Reinforce-mint family's icon
Almanac entry (2) (10.5.2)
Obtaining Reinforce-mint's seed packets from a piñata (11.0.1)
Endless Zone card (11.8.1)
Reinforce-mint appearing and
Plant Food Boost all Reinforce-mint plants (Animated)
Reinforce-mint pushing zombies back
Boosting Reinforce-mint Family plants
Reinforce-mint and his seed packets in the
StoreReinforce-mint's piñata in the store (9.4.1)
Obtaining Reinforce-mint seed packets from a piñata
Reinforce-mint ready to level up
Reinforce-mint family plants glowing while he is on the board after the 6.8.1 update
Reinforce-mint in an ad for Improve-mint Event
Reinforce-mint in another advertisement for Improve-mint Event
Reinforce-mint in an Improve-mint advertisement on Plants vs. Zombies' Twitter
Reinforce-mint in an advertisement for Improve-mint Event 2021
Reinforce-mint in another advertisement for Improve-mint Event 2021
Reinforce-mint in the store (9.4.1)
Reinforce-mint's seeds in the store
Reinforce-mint in the store (9.7.1, Special)
Reinforce-mint's bundles in the store (Special, 9.8.1)
Reinforce-mint in the store (10.8.1)
Reinforce-mint's piñata and seeds in the store (10.8.1)
Reinforce-mint in the store (10.9.1)
Reinforce-mint's piñata and seeds in the store (10.9.1)
Reinforce-mint's seeds in the store (10.9.1, Promoted)
Reinforce-mint with seeds in the store (10.9.1, Special)
Reinforce-mint featured as Plant of the Week
Reinforce-mint featured as Plant of the Week (2024)
Reinforce-mint featured as Plant of the Week (2024, Main Menu)
Reinforce-mint's seeds in the Luck O' the Zombie bundle
Reinforce-mint on Lily Pad
Reinforce-mint on Blastberry Vine
Reinforce-mint on Pyre Vine
Reinforce-mint on Pumpkin
Reinforce-mint in an advertisement for the Power Mint Sale 2023
Reinforce-mint Plant Unlock in the store (10.9.1, Special)