Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
For the Chinese version of the level, see Pirate Seas - Day 22 (Chinese version).
Not to be confused with a similar level: Pirate Seas - Day 31.

Pirate Seas - Day 22 is the 22nd level of Pirate Seas in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It is a Last Stand level. The player starts with 3300 sun and two Plant Food. When this level is finished for the first time, the player receives a money bag.


This is a unique level with no planks on the lawn, meaning there will be only two zombies: Swashbuckler Zombie and Imp Cannons to shoot Imp Pirate Zombies which allows them to pass over the player's lawn. There are many strategies that can be used because all the zombies are weak, which makes it easy to complete this level. In addition, there is a lot of sun given, so more possibilities can be done. The Imp Cannons are durable, and can be annoying if not dealt correctly, as the Swashbuckler Zombies can be used as shields to protect Imp Cannons from projectile shooting plants.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Imp Cannon23 None
2 Swashbuckler Zombie21 Swashbuckler Zombie22 Swashbuckler Zombie24 Swashbuckler Zombie25 None
3 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon24 None
4 Swashbuckler Zombie22 Swashbuckler Zombie25 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon25 None
5 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon24 Imp Cannon25 None
6 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon24 Imp Cannon25 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Raiding Party!
7 Swashbuckler Zombie21 Swashbuckler Zombie23 Swashbuckler Zombie25 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon24 Imp Cannon25 None
8 Swashbuckler Zombie22 Swashbuckler Zombie24 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon24 Imp Cannon25 None
9 Swashbuckler Zombie21 Swashbuckler Zombie22 Swashbuckler Zombie23 Swashbuckler Zombie24 Swashbuckler Zombie25 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon24 Imp Cannon25 None
10 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon24 Imp Cannon24 Imp Cannon25 Imp Cannon25 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie2 Final wave.
Raiding Party!


Main article: Last Stand (PvZ2)/Strategies
See gallery for more details.
Notes: These strategies work for all versions.

Infi-nuts with plant food are very powerful, as they can effectively block all imps fired - except during the imp bursts. Using this is highly recommended, as it only costs 75 sun.

The easiest strategy is also probably the most boring: fill the deck with spikeweeds and just wait. Not a single zombie will be able to get past.

Gatling Splash[]

Created by Fun Animator

  • Required plants:
  • Plant Threepeaters in the first two columns.
  • Use Plant Food in the Final Wave if the Imps are overwhelming you.

Gate of Death[]

Created by Uselessguy
Ask for his permission before editing.
  • Required plant:
  • Plant two columns of Spikerocks on the second column and the third column.
  • Let us rock. The zombies cannot pass over and surely die.

Spike, Spike, Punch[]

Created by Enoch964
  • Required plants:
  • On the back most column, plant Bonk Choys.
  • Cover the rest of the spaces with Spikeweed.
  • Watch the heads (of the zombies, not the plants) roll.

Laser and spike[]

  • Required plants:
  • Plant Laser Beans in the first column of every lane, then plant Spikerocks in the third column of every lane. Laser Beans will destroy Imp Cannons while Spikerocks will deal heavy damage to zombies.
  • Assuming that all your plants are in level 1, you will have 500 spare sun.

Pure Spike[]

  • The only plant you need is Spikeweed. Fill the entire lawn with them, and all the Imps and Swashbuckler Zombies will die before reaching the lawn mower. This one trick may just make this the easiest level in the entire game.

Boomerang Madness[]

Created by Charizardia

  • Required plants:
  • Place Bloomerangs on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd columns.
  • Note that the Bloomerangs don't need to be leveled up.
  • If you have Bloomerangs that cost 150 sun, place a single column of Wall-nuts, and two Tile Turnips on two separate lanes (any level works)

Cannon Fun[]

  • Place Coconut Cannons on the first column and an Infi-nut on the fitfh column.
  • When the onslaught begins, feed the Infi-nut Plant Food and fire away.

Frozen World  (Contains premium content)[]

Required plants:[]

Things that you have to do[]

  • Place Snow Pea in first 2 columns.
  • Place Winter Melon in third column in middle lane.
  • Start onslaught and look for randomness for imp cannon.

