Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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Gold Bloom
Lost in space and time!
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Epic Quest: Zoybean Pod is an Epic Quest that features 5 of the Premium Plant Quest for Zoybean Pod. It lasted from April 30, 2019 to May 28, 2019, June 22, 2020 to July 1, 2020, and February 15, 2021 to February 24, 2021. The reward is an Premium Pinata that contains 50 Seed packets, each 10 seed packets being for a world/premium plant. (Before 2020, it was 5000 Coins).

Step 1[]

Shrinking Violet paired up with Zoybean pod is a good combo because now zombies are weaker and will eat less faster, which allow Zombiods to deal more damage, since usually Zombiods are weak against Conehead Zombies and Buckethead Zombies and possible even destroy them. Puff-shroom and Fume-shroom is your attacking plants when Zoybeans are in the process of producing zombies, they are very helpful in crowd control. Shrinking Violet is important because it can Bug Bot Imp, Chicken Wrangler Zombie, and Weasel Hoarder and make Gargantuar's and Disco-tron 3000 weaker. Zombie Chickens summoned from Chicken Wrangler Zombie is a problem because it can easily eat Zoybean Pods, however chickens can instantly be destroyed by Zombiods and the Zombiods will receive any damage to him, however Ice Weasels can deal a bit of damage to Zombiods. Zoybean Pods are a challenge against Gargantuar because they can easily destroy Zombiods and have lots of health, you should shrink them with Shrinking Violet, so that they are weaker, and then plant lots of Zoybean Pods in its row, to constantly be stalled with smashing while Zoybiods can easily defeat them, you can use Plant Food to deal enough damage to easily defeat a shrunken Gargantuar and push back zombies behind him. Summoned Disco Jetpack Zombie from Disco-tron 3000 can be defeated by Zombiods, but it delays them from attacking other zombies, use Fume-shroom to easily defeat them, so that Zombiods can focus on eating other zombies. Ambushes of Bug Bot Imp can easily eat Zombiods, simply use Shrinking Violet to easily shrink them to oblivion. Zombiods are helpful against Imp Cannons because they can easily destroy them and Imp Cannon could not defend itself, however Zombiods can easily be overwhelmed by the Imps being shot out, use Fume-shroom to easily damage several of them or shrink them to oblivion with Shrinking Violet. Use Plant Food on Zoybean, to easily spawn Gargantuar Zombiods which can easily destroy zombies in its lane, be sure though the Zombie Chickens can easily overwhelm and eat the Zombiod Gargantuar.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie22 Basic Zombie23 Basic Zombie24 Basic Zombie25 None Zoybean Pod2 is available.
2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie23 None
3 Conehead Zombie2 Conehead Zombie2 Conehead Zombie2 Flag Zombie2 Imp Cannon23 None First flag.
Fume-shroom2 and Shrinking Violet2 is available.
Carries 1x Plant Food
4 Weasel Hoarder21 Weasel Hoarder22 Weasel Hoarder25 None Puff-shroom2 is unavailable.
5 Chicken Wrangler Zombie21 Disco-tron 300023 Chicken Wrangler Zombie25 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bot Swarm!
Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Flag Zombie2 Gargantuar22 Imp Cannon25 None Second flag.
7 Basic Zombie2 Basic Zombie2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie21 Chicken Wrangler Zombie23 Chicken Wrangler Zombie25 Weasel Hoarder22 Weasel Hoarder24 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Buckethead Zombie2 Buckethead Zombie2 Buckethead Zombie2 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon23 Imp Cannon24 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bot Swarm!
9 Flag Zombie2 Gargantuar2 Gargantuar2 Gargantuar2 None Final wave.

Note: Basic Zombie2, Conehead Zombie2, Buckethead Zombie2, Gargantuar2, Imp Cannon2, Chicken Wrangler Zombie2, Disco-tron 30002, and Weasel Hoarder2 spawns at random. 1 Plant Food spawns at random

Step 2[]

