Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Flag Zombie 3
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Gold Bloom
Lost in space and time!
The quest listed below is sometimes exclusive to certain events, and cannot always be played in game. When the quest is available, it will be noted as such. It is currently not available

Premium Seeds - Apple Mortar! is an Epic Quest that features five steps (ten steps before 2020) of the Premium Plant Quest for Apple Mortar. The reward is a Premium Piñata that contains 50 Seed packets, each 10 Seed packets for a worldy/premium plant (100 Seed packets for Apple Mortar before 2020). It lasted from March 21, 2017 to 28 March 2017, October 3, 2017 to October 10, 2017, August 14, 2018 to August 21, 2018, May 7, 2019 to May 14, 2019, August 12, 2020 to August 19, 2020, and November 16, 2020 to November 23, 2020.

Step 1[]

This step is similar to Modern Day - Day 1. This level looks quit easy, but the player must be prepared. The zombies spawning are very basic, but the catch is, Portals will appear quite close to the Player's house and spawn dangerous zombies. They have high health (Robo-Cone Zombie for example), can crush/push plants (Barrel Roller Zombie and Mecha-Football Zombie) or spawn Tombstones (Tomb Raiser Zombie). When prepared, the plants are enough for the player to handle them though.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2 None
2 Basic Zombie2 Basic Zombie2 None Apple Mortar2 is available
3 Basic Zombie2 Conehead Zombie2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie25 None Spikeweed2 is available.
5 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie24 Conehead Zombie25 Flag Zombie2 None First flag.
PortalAE spawns at C4R3.
6 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie25 None
7 Basic Zombie22 Conehead Zombie21 Buckethead Zombie24 None
8 Basic Zombie23 Basic Zombie23 Conehead Zombie23 Buckethead Zombie23 None PortalPS spawns at C6R2. Cherry Bomb2 is available
9 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie2 Buckethead Zombie21 Buckethead Zombie25 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Basic Zombie22 Basic Zombie23 Basic Zombie24 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie25 Buckethead Zombie22 Buckethead Zombie23 Buckethead Zombie24 Flag Zombie2 None Final wave.
PortalFF spawns at C5R1.

Note: Mummy Zombie2, Conehead Mummy2 and Buckethead Mummy2 appear at random.

Step 2[]

This step is similar to Modern Day - Day 2. And just like the first step, the main (and maybe the only) threat is Portals appearing. This time the zombies spawning are Surfer Zombie and Octo Zombie, which together they are able to take out plants very fast. In addition, the Surfer Zombies can block the attacks from Apple Mortar.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2 None
2 Basic Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 None Chili Bean2 is available.
3 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie23 Camel Zombies2+3 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Basic Zombie22 Basic Zombie25 Conehead Zombie23 Explorer Zombie24 None
5 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie24 Buckethead Zombie21 Buckethead Zombie25 Flag Zombie2 Explorer Zombie22 Explorer Zombie24 None First flag.
PortalBWB spawns at C6R1.
Bonk Choy2 is available.
6 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie24 Camel Zombies21 Camel Zombies25 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Basic Zombie22 Buckethead Zombie24 Explorer Zombie21 Explorer Zombie25 None
8 Buckethead Zombie22 Buckethead Zombie23 Camel Zombies2+4 None
9 Basic Zombie23 Conehead Zombie24 Buckethead Zombie25 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
PortalBWB spawns at C7R4.
10 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie22 Basic Zombie24 Basic Zombie25 Basic Zombie25 Conehead Zombie23 Buckethead Zombie22 Flag Zombie2 Explorer Zombie21 Explorer Zombie25 Mummified Gargantuar23 None Final wave.
PortalBWB spawns at C6R3.

Note: Mummy Zombie2, Conehead Mummy2, Buckethead Mummy2, extra Basic Zombie2, Conehead Zombie2 and Buckethead Zombie2 appear at random. Camel Zombies2+ carry four camel segments.

