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Pokémon Wiki
Type Dragon
Type Dragon HOME

The Dragon type (Japanese: ドラゴンタイプ, HepburnDoragon taipu) is one of the eighteen Pokémon elemental types.

The Dragon-type is often considered an ancestral type as many Legendary Dragon-type Pokémon are revered as deities. Other Dragon-type Pokémon are frequently hard to catch and train. They also evolve late and are relatively rare. An interesting fact is that the stats of many Dragon-type Pokémon surpass the stats of other types of Pokémon.

Most Pokémon with the Dragon-type are usually reptilian in appearance, with a few exceptions being Charizard (who is Fire/Flying by default, but can become part Dragon-type if exposed to a Charizardite X Mega Stone). Other Dragon-type Pokémon lack draconic traits, such as Vibrava (who closely resembles an insect more than a dragon), Dragalge (whose overall design is based on the leafy seadragon, a type of fish), Alolan Exeggutor (with traits more close to a plant, more specifically a palm tree).

Notable Dragon-type users include Lance, the last member of the Kanto Elite Four and then Johto League champion; Clair, the Blackthorn City Gym Leader; Drake, the last member of the Hoenn Elite Four; Iris, the Gym Leader of Opelucid City and then Unova League champion; Drayden, the Opelucid City Gym Leader; Drasna, a member of the Kalos Elite Four; Ryuki, the Pokémon Trainer who runs the Kantonian Gym in Alola; Raihan, the last Gym Leader in Galar; Hassel, a member of the Paldea Elite Four; and Drayton, a member of BB League Elite Four.

Quick Answers

Why are Dragon-type Pokémon often considered ancestral? toggle section
Dragon-type Pokémon, often seen as ancestral, are associated with legendary status and revered as deities in the Pokémon universe. These Pokémon are typically challenging to catch and train, evolve later, and are relatively scarce. Their stats frequently exceed those of other Pokémon types. While most Dragon-type Pokémon have a reptilian appearance, there are exceptions. They also play a significant role in the game's lore, often serving as mascots.
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What makes Dragon-type Pokémon hard to catch and train? toggle section
Dragon-type Pokémon are challenging to catch and train due to their rarity and late evolution stages. These Pokémon, often seen as ancestral types, have superior stats compared to other Pokémon types. Certain Pokémon, like Charizard, can only adopt the Dragon-type under specific conditions. Dragon and Ghost types share unique characteristics, including self-weakness and specific immunities and resistances.
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Why do Dragon-type Pokémon evolve late? toggle section
Dragon-type Pokémon, revered as ancestral and often legendary, are known for their late evolution. This is attributed to their superior stats and rarity. Examples include Dragonair, evolving at level 55, and Gabite, at level 24. An Everstone can delay this evolution process. Despite the challenge in catching and training them, their stats typically outdo other Pokémon types.
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How do the stats of Dragon-type Pokémon compare to other types? toggle section
Dragon-type Pokémon, often revered as deities, typically have superior stats compared to other Pokémon types. While they usually resemble reptiles, some, like Charizard, can acquire Dragon-type characteristics through specific means such as a Charizardite X Mega Stone. Others, like Vibrava and Dragalge, lack typical dragon features. These Pokémon are often challenging to catch and train, evolve late, and are relatively rare. Dragon-type is frequently used as a version mascot in the Pokémon series.
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Why are Dragon-type Pokémon relatively rare? toggle section
Dragon-type Pokémon's rarity stems from their ancestral status, with many revered as deities. They are notoriously difficult to catch and train, and typically evolve later than other types. Their superior stats compared to other Pokémon types also contribute to their rarity. They were dominant in player versus player battles until Generation VI, highlighting their strength.
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Dragon-type moves[]

  • There are 31 Dragon-type moves.
  • In battles: Special moves stand out.
    • 11 moves are of the Physical type.
    • 14 moves are of the Special type.
    • 3 moves are of the Other type.
  • In contests: Cool moves stand out.
    • 6 moves are of the Cool type type.
    • 4 moves are of the Beautiful type type.
    • 3 moves are of the Tough type type.
    • There are no moves of the Clever type and Cute type types.

