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Elesa is Gym Leader of Nimbasa City's gym of the Unova region. This gym will be the fourth to be challenged by the player character. She specializes in using Electric-type Pokémon. She will award the player character the Bolt Badge if defeated. Her first appearance was in Pokémon Black and White.

Like the rest of the Unova gym leaders, Elesa has a career outside of being a gym leader, in which she is a supermodel.

Quick Answers

What type of Pokémon does Elesa specialize in? toggle section
Elesa, a gym leader in Pokémon Black and White, is known for her specialization in Electric-type Pokémon. Her roster includes an Emolga and a Zebstrika. Successful challengers are awarded the Bolt Badge by Elesa.
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What is Elesa's career outside of being a gym leader? toggle section
Elesa, renowned for her Electric-type Pokémon expertise in Nimbasa City's gym, also thrives as a supermodel. This dual career path sets her apart from other gym leaders. She debuted in the Pokémon Black and White series.
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What badge does Elesa award the player in Pokémon Black and White? toggle section
In Pokémon Black and White, Elesa, an Electric-type Pokémon gym leader, awards the Bolt Badge and TM72 (Volt Switch) to players who triumph over her. She also features in Pokémon Black and White 2, hosting a fashion show where players must traverse a catwalk to reach her.
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What is the order of Elesa's gym in the player's challenge in the Unova region? toggle section
Elesa presides over the Nimbasa City Gym in the Unova region. The Unova region features eight unique gyms, and Elesa's gym is one of them. To progress to the Unova Pokémon League, players must overcome these gym leaders, including Elesa.
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What city is Elesa's gym located in the Unova region? toggle section
Elesa, a prominent Gym Leader in the Pokemon universe, oversees the Nimbasa City Gym in the Unova region. She has engaged in notable battles with trainers like Ash and Bianca. Elesa's Zebstrika is a key asset in her battles, including a significant encounter assisting Iris against Team Plasma Grunts.
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Elesa is a tall, very slender young woman. She has bright, almond shaped blue eyes.

Black and White[]

Elesa has short blonde hair. She wears red, white, and blue headphones with long cords on the sides. Elesa wears a yellow sleeveless top over a black top that exposes her stomach in two sections, thick opaque black tights, and bright yellow stiletto high heels.

Black 2 and White 2[]

Elesa Black 2 and White 2 concept art

Concept artwork of Elesa for Black 2 and White 2.

Elesa has short black hair, with long extensions tied in two diamond patterned braids. She wears a blue and yellow two piece, made up of a crop top and very short shorts, with a large, fluffy yellow coat, and ballet flats, one red and one blue. Her top and shorts are connected by a hexagon shaped buckle. Elesa also wears new headphones, with cone shaped spikes protruding out of the ear pieces, with the right spike red and the left spike blue. In addition, she wears nail polish, red on her right hand, and blue on her left.


Elesa is initially portrayed to be a very calm and stoic character. However, she is self-conscious about people's perceptions of her, and believes that others probably do not think she is a fun-loving person due to her stunningly good looks. Much like the other Gym Leaders of her type, Elesa prefers to show off her skills with a sense of style and a performance to accompany it.

Additionally, Elesa has a fondness for bad puns. This is capitalized on in Pokémon Masters, where she makes a variety of Pokémon based puns.


The name Elesa derives from "electric" and possibly "laser" or "tesla", a unit of magnetic induction.

Her Japanese name, Kamitsure, comes from 雷 (kaminari, thunder). It could also literally be kamitsure, the Japanese name of the scented mayweed, following the Japanese naming of most characters.


Black and White[]

After the player exits the Pokémon Musical for the first time, Bianca's father confronts her and tells her to go home with him. However, Elesa steps in and convinces Bianca's father to let Bianca continue her journey. This makes Bianca admire Elesa and makes her want to be a model just like her. She then tells the player she's waiting in the gym for him/her. After defeating her, she goes out to Route 5 and contacts Clay, telling him to bring the Drawbridge down. When it does come down, she wishes the player good luck and returns to the gym.

She next appears along with the rest of the Unova Gym Leaders, with the exception of Cilan, Chili, and Cress, and battles the Seven Sages, allowing the player to continue.