Step 3[]

This step is similar to Modern Day - Day 4. Unlike the other steps, the huge amount of (smaller) zombies, especially Imps, forms a problem, because the plants that are given aren't too great at taking care of hoards of zombies. The big amount of Wizard Zombies at the end of the level (which aren't actually in the original Modern Day level) form a huge threat as well, so in no time all plants are transformed into sheep.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Imp Mermaid Zombie24 None
2 Imp Monk Zombie23 Imp Monk Zombie23 Imp Mermaid Zombie23 None Endurian2 is available.
3 Conehead Zombie24 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp21 None Citron2 is available.
4 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie23 Basic Zombie24 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie24 Buckethead Zombie21 Flag Zombie2 Yeti Imp25 Lost City Imp Zombie25 Glitter Zombie25 Impunk25 None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
5 Wizard Zombie21 Imp Dragon Zombie22 Imp Dragon Zombie22 Yeti Imp23 Yeti Imp23 Glitter Zombie22 Glitter Zombie23 None Apple Mortar2 is available.
6 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie24 Bug Bot Imp21 Bug Bot Imp21 Bug Bot Imp22 Bug Bot Imp23 Bug Bot Imp23 Bug Bot Imp24 Bug Bot Imp25 Bug Bot Imp25 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Basic Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Buckethead Zombie24 Yeti Imp24 Yeti Imp24 Yeti Imp24 Glitter Zombie24 Gargantuar21 Gargantuar23 Gargantuar25 None
8 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie22 Buckethead Zombie21 Buckethead Zombie22 Buckethead Zombie24 Flag Zombie2 Glitter Zombie21 Glitter Zombie22 Glitter Zombie24 Glitter Zombie25 Impunk21 Impunk21 Impunk22 Impunk22 Impunk24 Impunk24 Impunk24 Impunk25 Impunk25 Impunk25 None Second flag.
Iceberg Lettuce2 is available.
9 Basic Zombie25 Buckethead Zombie21 Buckethead Zombie23 Wizard Zombie21 Wizard Zombie21 Wizard Zombie22 Wizard Zombie22 Wizard Zombie24 Wizard Zombie24 Wizard Zombie25 Wizard Zombie25 Imp Dragon Zombie21 Imp Dragon Zombie21 Imp Dragon Zombie23 Imp Dragon Zombie23 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Glitter Zombie21 Glitter Zombie22 Glitter Zombie23 Glitter Zombie24 Glitter Zombie25 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp22 Jurassic Imp23 Jurassic Imp24 Jurassic Imp25 None
11 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie24 Conehead Zombie24 Conehead Zombie25 Conehead Zombie25 None
12 Buckethead Zombie22 Buckethead Zombie24 Flag Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie21 Imp Dragon Zombie24 Imp Mermaid Zombie23 Yeti Imp25 Lost City Imp Zombie22 Glitter Zombie21 Glitter Zombie22 Glitter Zombie23 Glitter Zombie24 Glitter Zombie25 Gargantuar21 Gargantuar23 Gargantuar25 None Final wave.

Note: Mummy Zombie2, Conehead Mummy2, Buckethead Mummy2, extra Basic Zombie2, Conehead Zombie2 and Buckethead Zombie2 appear at random.

Step 4[]

