Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a/an mecha in the Korean series Power Rangers Dino Force Brave.

Power Dino #6 Pteravolt (프테라볼트 Peuterabolteu?) is the Pteranodon-themed Power Dino that is partnered with Brave Gold Dino. It is successor to Zyudenryu Pteragordon.

In the Japanese dub, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Brave, this mecha is called Pteravolton (プテラボルトン Puteraboruton).[1]


Once inserted with his Dinocell, Pteravolt can summon rumbling clouds filed with lighning bolts and capable of using them to attack his enemy in all directions.


Juhyeok rendezvoused with Neo Deboth Army's ship in Pteravolt to offer his service as a space mercenary to Deizarus. Tvicon TV STORY-King 3: Gabugaburincho, We're a Team!

Forming Brave Raiden TyrannoKing a second time, the Dino Force Brave destroyed the enlarged Tsuraira with the Dino Sword Lightning Brave Finish. Tvicon TV STORY-King 7: Advent! The Commander of Neo Deboth!

Pteravolt allowed Brave Red Dino to ride it so he could save Juhyeok from Weihab. Tvicon TV STORY-King 9: I'll show you! The Largest Combination of the Strongest!

Juhyeok made his way to Neo Deboth again on Pteravolt in order to rescue Juyong from Deizarus. Tvicon TV STORY-King 10: Farewell! Brave Gold Dino

Appearances: Episodes 3-5, 6-7, 9, 11-12


Brave PteraKing[]

Brave PteraKing (브레이브 프테라킹 Beureibeu Peuteraking) is the robo state of Pteragordon, known as "Pteragordon's strongest form".

Brave PteraKing is very sleek compared to Brave TyrannoKing, and because of this, it is a good deal faster, and can deal out a lot of damage in a hurry with its cutter arm blades. However, because of Brave PteraKing's lithe frame, it cannot take a lot of damage. Also, it is somewhat weaker than TyrannoKing.

In the Japanese dub, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Brave, it's called Brave Pteraiden-Oh (ブレイブプテライデンオー Bureibu Puteraidenō).

Appearances: Episode 4-5

Brave Raiden TyrannoKing[]

Brave Raiden TyrannoKing (브레이브 라이덴 티라노킹 Beureibeu Raiden TiranoKing) is the combination between PteraKing and TyrannoKing.

The majority of PteraKing is formed back into Pteravolt and placed on TyrannoKing's back, except the head, where it replaces TyrannoKing's standard helmet.

Armed with the power of flight from the Pteravolt wings, RaidenKing is peerless in the sky, now able to fight in the air without having to sacrifice strength in order to do so.

In the Japanese dub, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Brave, it's called Brave Raiden Kyoryuzin (ブレイブライデンキョウリュウジン Bureibu Raiden Kyōryūjin).

Appearances: Episodes 6-7, 12


Pteravolton Zyudenchi

Pteravolt Dinocell

6. Pteravolt - Golden Dinocells holding the spirit of the Pteranodon; used mainly by Brave Gold Dino.

Behind the scenes[]


to be added


All of the Power Dinos/Dinocells sport a name that is a portmanteau between their effect/motif and their respective animal name, Pteravolt is a portmanteau of Pteranodon and Volt.

RaidenKing's name contains the word "Raiden" (雷電), which means "Thunder and Lightning". This ties in with the electric naming schemes most of the Dino Force Brave's gear follow.



See Also[]


  1. The lyrics of the ending credits in Kyoryuger Brave provide the name in katakana.
S.Korean Flag. Power Rangers Dino Force Brave Icon-kyoryuger
Juyong Kwon - Jeon Hyeonjun - Sechang Kim - Lee Pureun - Yun Dohee - Kwon Juhyeok
Wise God Torin - Funfilled Spy Luckyulo - Joyful Knight Canderrilla - Yamato Kazakiri
Transformation Devices. -
GabuGaburivolver - GabuGabuChanger
GabuGabuCalibur - GabuGabuCannon - Zandar Thunder
Mecha and Robos
Cannontyra - Stegotoup - Forkcera - Parasaizer - Raptorax - Pteravolt - Giga Bragigas
Giant Robos:
Brave TyrannoKing - Brave PteraKing - Brave Gigant BrachioKing
Neo Deboth Army
Leader: Deizarus
Generals: Raimein - Homuras - Wahab - Tsuraira - Arash - Jinarik
Hyaku Bojinma - Sei Bojinma - Suza Bojinma - Gen Bojinma
Grunts: Zorima - Giant Zorima