List of Dragon-type moves[]

Name Category Contest Generation Power
Breaking Swipe Physical type - Generation VIII 60
Clanging Scales Special type - Generation VII 110
Clangorous Soul Other type - Generation VIII -
Clangorous Soulblaze Special type - Generation VII 185
Core Enforcer Special type - Generation VII 100
Devastating Drake - - Generation VII -
Draco Meteor Special type Beautiful type[1] Generation IV 130[2]
Dragon Breath Special type Cool type Generation II 60
Dragon Cheer Other type - Generation IX 80
Dragon Claw Physical type Cool type Generation III 80
Dragon Dance Other type Cool type Generation III -
Dragon Darts Physical type - Generation VIII 50
Dragon Energy Special type - Generation VIII 150
Dragon Hammer Physical type - Generation VII 90
Dragon Pulse Special type Beautiful type[1] Generation IV 85[3]
Dragon Rage Special type Cool type Generation I 40 HP
Dragon Rush Physical type Tough type[4] Generation IV 100
Dragon Tail Physical type Tough type Generation V 60
Dual Chop Physical type Tough type Generation V 40 (x2)
Dynamax Cannon Special type - Generation VIII 100
Eternabeam Special type - Generation VIII 160
Fickle Beam Special type - Generation IX 80
G-Max Depletion - - Generation VIII -
Glaive Rush Physical type - Generation IX 120
Max Wyrmwind - - Generation VIII -
Order Up Physical type - Generation IX 80
Outrage Physical type Cool type Generation II 120[5]
Roar of Time Special type Beautiful type[4] Generation IV 150
Scale Shot Physical type - Generation VIII 25
Spacial Rend Special type Beautiful type[6] Generation IV 100
Twister Special type Cool type Generation II 40

Effectiveness of Dragon-type moves[]

Super effective against Pokémon of the types: Type Dragon.
Not very effective against Pokémon of the types: Type Steel.
Ineffective against Pokémon of the types: Type Fairy.

Weaknesses and resistances of the Dragon type[]

A type chart displaying the weaknesses and resistances of a Pokémon when damaged by a move. Empty fields are moves that do normal damage.

Doubly super effective
Super effective
Very resistant
Type of the move
Bug type vertical Dark type vertical Dragon type vertical Electric type vertical Fairy type vertical Fighting type vertical Fire type vertical Flying type vertical Ghost type vertical Grass type vertical Ground type vertical Ice type vertical Normal type vertical Poison type vertical Psychic type vertical Rock type vertical Steel type vertical Water type vertical
Type Dragon
Type DragonType Dark
Type DragonType Electric
Type DragonType Fairy
Type DragonType Fighting
Type DragonType Fire
Type DragonType Flying
Type DragonType Ghost
Type DragonType Grass
Type DragonType Ground
Type DragonType Ice
Type DragonType Normal
Type DragonType Poison
Type DragonType Psychic
Type DragonType Rock
Type DragonType Steel
Type DragonType Water

Dragon-type-Pokémon Trainers[]

Dragon-type-Pokémon Gym Leaders[]

Leader Location Badge
Blackthorn City, Johto Rising Badge
Rising Badge
Opelucid City, Unova Legend Badge
Legend Badge
VSIris (game)
Opelucid City, Unova Legend Badge
Legend Badge
Raihan League Card
Hammerlocke, Galar Dragon Badge
Dragon Badge

Dragon-type-Pokémon Elite Four Members[]

Competence Category
Lance Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!
Kanto Elite Four

[11]/Johto Champion[12]

Hoenn Elite Four
Drasna VS XY
Kalos Elite Four
Paldea Elite Four
BB League Elite Four

Dragon-type-Pokémon Special Trainers[]

Competence Category
Alola Pokémon Trainer

Dragon type records[]

