- "Physics 101. The faster an object moves, the more mass it attains. At lightspeed, my fist hits like a white dwarf star."
- ― The Flash (DC Comics)
The power to strike with extreme force via extreme speed. Sub-Power of Speed Combat. Technique of Enhanced Speed, Supernatural Speed and Absolute Speed. Variation of Enhanced Strike and Strike Effect.
Also Called[]
- Infinite Mass Speed/Strike
- Quick/Rapid Strike/Attack
- Rapid/Speed Punches/Punching/Kicks/Kicking
The user is able to use striking skills at very high speeds, meaning that they can punch, kick, cut, pierce, smash, etc. at high speed effectively. Due to the speed of these strikes, the force dealt would be immense due to reflexive mass (i.e. one's mass increases with one's speed).
- Concussive Force
- Megaton Kick/Punch
- Momentum Charge
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Strike
- Power Fists
- Power Legs
- Pressure Strike
- Projectile Body
- Speed-Based Strength
- Acceleration
- Charge!
- Enhanced Combat
- Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Speed
- Flash Step
- Mobile Invulnerability
- Motion Concentration
- Momentum Charge
- Sliding Dash
- Speed Accumulation
- Speed Combat
- Speed Cutting
- Speed Flicking
- Supernatural Speed
- Weapon Proficiency
- Unless the user has some capacity or ability to endure the resistant forces they are exposed to by high speed, such as Enhaced/Supernatural Durability or Acceleration Immunity, they will be limited in how far they can increase the striking power before breaking down.
Known Users[]
- Narukami Sakaki (Absolute Duo)
- Quick Man (Archie Mega Man)
- Asura (Asura's Wrath)
- Various Characters (Baki the Grappler)
- Yuuichiro Hanma
- Yuujiro Hanma
- Baki Hanma
- Kevin Levin (Ben 10)
- Fasttrack (Ben 10)
- XLR8 (Ben 10)
- Ultimate Way Big (Ben 10)
- Tohka Todo (Chivalry of a Failed Knight); via Raikiri
- Speedsters (DC Comics)
- Kryptonians (DC Comics); via yellow sun radiation
- Martians (DC Comics)
- Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (DC Comics)
- Midnighter (DC Comics/Wildstorm)
- Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong)
- Various Characters (Dragon Ball series)
- Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
- Advance/Possessing Spirit users (Kengan Ashura)
- Ohma Tokita
- Pietro Maxioff/Quicksilver (Marvel Comics)
- Tommy Shepherd/Speed (Marvel Comics)
- Various Characters (One Piece)
- Alviss (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Chaton (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Chimera (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Dortothy (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Kung-Fu Frog (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Tatewaki Kuno (Ranma 1/2); via Speed of Light Elixir
- Various characters (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Charlotte E. Yeager (Strike Witches/World Witches)
- Toriko (Toriko)
- Sunny (Toriko)
- Samus Aran (Metroid)
- Takahata Takamichi (Negima)
- Dragonborns (Elder Scrolls"); via Elemental Fury Shout
- Talos ("Elder Scrolls")
- Last Dragonborn ("Skyrim")
- Miraak ("Skyrim")
- Billy Batson/Shazam (DC Comics)
- Fastback (DC Comics)
- Practitioners of the Hercules Method (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode)
- Glory (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Yaya (Boboiboy)
- Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles)
- Dogedo (The Seven Deadly Sins)
- KendoGarurumon (Digimon)
- Guy Cecil (Tales of the Abyss)
- Yaya (Unbreakable Machine-Doll)
- Wolfgang Schreiber (Dies Irae)
- Reinhard Heydrich (Dies Irae)
- Boros (One-Punch Man)
- Aurora (Skylanders)
- Jiwoo (Eleceed)
- Ralf Jones (The King of Fighters)
- Elo/Super Elo (Dibo the Gift Dragon)
- Manabu Itagaki (Hajime no Ippo)
Known Objects[]
- Spin Darts (Dimension W)
- Kinben (Houshin Engi)
- Pika Pika no Mi/Glint-Glint Fruit (One Piece)
- Bane Bane no Mi/Spring-Spring Fruit (One Piece)
- Superpower Activator Wrist Thingy (Dibo the Gift Dragon)
Bellamy (One Piece) using his Bane Bane no Mi/Spring-Spring spring powers to boost his punching strength with the momentum.
The Jet Dials that Gedatsu (One Piece) has attached to his elbows allow him to strike his enemies at blurring speeds. The only downside is the impact creates holes in his clothing.
Kizaru (One Piece) using his Pika Pika no Mi/Glint-Glint Fruit to increase the speed of his kick to build relativistic mass.
Super Sabre (Marvel Comics) is an old WWW2 vet with the mutant ability of super speed who spent decades mastering his powers to their ultimate limits.
Video Games[]
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog), using the momentum of his speed, Sonic can land devastating blows to solid steel and other durable forms of matter.
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) can use his incredible speed to boost his strikes to devastating levels, in the same manner as his rival Sonic.