This level can easily be quite challenging once frequent sandstorms bring zombies very close to the Player's House. Plant Zoybean Pods in the back so they won't easily get eaten, Citron's are important too as they can deal damage that can deal high damage to Robo-Cone Zombie and Mecha-Football Zombie, Zombiods are basically Wall-nut's that stall zombies, the more Zoybean Pods there are, the more Zombiods are produced, it also forces Surfer Zombie to drop his Surfboard and the Zoybean Pods can easily eat them. You should plant Tile Turnips ontop of Zoybean Pods so that plenty of Zombiod Gargantuars can easily destroy zombies when fed Plant Food, some Tile Turnip should also be planted on Citron so that, they can easily flick several zombies in its lane. Use E.M.Peach to disable groups of Mechanical Zombies, this allows Zoybean Pods to easily damage mechs and not be defeated, this is a good opportunity to create large hoards of Zombiod Gargantuars in each lanes to easily destroy zombies, and it will take longer for them to be defeated because less zombies are active. Zombiod Gargantuars are the best to easily destroy Gargantuar Prime, as they can deal heavy damage on them, additional Zombiods can deal extra damage while Citrons may finish them off, try disable them with E.M.Peach as much as you can so that Gargantuar Primes can't shoot laser and damage the Gargantuar Zombiod. E.M.Peach are also important when Robo-Cone Zombies arrive very close to your house, once stall use Plant Food on Zoybean on Tile Turnip to create several Zombiod Gargantuar's in several lanes. You should frequently put Plant Food on Tile Turnip tiles, to help destroy zombies on-screen, including Bot Swarms of Bug Bot Imps.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Future Zombie2 Bug Bot Imp2 None
2 Future Zombie2 Bug Bot Imp2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Flag Zombie2 Future Zombie2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 First Flag.
Tile Turnip2 is available.
Bot Swarm!
4 Shield Zombie2 Robo-Cone Zombie2 Robo-Cone Zombie2 Sandstorm!
Carries 1x Plant Food.
5 Shield Zombie2 None
6 Flag Zombie2 Gargantuar Prime2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Second flag
Bot Swarm!
7 Surfer Zombie2 Robo-Cone Zombie2 Robo-Cone Zombie2 Sandstorm!
Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Surfer Zombie2 None
9 Flag Zombie2 Gargantuar Prime2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Third flag.
Bot Swarm!
10 Mecha-Football Zombie2 Robo-Cone Zombie2 Robo-Cone Zombie2 Sandstorm!
Carries 1x Plant Food.
11 Mecha-Football Zombie2 None
12 Gargantuar Prime2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Final wave.
Bot Swarm!

Note: Shield Zombie2, Bug Bot Imp2, Mecha-Football Zombie2, and Surfer Zombie2 spawns at random

Step 3[]

Since Zoybean is the only plant that can damage zombies, use it wisely and always plant it in the back so that they can't be eaten. Zombiods should be able to eat zombies but they can easily be destroyed by all zombies besides Basic Zombie, Mummy Zombie, Imp Mermaid Zombie, Impunk, and Breakdancer Zombie. You can use Stallia to slow down zombies and how fast they eat, crowds of Zombiods can defeat eat groups of zombies once they are stalled, Iceberg Lettuce can freeze zombie, which allows Zombiods to attack zombies with being damaged, however Iceberg Zombie only affect one zombie, so only use it for zombies that are close to the house, however Stunion can stall zombies in a tile, so that is a better choice than Iceberg Lettuce. Octo Zombie is a serious threat because octopus can easily wrap up Zoybean Pods and Zombiods can easily be defeated by zombies, use Stunion to immobilize him and wait for Zombiods to damage him, the best thing is that Zombiods can stall Octo Zombies which prevent him from throwing octopus. Newspaper Zombie can be a bit of an issue because once his newspaper is destroyed, he can easily eat Zombiods without Zombiods eve attacking him, you can fed him Chili Bean, which will instantly destroy him and can stall zombies behind him, allowing Zombiods to damage zombies without being damaged. Dark Ages portals will bring in Jester Zombie, they shouldn't be much of a problem since there are no projectile plants, try feeding them with Chili Bean. Rap jam can cause Breakdancer Zombie to push groups of zombies, which can easily overwhelm Zombiods, slow them down with Stallia, and feed Breakdancer Zombie with Chili Bean, so that they can't push no more zombies. The best way to defeat Deep Sea Gargantuars is to freeze him with or stall him with Stunion, while Zombiods can easily deplete his health, one of the Deep Sea Gargantuar will also be pushed by Breakdancer, so feed him Chili Bean. Use Plant Food on Iceberg Lettuce to freeze all zombies on-screen, allowing Zombiods to damage zombies without being damaged or on Zoybean Pod to spawn a Gargantuar Zombiod, which is very helpful against Deep Sea Gargantuar.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 None Stallia2 is available.
Rap Jam plays.
2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Impunk2 Impunk2 None Iceberg Lettuce2 and Stunion2 is available.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Flag Zombie2 Octo Zombie24 Breakdancer Zombie22 None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie25 Newspaper Zombie23 None Chili Bean2 is available.
5 Newspaper Zombie22 Newspaper Zombie24 None
6 Conehead Zombie23 Flag Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie21 Imp Mermaid Zombie22 Imp Mermaid Zombie23 Imp Mermaid Zombie24 Imp Mermaid Zombie25 Breakdancer Zombie21 Breakdancer Zombie22 Breakdancer Zombie23 Breakdancer Zombie24 Breakdancer Zombie25 None Second flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie24 Conehead Zombie25Octo Zombie21 Octo Zombie25 None
8 Impunk22 Breakdancer Zombie22 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
PortalDA spawns at C7R2.
9 Conehead Zombie21 Flag Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar25 Octo Zombie21 Impunk25 Breakdancer Zombie25 None Third flag.
10 Octo Zombie22 Octo Zombie24 None
11 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie24 Conehead Zombie25 Buckethead Zombie23 Imp Mermaid Zombie22 Imp Mermaid Zombie24 Impunk21 Impunk25 None
12 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie24 Buckethead Zombie23 Flag Zombie2 Octo Zombie21 Octo Zombie22 Octo Zombie24 Octo Zombie25 Breakdancer Zombie21 Breakdancer Zombie22 Breakdancer Zombie24 Breakdancer Zombie25 None Final wave.
PortalDA spawns at C6R3.

