiting for the rest of their team to arrive. Andros is overpowered and restrained by multiple Craterites, but Cassie frees him with her Satellite Stunner. She helps him up and they continue to fight. Soon, the Craterite leader arrives and proves to be too much of a challenge, quickly overwhelming Andros and Cassie. As the leader moves in to finish them off, T.J., Carlos, and Ashley come in for the rescue. Carlos hands Andros a modified Spiral Saber to help dispatch the remaining Craterites, but this only forces them to form up with their leader, making them giant sized.

The Rangers call down the Astro Megazord to fight the massive Createrite monster. After being unable to properly defeat it, Ashley points out that they need to take out its leader. Cassie locates it on the monster's chest and with one shot, Andros fires the Astro Mega Blaster directly at it, cause the Craterite giant to explode.

After the battle, the Rangers, unmorphed, are hanging out with Patrick at the Surf Spot when Officer Hemming walks in. Patrick apologizes for lying and Officer Hemming recognizes that it was a hard lesson for him to learn. The episode ends with Bulk and Skull, running inside the Surf Spot with another of Phenomenus' inventions, threatening to strip them of their disguise. Bulk activates the machine, but it backfires, causing Bulk and Skull to lose their clothing, leaving them in only their underwear. They all start to laugh at Bulk and Skull.




  • TCI003
    The shot of the Craterites parachuting to Earth contained no sound whatsoever.
    • Also, they appeared to be falling from the Dark Fortress.
  • When the last Craterite jumps out the Megaship, the steam makes a noticeable shift downward when the Rangers show up.
  • Andros stated that the Craterites only wanted to fight the Power Rangers, however later the team went to rescue Patrick who was in no danger anyway (if the Craterites were truly only interested in fighting the Rangers then they were endangering Patrick by being with him).
  • The Craterites are pink in the U.S. footage, but in the Japanese footage they’re purple.


  • None of the regular villains appear in this episode marking this the first episode where the entire United Alliance of Evil don't appear in.
  • This episode uses Craterite footage from several Megaranger episodes. The opening simu-deck fight is from "episode 1", boss/monster Craterite footage is from "episode 14", the parachuting shot is from "episode 19", the construction site fight is from "episode 25", and the beach footage is from "episode 27". To make up for not using the Kunekunes, the enemy grunts from Megaranger, Saban decided to use footage from multiple episodes for this story.
  • This marks the only time that the Rangers fight the Craterites outside of the Astro Megaship.
  • In the construction fight, a scene from the MegaBlue is removed because it touches the "parts" of a KuneKune, this for being considered offensive.

See Also[]

External Links[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers In Space episodes Icon-megaranger

1 & 2: From Out of Nowhere • 3: Save Our Ship • 4: Shell Shocked • 5: Never Stop Searching • 6: Satellite Search • 7: A Ranger Among Thieves • 8: When Push Comes to Shove • 9: The Craterite Invasion • 10: The Wasp with a Heart • 11: The Delta Discovery • 12: The Great Evilyzer • 13: Grandma Matchmaker • 14: The Barillian Sting • 15: T.J.'s Identity Crisis • 16: Flashes of Darkonda • 17: The Rangers' Mega Voyage • 18: True Blue to the Rescue • 19: Invasion of the Body Switcher • 20: Survival of the Silver • 21: Red with Envy • 22: The Silver Secret • 23: A Date with Danger • 24: Zhane's Destiny • 25: Always a Chance • 26: The Secret of the Locket • 27: Astronema Thinks Twice • 28: The Rangers' Leap of Faith • 29 & 30: Dark Specter's Revenge • 31: Rangers Gone Psycho • 32: Carlos on Call • 33: A Rift in the Rangers • 34: Five of a Kind • 35: Silence is Golden • 36: The Enemy Within • 37: Andros and the Stowaway • 38: Mission to Secret City • 39: Ghosts in the Machine • 40: The Impenetrable Web • 41: A Line in the Sand • 42 & 43: Countdown to Destruction

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