The power to manipulate the velocity of oneself. Sub-power of Velocity Manipulation. Technique of Bodily Vibration Manipulation and Personal Mastery.
Also Called[]
- Personal Speed/Velocity
- Self-Speed Manipulation
User can create, shape and manipulate the velocity of themselves, their body parts, and their overall body speed, making them able to move fast.
- Absolute Constant Velocity
- Accelerated Rotation
- Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Speed
- Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Reflexes
- Kinetic Flight
- Molecular Speed Manipulation
- Self-Trajectory Manipulation
- Speed Accumulation
- Speed Augmentation
- Speed Aura
- Speed Cancellation
- Speed Combat
- Speed Infinitum
- Speed Maintenance
- Speed Reduction
- Speed Strike
- Velocity Reset
- Appendage Locomotion
- Bodily Rotation Manipulation (as most body motion is rotational)
- Body Physics Manipulation
- Self-Frequency Manipulation
- Motion Manipulation
- Personal Mastery
- Personal Vector Manipulation
- Speed Aura
- Speed Combat
- Speed Embodiment
- Vector Manipulation
- Velocity Immunity
- Velocity Manipulation
- May not work if the user has Velocity Immunity.
- Weak against Motion Manipulation.
Known Users[]
- Negative Speedforce Users (DC Comics)
- Eobard Thawne
- Meena Dhawan
- Speedforce Users (DC Comics)
- Barry Allen
- Wally West
- Jessie Quick
- Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver (Marvel Comics)
- Jean-Paul Beaubier/Northstar (Marvel Comics)
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier/Aurora (Marvel Comics)
- Tommy Shepherd/Speed (Marvel Comics)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Known Objects[]
- SCP-504 - Critical Tomatoes (SCP Foundation)