Note: Basic Zombie2, Conehead Zombie2, Buckethead Zombie2, Mummy Zombie2, Conehead Mummy2, Buckethead Mummy2, Imp Mermaid Zombie2, Deep Sea Gargantuar2, Impunk2, Breakdancer Zombie2, and Newspaper Zombie2 spawns at random

Step 4[]

Because Enchant-mint is in this level, Zoybean Pods can create Melonhead Zombiods which can easily defeat any zombies that has less health than Buckethead Zombie, which includes: Basic Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, Barrel Roller Zombie (however the Barrel can easily deal strong damage on them), Chicken Wrangler Zombie (Zombie Chickens will instantly be defeated when the Zombiod starts eating), Jetpack Zombie, Jester Zombie, and Wizard Zombie. So as you can see, it can easily destroy most of the zombies here, however Zoybean Pods can only boost 2 Melonhead Zombiods within Enchant-mint lifetime, so use Enchant-mint wisely. Be sure to clear out the Tombstone's for more space, Zombiods should easily get rid of these objects. Spikerock can easily destroy Zombie Chickens and beak Barrels which is helpful in Zombiods not being instantly defeated by Barrels. Wizard Zombie is a problem though since it can transform Spikerocks or Zoybean Pods into sheep, not being able to break barrels or produce more Zombiods, respectively. Zombiods though can stall him when attacking, preventing him from transforming more plants into sheeps, this also applies to Jetpack Zombie because he will also be stalled when Zombiods damage him. Bonk Choy is additional backup in case there are plenty of zombies, they can easily destroy Tombstones too. Use any Plant Food on Zoybean to easily spawn a Gargantuar Zombiod to damage the Dark Ages Gargantuar, when he spawns, if Enchant-mint is available, use it, so that Melonhead Zombiods can easily reduce his health and stall him.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Jester Zombie2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2 None
3 Flag Zombie2 Barrel Roller Zombie21 Barrel Roller Zombie25 Jester Zombie23 None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Chicken Wrangler Zombie22 Chicken Wrangler Zombie24 None Enchant-mint2 is available.
5 Jester Zombie21 Jester Zombie23 Wizard Zombie22 Wizard Zombie22 Wizard Zombie24 Wizard Zombie24 Jester Zombie25 None
6 Flag Zombie2 Barrel Roller Zombie21 Barrel Roller Zombie22 Barrel Roller Zombie23 Barrel Roller Zombie24 Wizard Zombie25 None Second flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Barrel Roller Zombie22 Barrel Roller Zombie23 Barrel Roller Zombie24 Chicken Wrangler Zombie21 Chicken Wrangler Zombie23 Chicken Wrangler Zombie25 None
8 Barrel Roller Zombie21 Barrel Roller Zombie23 Barrel Roller Zombie25 Jester Zombie21 Jester Zombie22 Jester Zombie23 Jester Zombie24 Jester Zombie25 Dark Ages Gargantuar25 None
9 Flag Zombie2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie21 Chicken Wrangler Zombie22 Chicken Wrangler Zombie23 Chicken Wrangler Zombie24 Chicken Wrangler Zombie25 Dark Ages Gargantuar22 Wizard Zombie22 Wizard Zombie23 Wizard Zombie24 None Final wave.