  • Eternatus is the tallest and heaviest Dragon type.
  • Goomy is the smallest Dragon type.
  • Applin is the lightest Dragon type.
  • Gible evolves at the lowest level (24)
  • Zweilous evolves at the highest level (64)
  • Eternatus (Eternamax) has the most HP, Defense, and Sp. Def of all Dragon-types (255 and 250)
  • Guzzlord has the highest HP of all obtainable Dragon types (223)
  • Regidrago has the highest HP of all non-Ultra Beast Dragon types (200)
  • Baxcalibur has the most HP of all non-Legendary Dragon types (115)
  • Turtonator has the most Defense of all obtainable Dragon types (135). But when Duraludon holds the Eviolite, Duraludon has the highest Defense of all receivable Dragon types (173).
  • Mega Rayquaza has the most Attack and Sp. Atk of all Dragon-types (180)
  • Mega Garchomp has the highest Attack of all non-Legendary Dragon types (170)
  • Mega Ampharos has the highest Special Attack of all non-Legendary Dragon types (165)
  • Mega Latias, and Goodra, and its Hisuian form have the most Special Defense of all obtainable Dragon types (150). But when Sliggoo and its Hisuian formhave an Eviolite, both of Sliggoo's forms have the highest Special Defense of all obtainable Dragon types (169).
  • Mega Sceptile has the most Speed of all Dragon-types (145)
  • Noivern has the highest Speed of all non-Pseudo Legendary Dragon types when neither Dusk Mane Necrozma nor Dawn Wings Necrozma use Ultra Burst nor have the Z-Crystal Ultranecrozium Z (123)
  • Eternatus (Eternamax) has the highest base stat total of all Dragon-types(1125)

Dragon-type Pokémon[]

73 Pokémon are Dragon type.

Pure Dragon-type Pokémon[]

Primary Dragon-type Pokémon[]

Secondary Dragon-type Pokémon[]

Pokémon with Dragon-type alternate formes[]

The following alternate formes of some Pokémon are also of the Dragon type.

Relations with other types[]

  • They have no effect against the Fairy type because in certain mythologies, fairies' magic could dominate oriental dragons. While dragons were often immune to magic in European legends, it is a common theme in fairy tales that knights slay the dragon and for dragons to be weak to magic.
  • They're weak against themselves because only a dragon could overpower another dragon. It could also be that being a magical creature, they can only be defeated by another magical creature, hence the Dragon and Fairy weaknesses.
  • They're weak against the Ice type because dragons are reptilian creatures and reptiles are cold blooded (ectothermic), which causes them to become slow and lethargic when faced with cold temperatures, and is also probably a reference to the Dragon Quest video game series, where dragons are weak to ice.
  • The Steel type resists them because in legends, knights used armor of that material to defend themselves when facing a dragon. Strangely, they're not weak to the Steel type.
  • They're resistant to the Grass, Fire, Water and Electric types because in old legends, dragons were immune to the forces of nature. This also fits with the Generation I starters with each type representing Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Pikachu.


