A Trainer and Child Reunion! (Japanese: 四天王リョウ!出会いと別れの森!, Hepburn: Elite Four Aaron! The Forest of Separate Encounters!) is the 47th episode of Pokémon: DP Battle Dimension.
Ash and his friends enter a small town where all the girls are lined up to watch Aaron, one of the Elite Four, conduct a public training session. Aaron knows his Bug-type Pokémon so well, he can even understand what Bug-type Pokémon say. Aaron plans to challenge Cynthia for the top Trainer spot in Sinnoh, and the crowds are certainly impressed by his Vespiquen, Drapion, and Skorupi. When Aaron learns that Dawn and Ash know Cynthia, he takes them to his private training center in the woods. Team Rocket follows them and puts syrup on a tree to lure Aaron's Pokémon, but it only ends up attracting Beedrill!
Dawn notices a photo of Aaron and a Wurmple. This Wurmple was Aaron's greatest friend, but Aaron doesn't seem to have a Wurmple now—where did it go? Before Aaron can explain, Team Rocket's balloon descends from the sky and vacuums up his Pokémon along with Pikachu and Piplup. Team Rocket escapes, but Aaron is determined to find and rescue his Pokémon. When he was young, he was a poor loser who blamed Wurmple for his defeat, driving Wurmple away. Ever since that mistake, he's worked hard to understand Bug-types and vowed not to lose a Pokémon ever again!
Team Rocket doesn't get far—their kidnapped Pokémon decide to fight back, and the balloon crashes in the forest. As Seviper and Carnivine try to stop Pikachu, Piplup, and Aaron's Pokémon from escaping, Aaron and our heroes arrive to save the day. Team Rocket makes a second attempt to vacuum up the Pokémon, but a Beautifly stops them with a powerful SolarBeam attack. Team Rocket crashed near the tree where Aaron met Wurmple, and this Beautifly is the Evolution of Aaron's Wurmple! All this time, it's been training to become strong enough to help Aaron. Now it's certainly strong enough to help defeat Team Rocket, and Team Rocket is sent packing by the combined attacks of our heroes' Pokémon. As Aaron happily trains for his big challenge, Ash heads to Hearthome City for his own big challenge: a Gym Battle against Fantina![1]
Episode plot[]
On their journey to Hearthome City, Ash and the gang swing by a small town where they witness a gathering of people. Curious, the gang go to check it out, but are forced to get in line by Officer Jenny who informs them that Aaron of the Elite Four is having a public training session. As Aaron's Drapion, Skorupi and Vspiqueen put on a powerful display, Ash and Dawn find themselves gushing. Officer Jenny even finds herself swooning for him, mentioning that out of all of the Elite Four, he is the one that mixes power and popularity the best. As Aaron continues to train, Jenny continues to swoon for him, mentioning that Aaron has challenged Cynthia to battle for her place as Champion. Aaron then wraps up his training session, thanking the onlookers and asking for them to support him during their battle. As Aaron prepares to leave, all the girls begin attempting to get an autograph all while Ash vows to himself that he will one day reach the same level as Aaron and Cynthia, planning to challenge them both himself. Team Rocket watches from the distance where Jessie hatches the plan to steal Aaron's pokemon, but neither James nor Meowth believe they can do it and immediately give up. Jessie coerces them into continuing anyway.As Aaron finishes his autographing session, Dawn comes up with her copy of a magazine asking for him to sign it for her. As he does, they begin to converse about Cynthia, and the personal relationship they share with the champion. Aaron is surprised, but after listening to Ash's dreams, decides he would love to host them at his personal training center, and they accept. At the training center, Aaron releases his pokemon to frolic while hoping on a bike to personally train. He says his pokemon will lose respect for him if he doesn't train himself as hard as he trains them. Determined to be as strong as Aaron, Ash follows him. Meanwhile, Team Rocket attempts to capture Vespiqueenm but all they manage to catch is a Munchlax. The commotion they cause alerts the Beedrill, all of which swarm the team, driving them off. After a while, Aaron stops riding his bike. Seeing Ash in less than great condition, he suggests a break. Having found an image of Aaron with a Wurmple, Dawn inquires about it, only to be told the story of Aaron's first pokemon. While listening to the story, Ash remembers Butterfree, the evolved Caterpie he raised and released. As the story continues, it is interrupted by Team Rocket who capture Aaron's pokemon, and Ash and the gang's pokemon. Aaron tries to get to the balloon but fails. Team Rocket disappears over the treeline and Ash and the others give chase. As Team Rocket escapes, Pikachu and the other pokemon resist, causing Team Rocket to crash in the view of a Ledian who goes and tells this to Aaron. Team Rocket tend to their balloon as their prisoners escape. [[Jessie's Seviper Seviper]] and Carnivine are called upon to stop the pokemon from escaping. As the battle begins to fall into Team Rocket's favor, Aaron, Ash and the others appear to aid their pilfered partners. With the help of a Beautifly that appears and fires a Hyperbeam at Team Rocket, they manage to beat Team Rocket, and Aaron is elated to be with his pokemon again. After this, Ash and the gang prepare to leave, and Aaron wishes Ash luck with his dreams and his rematch with Fantina.
- Details of this episode were made known in K-Zone, a children's magazine, before any official Japanese episode listing. However, the magazine stated that Aaron would appear before Celestic Town, suggesting that it was moved to fit in the one-hour specials at Celestic.
- Aaron's signature was shown in this episode. It was his Japanese name in romaji, Ryou. This was not changed in the dubbed version.
- This marks the second time that Ash's Butterfree is seen in a flashback in the Diamond & Pearl series. The first was in The Thief That Keeps on Thieving! as a Caterpie.
- The dub title is a reference to the 1972 Paul Simon song "Mother and Child Reunion".
- Professor Oak's lecture: Charmander
- This episode marks the first time Brock's Croagunk is seen coming out of its Poké Ball before hitting him with Poison Jab.
- For a quick moment, while Ash and his friends are watching Aaron and his Pokémon perform, Dawn's purse overlaps Brock's pants.
- While Team Rocket discusses the advantages of stealing Aaron's Pokémon, Wobbuffet manifests itself right after a noise of it coming out of its Poké Ball, even though it was already out, as shown in the scene before.
- After Team Rocket's balloon crashes, Wobbuffet comes out of its Poké Ball while they are all on the ground. Shortly after that, Meowth is seen alone on the balloon, and Wobbuffet comes out once again of its Poké Ball. This is clearly a mistake, since the Poké Ball should stay with Jessie, and not Meowth.
- ^ (n.d.) . "A Trainer and Child Reunion! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on January 31, 2024.