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The Goldenrod Radio Tower is a location introduced in Generation II.


The Goldenrod Radio Tower is a tower located in Goldenrod City within the Johto region. It has five floors in Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version and Pokémon Crystal Version, and was given an additional sixth one in Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, the Observation Deck. The main purpose of the Goldenrod Radio Tower is to broadcast radio programs across the Johto region.

Goldenrod Radio Tower is also the location where they produce some of the programs that they broadcast. On the fourth floor, there is the studio for Professor Oak's Pokémon Talk. On the fifth floor is the studio for Pokémon Music. Pokémon Crystal Version adds a studio on the second floor, Buena's Password, a program introduced in the game. The player can receive the Blue Card from Buena there.

Goldenrod Radio Tower HGSS floor 1

The player on the first floor of Goldenrod Radio Tower in Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version

On the first floor, the player can receive a Radio Card if they correctly answer five questions provided by one of the receptionists. With the Radio Card, the player can listen to the programs broadcast by Goldenrod Radio Tower. One of the channels, the Lucky Channel, provides a different lucky number every week. The player can talk to a receptionist on the first floor to receive a prize that varies depending on how many of the lucky number digits match the ID of a Pokémon in the player's party. In the Generation II games, no prize is awarded if only one digit matches, but in Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, this was changed so that an Ultra Ball is rewarded if only one digit matches. The most valuable prize that the player can receive is a Master Ball, which is if the lucky number matches every digit. In Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, the lucky numbers are provided by Felicity on the first floor of the Goldenrod Radio Tower instead.

At one point, after the player obtains the Glacier Badge from Pryce in Mahogany Town, the Goldenrod Radio Tower is occupied by Team Rocket. During this event, the Goldenrod Radio Tower does not play any of its usual programs, and the only program that plays is an announcement announcement from Team Rocket, produced on the fifth floor, where Archer announces the return of Team Rocket while also calling for their leader, Giovanni, to come back as well. The player has to make their way up the tower, battling several Team Rocket Grunts along the way, until they reach the fifth floor; here, Petrel, an executive of Team Rocket who impersonates the Radio Director, has to be defeated in a Pokémon Battle by the player for them to obtain the Basement Key. With the Basement Key, the player can travel further through Goldenrod Tunnel and find the real manager of Goldenrod Radio Tower, who gives them the Card Key. With the Card Key, the player can unlock the shutters on the third floor of Goldenrod Radio Tower to open the staircase to the right, leading to a different area of the fourth floor and then the fifth floor, where they can defeat two of the Team Rocket executives, Ariana and Archer. Once the player defeats both executives in their respective battles, Team Rocket retreats from the Goldenrod Radio Tower, allowing it to resume normal operation. As gratitude, the station manager gives the player a Rainbow Wing in Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon HeartGold Version, a Silver Wing, in Pokémon Silver Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, or a Clear Bell in Pokémon Crystal Version.

Expelling Team Rocket from the Goldenrod Radio Tower is required to progress into the story. This is because prior to fulfilling this task, the Blackthorn City Gym is closed because of Clair training in the Dragon's Den. In Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, defeating Team Rocket in the Goldenrod Radio Tower has to be done for a different reason, which is to unlock access to Route 44.

Observation Deck HGSS

The Observation Deck introduced in Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version

The observation deck introduced in Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version is another floor that cannot be reached without first using the Card Key to unlock the alternate staircase on the third floor. Archer is fought here instead of on the fifth floor as in the Generation II games, but Ariana is still fought there.

There exists a similar location in the Sinnoh region, Jubilife TV, which is also a radio tower, except it broadcasts in said region only.


Radio Card G/S/C/HG/SS Given by a receptionist on the first floor if answering all of her questions correctly.
Blue Card C/HG/SS Given by Buena on the second floor
TM11 G/S/C/HG/SS Given by a woman on the third floor after Team Rocket leaves the tower.
Ultra Ball spriteUltra Ball C In the area of the fifth floor requiring the Card Key to enter.
Pink Bow G/S/C Given by Mary after Team Rocket leaves the tower.
File:Bright Powder sprite.pngBright Powder HG/SS Given by Mary after Team Rocket leaves the tower.
File:Basement Key sprite.pngBasement Key G/S/C/HG/SS Given by Petrel after winning in a Pokémon Battle against him.
Ultra Ball spriteUltra Ball HG/SS In the area of the fourth floor requiring the Card Key to enter.
File:Rainbow Wing sprite.pngRainbow Wing G/HG Given by the Radio Director after Team Rocket leaves the tower.
File:Silver Wing sprite.pngSilver Wing S/SS Given by the Radio Director after Team Rocket leaves the tower.
File:Clear Bell sprite.pngClear Bell C Given by the Radio Director after Team Rocket leaves the tower.

