Icon-gobustersThis article is about a source of power in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.

"Rather than rely on fossil fuels that pollute our world, today we tap into an endless source of clean energy. And once our city proves it's safe, the entire Earth will follow in our footsteps. Citizens of Coral Harbor, the future has arrived! And the future, is Morph X!"
―Mayor Daniels introducing Morph X.[src]

"Nate: If my calculations are correct, we will have access to the most powerful energy source in the known universe!
(Mayor Daniels): That's exactly what I'm afraid of.
(Commander Shaw): It seems that the mayor thinks what we're doing is a mistake.
(Mayor Daniels): A HUGE mistake! Since before you were born, every monster out there in every dimension from Rita Repulsa to Sledge and Galvanax. They all wanted to take the Rangers' power and rule the universe. And now that you've wrapped it up with a little ribbon, some evil mind will try to take it again. And when they come, this...place? Grid Battleforce? It won't be able to stop them."
―Mayor Daniel's misgivings about Morph-X. "You" meaning Nate.[src]

Morph-X in Container

A Morph-X canister

Morph X is the former energy source that powered the city of Coral Harbor and a crucial plot-device in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.


Since the Morphin Grid has an unlimited energy supply to produce Morph X, Morph X was created to use it for various applications including transportation fuel and electricity generation. The only supplier of the Morph X was Grid Battleforce. Morph X was the physical liquid-form of the Morphin Grid created by Nate Silva, which he discovered a way to use it as an energy source for the city of Coral Harbor. It was also the main energy source for the Beast Morphers Rangers and their accompanying gear and Zords. It appeared as a glowing green opaque fluid. Although Mayor Daniels happily promoted Morph-X, he pointed out that this is just begging for any villain with a wannabe God complex to come and try to steal Morph-X for themselves. Unfortunately, as Mayor Daniels predicted, a group of robotic psychopaths indeed attacked Coral Harbor and desired to use it to take control of the Morphin Grid to become the most powerful beings in the multiverse.

Following the final defeat of Evox, all Morph-X in Coral Harbor was sucked into the air and reabsorbed into the Morphin Grid. In light of the mass destruction reaped in the final battle, it was decided that Morph-X would no longer be developed and be permanently discontinued. Instead, Coral Harbor switched to more natural and renewable means such as wind and solar power. Despite this, Grid Battleforce still makes use of Morph X to power their Ranger technology.

Known Usages[]

See Also[]


