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Pokémon Wiki
Route 14 (Unova) Routes Route 16 (Unova)

Unova Route 15 (Japanese: 15ばんどうろ) is a route in Unova. The east exit heads toward either Black City or White Forest depending on which version of game. To the west is the Marvelous Bridge. Also in this area is a building with the Poké Transfer. This allows the player character to transfer Pokémon from the 4th generation games into Pokémon Black and White. Also inside of a trailer is a woman who will trade a Rotom for a Ditto.


Trainer Pokémon Level

0316 Gulpin 62
0425 Drifloon 62
0363 Spheal 62
0333 Swablu 62
Gain: Poké Dollar3968
Trainer Pokémon Level

Pokémon Ranger
0334 Altaria 65
0460 Abomasnow 65
Gain: Poké Dollar3900
Trainer Pokémon Level

Battle Girl
0307 Meditite 64
0237 Hitmontop 64
0308 Medicham 64
Gain: Poké Dollar3024
Trainer Pokémon Level

Pokémon Ranger
0105 Marowak 65
0103 Exeggutor 65
Gain: Poké Dollar3900
Trainer Pokémon Level

0450 Hippowdon 63
0207 Gligar 63
0095 Onix 63
Gain: Poké Dollar2928


Black and White[]

Normal Tall Grass
Pokémon Rate Level type
Fearow 0022 30% Lv.48-50 Normal/Flying
Marowak 0105 20% Lv.47 Ground
Gligar 0207 15% Lv.47-49 Ground/Flying
Sawk (Pokémon Black) 0539 15% Lv.48-49 Fighting
Throh (Pokémon White) 0538 15% Lv.48-49 Fighting
Kangaskhan 0115 10% Lv.49 Normal
Pupitar 0247 10% Lv.48-50 Rock/Ground
Double Tall Grass
Pokémon Rate Level type
Fearow 0022 30% Lv.58-60 Normal/Flying
Marowak 0105 20% Lv.57 Ground
Gligar 0207 10% Lv.57 Ground/Flying
Sawk (Pokémon Black) 0539 15% Lv.58-59 Fighting
Throh (Pokémon White) 0538 15% Lv.58-59 Fighting
Kangaskhan 0115 10% Lv.59 Normal
Pupitar 0247 5% Lv.60 Rock/Ground
Watchog 0505 5% Lv.60 Normal
Ground Shaking Spots
Pokémon Rate Level type
Audino 0531 75% Lv.47-50 Normal
Emolga 0587 10% Lv.48 Electric/Flying
Throh (Pokémon Black) 0538 5% Lv.50 Fighting
Sawk (Pokémon White) 0539 5% Lv.50 Fighting
Tyranitar 0248 5% Lv.50 Rock/Dark
Gliscor 0472 5% Lv.50 Ground/Flying
Pokémon Rate Level type
Mankey 0056 40% Lv.47-48 Fighting
Pokémon Rate Level type
Rotom 0479 One Lv. 60 Electric/Ghost

Black and White Versions 2[]

Pokémon Level Rate How Version
Spring BW Summer BW Autumn BW Winter BW
Sandslash 0028 54-56 30% Grass PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Gligar 0207 55-57 25% Grass PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Sawk 0539 55-57 20% Grass PKMN Black 2 icon
Throh 0538 55-57 20% Grass PKMN White 2 icon
Pupitar 0247 55-57 15% Grass PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Scrafty 0560 55 10% Grass PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Audino 0531 54-57 75% Grass Spot PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Emolga 0587 55 10% Grass Spot PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Sawk 0539 57 5% Grass Spot PKMN Black 2 icon
Throh 0538 57 5% Grass Spot PKMN White 2 icon
Gliscor 0472 57 5% Grass Spot PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Sandslash 0028 60-64 30% Dark Grass PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Gligar 0207 63-65 25% Dark Grass PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Sawk 0539 63-65 20% Dark Grass PKMN Black 2 icon
Throh 0538 63-65 20% Dark Grass PKMN White 2 icon
Pupitar 0247 63-65 15% Dark Grass PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Scrafty 0560 63 10% Dark Grass PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon
Fearow 0022 15-55 40% Swarm PKMN Black 2 iconPKMN White 2 icon


Sitrus BerrySitrus Berry BW Gift from Pokémon Ranger Shelly

