Results for 'Richard Arum'

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  1. Can Schools Fairly Select Their Students?Michael Merry & Richard Arum - 2018 - Theory and Research in Education 16 (3):330-350.
    Selection within the educational domain breeds a special kind of suspicion. Whether it is the absence of transparency in the selection procedure, the observable outcomes of the selection, or the criteria of selection itself, there is much to corroborate the suspicion many have that selection in practice is unfair. And certainly as it concerns primary and secondary education, the principle of educational equity requires that children not have their educational experiences or opportunities determined by their postcode, their ethnic status, first (...)
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  2. The Incarnation.Richard Cross - 2008 - In Thomas P. Flint & Michael Rea, The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Christian doctrine of the Incarnation maintains that the second person of the Trinity became a human being, retaining all attributes necessary for being divine and gaining all attributes necessary for being human. As usually understood, the doctrine involves the claim that the second person of the Trinity is the subject of the attributes of Jesus Christ, the first-century Jew whose deeds are reported in various ways in the New Testament. The fundamental philosophical problem specific to the doctrine is this: (...)
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher: Between Enlightenment and Romanticism.Richard Crouter - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Friedrich Schleiermacher's groundbreaking work in theology and philosophy was forged in the cultural ferment of Berlin at the convergence of the Enlightenment and Romanticism. The three sections of this book include illuminating sketches of Schleiermacher's relationship to contemporaries, his work as public theologian as well as the formation and impact of his two most famous books, On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers and The Christian Faith. Richard Crouter examines Schleiermacher's stance regarding the status of doctrine, Church and political (...)
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  4. Two models of the trinity?Richard Cross - 2002 - Heythrop Journal 43 (3):275–294.
    Contrary to a common assumption, I argue that there is full agreement between East and West on the issue of the relation between the divine essence and the divine persons. I defend this claim by using the understanding of universals found in D. M. Armstrong to cast light on the theories. Taking Gregory of Nyssa and John of Damascus as representatives of the Eastern tradition, I show that this tradition sees the divine essence as a numerically singular object that is (...)
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  5. Medieval theories of haecceity.Richard Cross - 2003 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  6. Idolatry and Religious Language.Richard Cross - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (2):190-196.
    Upholding a univocity theory of religious language does not entail idolatry, because nothing about univocity entails misidentifying God altogether—which is what idolatry amounts to. Upholders and opponents of univocity can agree on the object to which they are ascribing various attributes, even if they do not agree on the attributes themselves. Neither does the defender of univocity have to maintain that there is anything real really shared by God and creatures. Furthermore, even if much of language is analogous, syllogistic argument—and (...)
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    Schleiermacher: On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers.Richard Crouter (ed.) - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    A classic of modern religious thought, Schleiermacher's On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers is here presented in Richard Crouter's acclaimed English translation of the 1799 edition, originally published in Cambridge Texts in German Philosophy. Written when its youthful author was deeply involved in German Romanticism and the critique of Kant's moral and religious philosophy, it is a masterly expression of Protestant Christian apologetics of the modern period, which powerfully displays the tensions between the Romantic and Enlightenment accounts of (...)
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  8. Moral Dilemmas in Medieval Thought from Gratian to Aquinas. By M.V. Dougherty. (Cambridge UP, 2011. Pp. x + 226. Price £55.00, $90.00.).Richard Cross - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (247):404-405.
  9. Perichoresis, deification, and christological predication in John of Damascus.Richard Cross - 2000 - Mediaeval Studies 62 (1):69-124.
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    Infinity, Continuity, and Composition.Richard Cross - 1998 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 7 (1):89-110.
    Gregory of Rimini (1300s motivations for accepting this view, and indeed how precisely he understands it.
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    In physicam Aristotelis.Richard Rufus - 2003 - New York: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press. Edited by Rega Wood.
    As one of the earliest Western physics teachers, Richard Rufus of Cornwall helped transform Western natural philosophy in the 13th century. But despite the importance of Rufus's works, they were effectively lost for 500 years, and the Physics commentary is the first complete work of his ever to be printed. Rufus taught at the Universities of Paris and Oxford from 1231 to 1256, at the very time when exposure to Aristotle's ibri naturales was revolutionizing the academic curriculum; indeed Rufus (...)
