Suburban Almanac entry in the iOS version
Ice-shroom seed packet in the iOS and Android versions
Ice-shroom's stalk sprite
Ice-shroom's icy base sprite
Ice-shroom's eyes beginning to blink
Ice-shroom exploding (Animated)
The player receiving Ice-shroom
Ice-shroom freezing all zombies
Imitater sleeping Ice-shroom
Imitater Ice-shroom seed packet (PC version)
Ice-shroom in an Imitater Pumpkin
Sleeping Imitater Ice-shroom in a Pumpkin
Imitater Ice-shroom in a Pumpkin
A sleeping small Ice-shroom in Zen Garden
A sleeping medium-sized Ice-shroom in Zen Garden
Ice-shroom's seed packet in the Java version
Ice-shroom's grayed out seed packet in the Java version
The player receiving Ice-shroom in the Java version
Ice-shroom in-game in the Java version
The ice formed by Ice-shroom around zombies' feet (picture taken in
Invisi-ghoulIce Shroom In Game Render
Seed packet with Imitater packet
Ice-shroom's Early Access Bundle in store
Ice-shroom's piñata in the store (11.1.1)
Ice-shroom's piñata in the store (11.1.1, Promoted)
Obtaining Ice-shroom's seed packets from a piñata (11.1.1)
Ice-shroom when he's ready to be unlocked (animated)
Ice-shroom when he's ready to be unlocked via seed packet
Ice-shroom's animation when he's ready to level up (animated)
Ice-shroom in an advertisement
Ice-shroom in an advertisement on the main menu screen
Ice-shroom in an advertisement for Ice-shroom's Tournament in
ArenaIce-shroom in an advertisement for Ice-shroom's Tournament in Arena (Frost Bonnet's Season)
Ice-shroom in an advertisement for Ice-shroom's BOOSTED Tournament in Arena (Frost Bonnet's Season)
The prize map of Ice-shroom's Season
Ice-shroom with his boost packet in the Zen Garden
A boosted Ice-shroom in the Zen Garden
Plant Food ability (animated)
Ice-shroom's seeds costing real money in the store
Ice-shroom on the 11.1.1 Loading Screen
Ice-shroom in an advertisement for Feastivus 2024 (App Store)
Ice-shroom featured as Plant of the Week
Ice-shroom featured as Plant of the Week (Main Menu)
Ice-shroom's seeds in the store (Promoted, 11.9.1)
Ice-shroom's seeds in the store (Special, 11.9.1, Before)
Ice-shroom's seeds in the store (Special, 11.9.1, After)