For the rest of the game, she can be found in her gym.

Black 2 and White 2[]

She has changed looks, dying her hair black and wearing more revealing outfit. Her Gym is themed after a catwalk. Through the Memory Link it is revealed she's good friends with Skyla and wanted to practice making jokes, in a way to break the image of a serious person that everybody believes her to be, which upsets her. She throws bad puns which Skyla points out, but Elesa says that by doing so, people will poke fun at her and allow a new approach. Skyla thinks such way is old fashioned and should take it with ease. The two then agree to have a Pokémon Battle and Elesa asks Skyla to not call her "Shirley", hinting it to be her true name (and referencing the movie "Airplane!" in the process).

Other appearances[]



Black and White[]

0587Emolga BW
 Type Electric Type Flying 
File:0587Emolga BW Female.gif
 Type Electric Type Flying 
0523Zebstrika BW
 Type Electric 

Lv. 25 Lv. 25 Lv. 27

Ability: Static Ability: Static Ability: Lightningrod

Item: None Item: None Item: None

Quick Attack Quick Attack Quick Attack - - -
Pursuit Pursuit Flame Charge - - -
Aerial Ace Aerial Ace Spark - - -
Volt Switch Volt Switch Volt Switch - - -

Black 2 and White 2[]

Gym Battle[]

Driftveil Tournament/Mix Tournament[]

Electric-type Tournament[]

0523Zebstrika BW
 Type Electric 
0181Ampharos BW
 Type Electric 
0405Luxray BW
 Type Electric 
0587Emolga BW
 Type Electric Type Flying 
0604Eelektross BW
 Type Electric 
0618Stunfisk BW
 Type Ground Type Electric 
Lv. 50 Lv. 50 Lv. 50 Lv. 50 Lv. 50 Lv. 50
Ability: Lightningrod Ability: Static Ability: Rivalry Ability: Static Ability: Levitate Ability: Static
Item: Life Orb Item: Shuca Berry Item: Expert Belt Item: Flying Gem Item: Choice Band Item: Sitrus Berry
Wild Charge Discharge Wild Charge U-turn Thunderpunch Discharge
Overheat Signal Beam Fire Fang Wild Charge Fire Punch Earth Power
Return Power Gem Ice Fang Acrobatics Dragon Claw Scald
Quick Attack Focus Blast Quick Attack Charm Brick Break Foul Play

Unova Gym Leader Tournament/World Leaders Tournament[]

0523Zebstrika BW
 Type Electric 
0181Ampharos BW
 Type Electric 
0405Luxray BW
 Type Electric 
0587Emolga BW
 Type Electric Type Flying 
0604Eelektross BW
 Type Electric 
0618Stunfisk BW
 Type Ground Type Electric 
Lv. 50 Lv. 50 Lv. 50 Lv. 50 Lv. 50 Lv. 50
Ability: Lightningrod Ability: Static Ability: Rivalry Ability: Static Ability: Levitate Ability: Static
Item: Liechi Berry Item: Shuca Berry Item: Sitrus Berry Item: Flying Gem Item: Salac Berry Item: Petaya Berry
Wild Charge Discharge Thunder Volt Switch Zap Cannon Discharge
Flame Charge Signal Beam Energy Ball Acrobatics Flamethrower Earth Power
Thrash Power Gem Bug Buzz Attract Dragon Claw Muddy Water
Me First Cotton Guard Disable Thunder Wave Coil Stone Edge


  • Her Japanese Leader title is シャイニング ビューティ "Shining Beauty".
  • She is one of the few female Gym Leaders to have more male Pokémon than female Pokémon.
  • Elesa is the only returning Unova Gym Leader in Pokémon Black and White 2 to receive a redesign. She received a second redesign exclusively for Pokémon Masters.
  • Elesa is the first major fashion model in the series.
  • As stated by the magazine Nintendo DREAM, Elesa's slim legs are designed to be extremely slim on purpose just to emphasize on her being a model (which may also be responsible for her high heels in her original design as models have to be able to walk in such shoes), and her stoic appearance plus her robot-like accessories such as her headphones and their cables are based on how real life models are stereotyped as acting emotionless and looking like robots.