Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Chinese Dave Bust
This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
For the level before the v1.8 update, see Sky City - Day 21 (Pre-1.8).

Sky City - Day 21 is the 21st level of Sky City in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. When this level is finished for the first time, the player gets coins.

In normal mode, the player must defeat level 1 zombies.


This level is extremely difficult, especially since this level will start off with Coneheads and Bucketheads, Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombies will almost always kill one of your aerial plants, and Imps from the Transport Boat can severely weaken the defense on your ship if not payed attention. Strong cheap plants such as Magnifying Grass, as well as Cycloque should be used. The pre-selected Pea-nut is unviable in this level, considering the fact that most straight-shooters aren't very good in Sky City.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Pilot Zombie2 None
2 Conehead Pilot Zombie2 Conehead Pilot Zombie2 Transport Boat2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Transport Boat2 None
5 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Flag Pilot Zombie2 Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombie2 Transport Boat2 None First flag.
6 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Transport Boat2 None
7 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombie2 Transport Boat2 None
8 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombie2 Transport Boat2 None
9 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombie2 Transport Boat2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Conehead Pilot Zombie2 Conehead Pilot Zombie2 Conehead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Flag Pilot Zombie2 Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombie2 Transport Boat2 None Second flag (in-game).
11 Buckethead Pilot Zombie22 Buckethead Pilot Zombie24 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Flag Pilot Zombie2 Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombie2 None Final wave.


  • Start off by planting Sun-shrooms.
  • When the first Conehead appears, try setting up a defense while the ship's cannon takes care of it.
  • Later into the game, Cycloque should be used to deal massive damage to flying zombies.


In hard mode, the player must defeat level 3-4 zombies.


This level is extremely difficult with level 3-4 zombies. With extra health and increased dps per bite damage, your plants should be upgraded to levels 3-4.


  • Just like in normal mode, just repeat the same strategies but with upgraded plants.