  • So far, Dragon has been paired up with every other type at least once, except Bug, although Vibrava and Flygon are the closest.
  • Of the 10 Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon that exist, 8 of them are part Dragon-type.
  • Kingdra was the only Dragon-type introduced in Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version (not including Ampharos getting the type in an alternate form 14 years later in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y).
  • In Generation I, it is impossible to get super-effective damage from a Dragon-type move since the only Dragon-type move in Generation I was Dragon Rage, which did a fixed 40 damage.
  • No Pokémon can have a double weakness to Dragon (since the type is only super-effective on itself).
    • Mega Altaria is the only Dragon-type Pokémon that is immune to Dragon-type moves.
  • Dragon-type has the most power-increasing items for it with 7. They are Draco Plate, Dragon Fang, Dragon Gem, Soul Dew, Adamant Orb, Lustrous Orb and Griseous Orb.
  • Dragon has the fewest non-damaging moves out of any type, with only 2: one of which is Kommo-o's signature move, Clangorous Soul. and the other is Dragon Dance.
  • So far the only shiny locked Dragon Pokémon are Koraidon, Miraidon and Walking Wake.
  • So far, not including Silvally the Dragon type has one of the most Legendary Pokémon with 15 as of Scarlet and Violet only behind Psychic which has 16.
  • Before Generation VI, Dragon type had dominated the pvp, thus were considered as the strongest type and eventually weakened after Fairy type released.
  • Sinnoh is the only region that did not introduce a Dragon Type Specialist.
    • Kanto introduced Lance
    • Johto had Lance return as champion, and Clair now has appears and makes her debut as the eight gym leader
    • Hoenn had Drake as the final Elite Four Member (you could call him The Elite Fourth Member!)
    • Unova had both Drayden and Iris as the eighth gym leader being version exclusive. However, in Black 2 and White 2, Drayden is the seventh gym leader and Iris has become the champion.
    • Kalos had Drasna as an Elite Four Member.
    • While not a Trial Captain, Kahuna, or Elite Four Member, Ryuki is a dragon type specialist who runs the Kantonian Gym.
    • In Galar, Raihan was introduced, being a Dragon Type Gym Leader, and the second gym leader to use Double Battles, with the first being Tate and Liza
    • Paldea introduced Hassel.
  • The Dragon type and the idea of "dragons" aren't the same in the Pokémon world, as some Pokémon which are not Dragon type sometimes are called "dragons" or used by dragon masters. These Pokémon are Horsea and Seadra (by their classification), Aerodactyl (by a man in Pewter Museum), Gyarados and Charizard (by Lance, especially in Pokémon Masters), Lugia (by a man in Ecruteak City), Lapras, Aggron and Archeops (by Iris), and Iron Jugulis (implicitly, being a robotic version of Hydreigon). There is also a Dragon Egg Group which contains some other draconic Pokémon.
  • Dragon is the most common type for pseudo-legendary Pokémon, with only two pseudo-legendary Pokémon not being part Dragon type.
  • Galar has introduced the most Dragon Pokémon with eleven with Regidrago being added through the Crown Tundra DLC, formally beating Unova's ten Dragon types.
  • Out of the three gimmicks since Pokémon X and Y two of the Pokémon responsible creating them are Dragon Type this being Ultra Necrozma with Z-Moves and Eternatus with Dynamax and Gigantamax.
  • So far, not including Arceus, there isn’t currently a Dragon Type Mythical Pokémon.
  • More Pokémon gain the Dragon type through Mega Evolution than any other type, with three.
  • All Dragon type moves are eligible to be used in Sky Battles.
  • Dragon and Ghost share some qualities. They both: originally had three Pokémon in Generation I, then gained only one more in Generation II, are the only types that are weak to themselves, and have one type immune to them and one type resistant to them.
  • In Generation III, all Dragon type moves were Cool moves.
  • Dragon is the most common type to serve as version mascot, with nine Dragon type Pokémon having served as mascots for ten games of the core series.


  1. ^ a b Before Generation VI, this was a Clever type-type move.
  2. ^ 140 until Generation V.
  3. ^ 90 until Generation V.
  4. ^ a b Before Generation VI, this was a Cool type-type move.
  5. ^ 90 until Generation IV.
  6. ^ Before Generation VI, this was a Tough type-type move.
  7. ^ Before Generation VI, Dragon/Steel-type Pokémon were resistant to Dark-type moves.
  8. ^ Before Generation VI, Dragon/Steel-type Pokémon were resistant to Ghost-type moves.
  9. ^ Only in Pokémon Black and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.
  10. ^ Only in Pokémon White.
  11. ^ Only in Pokémon Red and Blue, Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
  12. ^ Only in Pokémon Gold and Silver and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
  13. ^ a b c In its Origin Forme.
  14. ^ Due to the ability Multitype, equipped with the Draco Plate.
  15. ^ In its 10% Forme.
  16. ^ In its Complete Forme.
  17. ^ Due to the ability RKS System, equipped with the Dragon Memory.
  18. ^ In its Ultra Forme.
  19. ^ Flapple and Appletun have the same Gigantamax form.