Imp Slaughter[]

NOTE: this strategy only works for players without 'Battlez'. If your game is updated, don't do this as it's painstakingly slow.


  • Snapdragon (any level)
  • Phat Beet (optional, any level)
  • Wall-nut (optional, any level)
  • Spikeweed (any level)

Place Snapdragons or Phat Beets in the first two columns. First one MUST be Snapdragons since Phat Beets wouldn't be able to attack. Place an optional wall of Wall-nuts in the third column, and fill the rest with Spikeweeds.

Either way, you survive!

Bicolumn Electric  (Contains premium content)[]

  • Required plants:
  • Plant Electric Peashooters in the 2 leftmost columns and that's clear!


Required Plants:[]

  • Bloomerang
  • Snapdragon
  • Wall-nut

Plant Bloomerangs in the first two columns, Snapdragons on the fourth column, and Wall-nuts on the fifth column. Let us rock, and this strategy will let Swashbuckler Zombies die before they land, and kill Imp Cannons in seconds.

Lasers and snapdragons[]

Required Plants

Plant Laser Beans in the first two columns, then plant a row of Snapdragons in front of the Laser Beans.

Lasers and fists[]

Required plants:

  • Laser Bean
  • Bonk Choy

Plant Laser Beans in the first two columns, then plant a row of Bonk Choys in the third column.

Zip-Zap Splish-Splash[]

Created by User: ZenithTrooper

Required Plants:

  • Lightning Reed
  • Primal Peashooter

Place all Primal Peashooters in the first three columns, and all Lightning Reeds in the fourth column. Then watch as countless zombies are sent careening to the seas, or zapped to ash.

Dusk Peas[]

Created by Rotobaga101
  • Required plant:
  • Plant Dusk Lobbers on the first column and Fire Peashooters in the second column. Plant an Infi-nut on the fifth column, third row and feed plant food when the onslaught starts. You can put a Homing Thistle on the third column, third row and attackers less than 150 sun in the fourth column if you want. Then watch as the zombies get slaughtered by Dusk Lobber and Fire Pea! In the final wave to speed it up, you can plant a Conceal-Mint to make the cannons get instantly killed!

Cold vs. water  (Contains premium content)[]

So strong[]

Ocean’s Nightmare[]

Required Plants:


Place Bloomerang in the first, second and third column and Infi-nut in third row in fifth column, then Let’s rock, and put Plant Food at Infi-nut.

Fume Doom[]

Created by Lookiecookie0505

Required Plants:

Fill the four leftmost columns with Fume-shrooms. Fill the fifth column with Wall-Nuts. You will have zero sun left. Just let the level play and do absolutely nothing the whole time.

Heads Up[]

Created by Eek-ondchips

Required plants:


Plant as many Bonk Choys as you can, then watch the zombie's heads get punched up.

Note: For the huge waves, use Cherry Bomb.

Lightning Reed Only[]

The first four columns should have all lightning reeds. Then plan one in C5 R2 and C5 R4. Some of the lightning reeds might get eaten, but that is okay.


Created by Wiki1597user

Required plants:


Plant as many Spikerocks as you can. After that, use Spear-mints for the rest.

Draftodil  (Contains premium content)[]

Created by Anishsane

Required plant: Draftodil


Fill the left columns with Draftodil. Just 2-3 columns are also more than sufficient. After all, Swashbuckler Zombie and Imp Cannon zombies are all airborne.

A Piercing Walk (Contains money costing plants)[]

Created by Bcovers


Needed Plants: Cactus

vZ2)Plant 3 rows fully of cactus, and thats it. watch the zombies die quickly.

Threepeater Deleation[]

Required Plants:

Required Plants:


Place Threepeaters on tile turnip in the first, second and third column and Infi-nut in third row in fifth column, then Let’s rock, and put Plant Food at Infi-nut.

Then plant food the threepeaters when necessary.

Spikerock: The Level[]

Required Plants:

Spikerock (I'm not kidding, that's it)


Just place Spikerocks in the 2nd & 4th rows. You should have enough to place at least 10.

(Alternately, you could just use Spikeweeds instead of Spikerocks because they're more cheap; you can place more of them on the lawn)


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Pirate Seas - Day 22
Visit this page to see it.
Pirate Seas - Day 22