Note: Conehead Zombie2, Buckethead Zombie2, Barrel Roller Zombie2, and Chicken Wrangler Zombie2 spawns at random

Step 5[]

This level is pretty basic and straight forward. Plant Wall-nuts behind the flowers to prevent zombies from trampling it, use Spikeweeds to damage the zombies while being stalled and eventually replacing them with Spikerocks for more damage. Zoybean Pods with Wall-nut is an interesting combo because since the zombies are being stalled with Wall-nut, Zombiods can damage the zombies without being damage itself, which means it can easily defeat a Knight Zombie without being damage one bit, however make sure the zombie being damaged by Spiikeweed or Spikerock too, so that it can receive extra damage and not eat the Wall-nut. Peashooter isn't really much of an help, but you can use it as a stall. Seagull Zombie can easily defeat a Zombiods due to his fast attack, it can also eat Wall-nuts very fast and is not damaged by Spikewed/Spikerocks, you can use Peashooter's as extra damage against them, this also applies to Jetpack Zombie, since he can fly over Wall-nut. Pirate Captain Zombies is also a big issue, as he can send out Zombie Parrots which can easily steal your Wall-nuts, the best way to defeat them is with Zombiods, but you will need plenty of them since Zombie Parrots can steal plants very fast. Ambush of Lost Pilot Zombie shouldn't be much of a problem since they spawn from a far distance, however ambush of Bug Bot Imps is a serious threat because of spawning very close to the Player's House, it is very likely that Lawn Mowers will be triggered but with luck, Zombiods can easily defeat them, or use Plant Food on Spikerock or Zoybean Pods to destroy them. When the Dark Ages Gargantuar spawns, use Plant food on Zoybean Pod to spawn a Zombiod Gargantuar which can easily reduce its health.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2 None
2 Conehead Zombie2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Flag Zombie2 Seagull Zombie21 Seagull Zombie22 Seagull Zombie23 Seagull Zombie24 Seagull Zombie25 None First flag.
4 Pirate Captain Zombie2 Pirate Captain Zombie2 Pirate Captain Zombie2 None Carries 2x Plant Food.
5 Jetpack Zombie21 Jetpack Zombie22 Jetpack Zombie23 Jetpack Zombie24 Jetpack Zombie25 None Spikerock2 is available.
Spikeweed2 is unavailable
6 Flag Zombie2 Knight Zombie2 Knight Zombie2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Bug Bot Imp2 Lost Pilot Zombie2 Lost Pilot Zombie2 Lost Pilot Zombie2 Lost Pilot Zombie2 Lost Pilot Zombie2 Second flag.
Bot Swarm!
Parachute Rain!
Peashooter2 is unavailable.
7 Pirate Captain Zombie21 Pirate Captain Zombie22 Pirate Captain Zombie23 Pirate Captain Zombie24 Pirate Captain Zombie25 Jetpack Zombie21 Jetpack Zombie25 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Knight Zombie23 None
9 Flag Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie21 Swashbuckler Zombie22 Swashbuckler Zombie23 Swashbuckler Zombie24 Swashbuckler Zombie25 Jetpack Zombie21 Jetpack Zombie22 Jetpack Zombie23 Jetpack Zombie24 Jetpack Zombie25 None Third flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Buckethead Zombie22 Buckethead Zombie24 Knight Zombie21 Knight Zombie23 Knight Zombie25 None
11 Swashbuckler Zombie22 Swashbuckler Zombie22 Pirate Captain Zombie21 Pirate Captain Zombie25 Jetpack Zombie21 Jetpack Zombie21 Jetpack Zombie23 Jetpack Zombie25 Jetpack Zombie25 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
12 Flag Zombie2 Dark Ages Gargantuar22 Dark Ages Gargantuar24 None Final wave.

Note: Conehead Zombie2, Buckethead Zombie2, and Knight Zombie2 spawns at random
