The Sonic Mine is the perfect Anti-Chomper System. Just throw it down, and if any Plants venture too close, it will go off and stun them for a duration.
Sonic Mine is extremely effective for defending teleporters from plants. However, avoid placing them in an open space as plants will be able to notice it. Place these around corners while running as the plants will not expect the mine's explosion. When a Chomper is chasing you in Burrow, leave some mines behind you and when it runs into them try to land a few hits before using another mine at it in case it tries to swallow you with Goop.
Use the same strategies as you would with Potato Mines as zombies. Shoot at the mines to take them out. Avoid getting close to the mines, as they can stun you, preventing you from using your abilities or your primary weapon. Be cautious while walking around corners as there may be nearby mines. Camping near a teleporter is a great strategy to take them out from a safe distance. Chomper can have some trouble with these, as it will stop Chomper underground. Chompers also lack ranged moves.