Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
For the Chinese version of the level, see Dark Ages - Night 12 (Chinese version).
For the Chinese version of this level before the v1.8 update, see Dark Ages - Night 12 (Chinese version: pre-1.8).

Dark Ages - Night 12 is the twelfth level of Dark Ages in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It is a Save Our Seeds level. To complete it, the player must protect five Puff-shrooms and prevent them from disappearing. When this level is finished for the first time, the player unlocks the Dark Ages Endless Zone - Arthur's Challenge.


(After the player completes the level and unlocks Arthur's Challenge, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: Why would anyone go and stick a nice sword in a dirty ol' rock?
Penny: I understand it to be a test, User Dave.
Penny: Only someone with great physical strength and strength of character may remove it.
Crazy Dave: I bet someone with a jackhammer could remove it.
Crazy Dave: A CRAAAZY someone!
Penny: An inelegant but no doubt effective solution to the test, User Dave.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)


Puff-shrooms are the endangered plants. Because of their gimmick of disappearing after a while, using Plant Food on them is needed to win. Luckily, there is an ample supply of Plant Food throughout the level. Boosting a Puff-shroom also boosts all the others. Saving Plant Food should be kept in order, as mindlessly using it all can easily result in a loss. Jester Zombie and Wizard Zombie can prove to be an annoying pair, as most area-of-effect plants are short ranged. Necromancy! can also cause some trouble. For last resort options, spending coins on Plant Food, using upgrades like Mower Launch (lawn mowers are unreachable in this Save Our Seeds level), or spending coins for Power-Ups can ease the danger situation that the player faces.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Spawned
1 Peasant Zombie2 None None
2 Peasant Zombie2 Peasant Zombie2 None None Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Conehead Peasant2 None None
4 Peasant Zombie2 Conehead Peasant2 None Dark Ages Tombstone2 Dark Ages Tombstone Sun2 Dark Ages Tombstone Sun2 Dark Ages Tombstone Plant Food2 Dark Ages Tombstone Plant Food2
5 Peasant Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Buckethead Peasant2 None None
7 Peasant Zombie2 Buckethead Peasant2 None Dark Ages Tombstone2 Dark Ages Tombstone Sun2 Dark Ages Tombstone Sun2 Dark Ages Tombstone Plant Food2 Dark Ages Tombstone Plant Food2
8 Peasant Flag Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Buckethead Peasant2 None None
10 Wizard Zombie2 Wizard Zombie2 Wizard Zombie2 None Dark Ages Tombstone2 Dark Ages Tombstone Sun2 Dark Ages Tombstone Sun2 Dark Ages Tombstone Plant Food2 Dark Ages Tombstone Plant Food2
11 Conehead Peasant2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
12 Conehead Peasant21 Conehead Peasant25 Buckethead Peasant22 Buckethead Peasant24 Knight Zombie23 None None
13 Jester Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 None Dark Ages Tombstone2 Dark Ages Tombstone2 Dark Ages Tombstone2 Dark Ages Tombstone2 Dark Ages Tombstone2 Dark Ages Tombstone Plant Food2
14 Conehead Peasant2 Buckethead Peasant2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
15 Wizard Zombie2 Wizard Zombie2 Wizard Zombie2 Wizard Zombie2 None None Carries 1x Plant Food.
16 Knight Zombie2 Knight Zombie2 Knight Zombie2 Knight Zombie2 Knight Zombie2 Peasant Flag Zombie2 None None Final wave.


Strategy 1[]

  • Required plants:
  • Start by planting one column of Sun-shrooms. Let the Puff-shrooms destroy the tombstones. When all the graves near them are broken, be ready. When they are about to disappear, immediately use a Plant Food on one of them, because its Plant Food ability also extends their lifespan. Then, plant another column of Sun-shrooms on the third column.
  • Plant at least two columns of Fume-shrooms and a column of Snapdragons. Then, plant a column of Wall-nuts or Tall-nuts next to the Snapdragons.
  • Pay attention to the Puff-shrooms. Remember to feed one of them Plant Food regularly.
  • Be careful of Knight Zombies and Wizard Zombies. Kill them quickly or use Cherry Bombs on them.
  • Use Grave Busters to remove any tombstones on the lawn.
  • You can launch a lawn mower when this level becomes too hard.
  • When the Puff-shroom start flashing, you should quickly give the Puff-shroom plant food.
  • Also, the player can use Puff-shroom's Plant Food Boost, if available, to easily complete the level. However, be careful of Jester Zombies when doing so, as it can deflect the spores from the Puff-shroom and kill them before you realize that mistake.

Strategy 2[]

Created by Sharkgoesmoo
  • Required plants:
  • First, plant a Gold Bloom and one row of Puff-shrooms on the first column. Once you get enough sun, plant Electric Currants in fourth column, first and fifth rows. Then, plant Garlics on sixth column, first and fifth rows. The first few zombies should be defeated easily. Also, plant Puff-shrooms on the third column, second, third, and fourth rows. Remember to use Plant Food on Puff-shrooms when they start disappearing.
  • Use a Gold Bloom when it is recharged, then plant Infi-nuts on the third column, first and fifth row. Use Plant Food on one of the Infi-nuts. Then, plant Electric Currants on fifth column's first and fifth rows. Use Grave buster on tombstones with sun and Plant Food and do not forget to recharge your Puff-shrooms.
  • When Jester Zombie come, they will get defeated by Electric Currants. Since Plant Food is abundant, use it on Electric Currants to defeat zombies easier. Replace the Garlic periodically. If Infi-nut's shield is going to dissipate, use Plant Food again. Wizard Zombies are the main threat, use Cherry Bomb to blow them up. Also, remember to use Gold Bloom.

The setup should look like this:

P-s P-s I-n EC EC G

P-s P-s P-s - - -

P-s P-s P-s - - -

P-s P-s P-s - - -

P-s P-s I-n EC EC G

  • P-s = Puff-shroom
  • I-n = Infi-nut
  • EC = Electric Currant
  • G = Garlic

Strategy 3 (Contains premium content)[]

Created by EnricoStudios

Strategy 4

created by idiotmcmuffin't

Plants required:


Lightning Reed


Chard Guard


Grave Buster

Column 1: Sun-Shrooms

Columns 3&4:Lightning Reed (after destroying graves in column 3)

Column 5: Tall-nuts

Column 6: Chard Guard

use stallia when needed




  • The objective in this Save Our Seeds here is different from the others, as the plant given to protect is capable of disappearing on its own, requiring the player to look after them more frequently.
  • When the player lets the Puff-shrooms disappear, they will get a message "Puff-shroom did not survive!" instead of "The zombies ate your plant!"
    • However, if one of the Puff-shrooms is killed or eaten by zombies, they will still get a message "The zombies ate your plant!" normally.
    • This, Cannons Away, and levels with objectives after the 1.7 update are the only levels with unique losing screens.
  • A brain appears on the game over screen, despite that the player's brains are not eaten by the zombies.
  • If the player loses this level because a Puff-shroom disappeared, when restarting, they will get a message "Plant Food refreshes all Puff-shrooms."
  • If the player beats the level at the same time a Puff-shroom disappears, the player will still beat the level, even though the screen shows that some of the Puff-shrooms have disappeared.