This step is similar to Modern Day - Day 7. Just like the other steps, this level can be quite tough. This is because the level is about Octo Zombie, which is a very dangerous zombie. Almost all plants that are given are used for slowing the zombies, which can be useful against Octo Zombie, but this does leave Apple Mortar as the only attacker. It will be hard for Apple Mortar to defend against both the zombies and the octopi that are created by Octo Zombie. On top of that, some Jester Zombies will spawn from portals, who can only be defeated by Apple Mortar when frozen by Iceberg Lettuce.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 None
2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Impunk2 Impunk2 None Iceberg Lettuce2, Stunion2 and Stallia2 are available.
3 Flag Zombie2 Octo Zombie24 Breakdancer Zombie22 None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie25 Newspaper Zombie23 None Chili Bean2 is available.
5 Newspaper Zombie22 Newspaper Zombie24 None
6 Conehead Zombie23 Flag Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie21 Imp Mermaid Zombie22 Imp Mermaid Zombie23 Imp Mermaid Zombie24 Imp Mermaid Zombie25 Breakdancer Zombie21 Breakdancer Zombie22 Breakdancer Zombie23 Breakdancer Zombie24 Breakdancer Zombie25 None Second flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie24 Conehead Zombie25 None
8 Impunk22 Breakdancer Zombie22 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
PortalDA spawns at C7R2.
9 Conehead Zombie21 Flag Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar25 Octo Zombie21 Impunk25 Breakdancer Zombie25 None Third flag.
10 Octo Zombie22 Octo Zombie24 None
11 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie24 Conehead Zombie25 Buckethead Zombie23 Imp Mermaid Zombie22 Imp Mermaid Zombie24 Impunk21 Impunk25 None
12 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie24 Buckethead Zombie23 Flag Zombie2 Octo Zombie21 Octo Zombie22 Octo Zombie24 Octo Zombie25 Breakdancer Zombie21 Breakdancer Zombie22 Breakdancer Zombie24 Breakdancer Zombie25 None Final wave.
PortalDA spawns at C6R3.

Note: Mummy Zombie2, Conehead Mummy2, Buckethead Mummy2, extra Basic Zombie2, Conehead Zombie2, Buckethead Zombie2, Imp Mermaid Zombie2, Impunk2 and Breakdancer Zombie2 appear at random.

Step 5[]

This level (similar to Modern Day - Day 9) might be the easiest step of the quest, the plants that are given can deal with the zombies pretty well. Explorer Zombie might be the biggest threat, being able to destroy Celery Stalker when it's attacking a zombie from behind.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2 Basic Zombie2 None Apple Mortar2 is available.
2 Explorer Zombie25 None Celery Stalker2 is available.
3 Balloon Zombie24 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Flag Zombie2 Explorer Zombie22 Explorer Zombie24 Tomb Raiser Zombie23 Balloon Zombie21 Balloon Zombie25 None First flag. Bonk Choy2 is available.
5 Explorer Zombie21 Explorer Zombie23 Explorer Zombie25 Newspaper Zombie22 Newspaper Zombie24 None
6 Explorer Zombie23 Tomb Raiser Zombie22 Tomb Raiser Zombie24 Newspaper Zombie21 Newspaper Zombie25 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Explorer Zombie21 Explorer Zombie22 Explorer Zombie23 Explorer Zombie24 Explorer Zombie25 None
8 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie24 Flag Zombie2 Explorer Zombie22 Explorer Zombie23 Explorer Zombie24 Newspaper Zombie21 Newspaper Zombie25 Balloon Zombie22 Balloon Zombie23 Balloon Zombie24 None Second flag.
PortalFC spawns at C6R4.
9 Explorer Zombie21 Explorer Zombie22 Explorer Zombie23 Explorer Zombie24 Explorer Zombie25 Tomb Raiser Zombie23 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie25 Tomb Raiser Zombie22 Tomb Raiser Zombie24 Newspaper Zombie23 None
11 Punk Zombie21 Punk Zombie23 Punk Zombie25 Newspaper Zombie22 Newspaper Zombie24 None
12 Flag Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie21 Tomb Raiser Zombie23 Tomb Raiser Zombie25 Punk Zombie21 Punk Zombie22 Punk Zombie23 Punk Zombie24 Punk Zombie25 Balloon Zombie21 Balloon Zombie22 Balloon Zombie23 Balloon Zombie24 Balloon Zombie25 None Final wave.

Note: Buckethead Zombie2, Mummy Zombie2, Conehead Mummy2, extra Basic Zombie2, Conehead Zombie2, Explorer Zombie2, Tomb Raiser Zombie2 and Balloon Zombie2 appear at random.