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    Existential import and Peirce’s early realism about universals: the True Gorgias.Richard Kenneth Atkins & T. Starling Reid - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
    Peirce’s True Gorgias is a brief dialogue from his essay “Grounds of Validity of the Laws of Logic”, published in 1869. The True Gorgias exposes the fallacy of existential import. It has received no sustained attention in the secondary literature, perhaps because the fallacy is now familiar. Peirce’s assessment of the fallacy involved in the reasoning, however, changes between 1865 and 1869, and he only arrives at the contemporary account of existential import in 1880. Moreover, a careful examination of the (...)
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  13. Henry of Ghent on the Reality of Non-Existing Possibles – Revisited.Richard Cross - 2010 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (2):115-132.
    According to a well-known interpretation, Henry of Ghent holds that possible but non-existent essences – items merely with what Henry labels ‘esse essentiae’ – have some reality external to the divine mind, but short of actual existence (esse existentiae). I argue that this reading of Henry is mistaken. Furthermore, Henry identifies any essence, considered independently of its existence as a universal concept or as instantiated in a particular as an item that has some kind of reality in the divine intellect, (...)
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    A Sense Sublime.Richard Quinney - 2013 - Borderland Books.
    "And I have felt / A presence that disturbs me with the joy / Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime."--William Wordsworth A Sense Sublime is a record of a life lived during the last years of the twentieth century on the northern edge of the tallgrass prairies of Illinois, where seas of flowing grasses give way to the glaciated hills of Wisconsin. With camera in hand, Richard Quinney walked the streets and byways and traveled the country roads. Quinney watched (...)
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    Testimony, Error, and Reasonable Belief in Medieval Religious Epistemology.Richard Cross - 2018 - In Matthew A. Benton, John Hawthorne & Dani Rabinowitz, Knowledge, Belief, and God: New Insights in Religious Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  16. Vehicle externalism and the metaphysics of the incarnation: a medieval contribution.Richard Cross - 2011 - In Anna Marmodoro & Jonathan Hill, The Metaphysics of the Incarnation. Oxford University Press USA.
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  17. Radical Monotheism and Western Culture, with Supplementary Essays.Richard Niebuhr - 1960
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    Ancient China in Transition: An Analysis of Social Mobility, 722-222 B. C.Richard L. Walker & Cho-yun Hsu - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (3):326.
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    Why Does Protagoras Rush Off?Richard Bemelmans - 2002 - Ancient Philosophy 22 (1):75-86.
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    Marjorie Grene: A Remembrance with Special Attention to Her Importance for ISHPSSB.Richard Burian - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (2):183-187.
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    Ontological Commitment in Gregory of Rimini.Richard Cross - 2023 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 97 (4):463-479.
    This paper discusses two interrelated questions about ontological commitment in the thought of Gregory of Rimini (d. 1358), questions having to do with both hylomorphic composites of matter and substantial form, and with complexe significabilia that typically obtain in cases of substance–accident composition. The first question is that of the existence of real relations: neither hylomorphic composites nor complexe significabilia require real relations tying their various co-located components together. The second is that of the reducibility of such wholes to the (...)
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    The Appearance of Life [Das Wesen der Urzeugung].Richard Krzymowski - 2024 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (12):43-54.
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    (1 other version)Ponderings Ii–Vi: Black Notebooks 1931–1938.Richard Rojcewicz (ed.) - 2016 - Indiana University Press.
    Ponderings II–VI begins the much-anticipated English translation of Martin Heidegger's "Black Notebooks." In a limited edition binding, this series of small notebooks with black covers, Heidegger confided sundry personal observations and ideas over the course of 40 years. The five notebooks in this volume were written between 1931–1938 and thus chronicle Heidegger's year as Rector of the University of Freiburg during the Nazi era. Published in German as volume 94 of the Complete Works, these challenging and fascinating journal entries shed (...)
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  24. Recent work on the philosophy of duns scotus.Richard Cross - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (8):667-675.
    This article highlights five areas of Scotus' philosophy that have recently been the subject of scholarly discussion. (1) Metaphysics : I outline the most current accounts of Scotus on individuation (thisness or haecceity) and the common nature. (2) Modal theory : I consider recent accounts both of Scotus' innovations in spelling out the notion of the logically (and broadly logically) possible, and of his account of the independence of modality. (3) Cognitive psychology : I examine recent views of Scotus' theory (...)
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  25. Truth and reference.Richard Schantz - 2001 - Synthese 126 (1-2):261 - 281.
