Roman Caesar Zombie in an advertisement in the main menu screen
Roman Caesar Zombie in an advertisement
Roman Caesar Zombie arriving (Animated)
Roman Caesar Zombie about to throw salad dressing
Roman Caesar Zombie throwing salad dressing
Roman Caesar Zombie rising the pillar
Roman Caesar Zombie smashes the pillar to the ground summoning Roman Zombies
Roman Caesar Zombie granting a
galea to a Roman Zombie
Dead Roman Caesar Zombie (1)
Dead Roman Caesar Zombie (2)
Roman Caesar Zombie being defeated when leaving (Animated, note: He faces the opposite side when defeated)
Chilled Roman Caesar Zombie
Poisoned Roman Caesar Zombie
Roman Caesar Zombie under Pokra's slowing effect
Stunned Roman Caesar Zombie
Frozen Roman Caesar Zombie
Dead Roman Caesar Zombie without a head due to being defeated by
Primal Potato Mine (Glitch)
Idle animation of Roman Caesar Zombie
Walking animation of Roman Caesar Zombie
Leaving animation of Roman Caesar Zombie
Animation of Roman Caesar Zombie throwing salad dressing
Animation of Roman Caesar Zombie rising and smashing the pillar
Granting animation of Roman Caesar Zombie
Death animation of Roman Caesar Zombie in phase 1 & 2
Fleeing animation of Caesar
Death animation of Roman Caesar Zombie
Spawning animation of the salad
Zombie Roman General Caesar (BETA)
All beta animations with sound effects
Salad conversion effect (BETA)
All beta salad animations