    The article defends a modern version of the correspondence theory of truth, one which explains the truth of a statement in terms of referential relations between its parts and aspects of the world. Davidson's views on truth are discussed in detail and, in particular, a critical eye is cast over his degradation of the concept of reference which, if successful, would preclude the possibility of developing a full-blooded correspondence theory.
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    Rethinking Lukacs in advance.Richard Peterson - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy Review.
    Lukacs’ analysis of reification is potentially fruitful for analyzing structural (or institutional) violence as well as cultural or symbolic violence. But he did not make an explicit theme of such violence. Thanks to the neglect of violence, Lukacs did not explore the politics of nonviolence. Perhaps this reflects the secondary place of violence and nonviolence in the tradition of working class politics on which he drew. The later emergence of anti-colonial politics (for example, as theorized by Gandhi and Fanon) included (...)
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    Empirical evidence in support of non-empiricist theories of mind.Richard F. Cromer - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1):16-18.
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    Failing to define 'omnipotence'.Richard R. Croix - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 34 (2):219-222.
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    Individuation in Scholasticism: The Later Middle Ages and the Counter-Reformation 1150-1650.Richard Cross - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (3):349-351.
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    John Baconthorpe.Richard Cross - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 338–339.
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    John of Ripa and the Metaphysics of Christology.Richard Cross - 2023 - In Joshua P. Hochschild, Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Springer. pp. 377-387.
    John of Ripa’s (fl. 1350s) Christology is highly unusual in the context of late medieval theology, since it is a form of the old “homo assumptus (assumed man)” Christology found in St. Augustine and the Victorines, but not generally in later theologians. Ripa explains the Incarnation by supposing that the divine essence is in some sense the form of the human nature, such that both “God” and the whole panoply of divine properties can be predicated of it. This move allows (...)
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    Language acquisition: Genetically encoded instructions or a set of processing mechanisms?Richard F. Cromer - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):192.
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    La volonté de croire au Moyen-Âge. Les theories de la foi dans la pensée scolastique du XIIIe siècle by Nicolas Faucher.Richard Cross - 2022 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (2):338-340.
    This excellent book provides a novel analysis of medieval theories of faith, using as its conceptual basis the notion of doxastic voluntarism: the thought that belief is in some sense in our power to choose. This notion fits very neatly with medieval accounts, since, other than in cases in which the intellect's assent is compelled, the medieval philosophers all maintained that assent to a given proposition—paradigmatically the supernatural claims of Catholic Christianity, the principal interest of the earliest thinkers in Nicolas (...)
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    Pro Insipiente: Giles of Rome on Modes.Richard Cross - 2021 - Quaestio 20:105-118.
    Giles of Rome systematically distinguishes two kinds of modes, which in this essay are labelled ‘conjunction modes’ and ‘category modes’. The latter - according to which a substance might have the mode of an accident, and an accident the mode of a substance - are ontologically innocent, and predications about them are parasitic on conjunction modes. Conjunction modes are features of the universe, and are deposited in their subjects by things united to but really distinct from their subjects. For example, (...)
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  35. Reflection : The Trinity and the Human.Richard Cross - 2022 - In Karolina Hübner, Human: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    The medieval Christian philosophers: an introduction.Richard Cross - 2013 - New York: I.B. Tauris & Co..
    The High Middle Ages were remarkable for their coherent sense of 'Christendom': of people who belonged to a homogeneous Christian society marked by uniform rituals of birth and death and worship. That uniformity, which came under increasing strain as national European characteristics became more pronounced, achieved perhaps its most perfect intellectual expression in the thought of the western Christian thinkers who are sometimes called 'scholastic theologians'. This book offers the first focused introduction to these thinkers based on the individuals themselves (...)
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    William of Ware.Richard Cross - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 718–719.
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  38. In Search of Silent Spaces.Richard England - 1983 - [M.R.S.M. Editions ;,] [Distributed in the U.S.A. And Canada by Humanities Press],].
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    Gottes Boten. Bemerkungen zu Tier und Traum in der oneirokritischen Literatur des französischen Mittelalters und der Renaissance.Richard Trachsler - 2007 - Das Mittelalter 12 (2).
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    Actors and Singers.Richard Wagner & William Ashton Ellis - 1995 - U of Nebraska Press.
    "In the same period Wagner was deeply inspired by the works of Shakespeare, an influence that runs throughout this volume. The title essay, "Actors and Singers," is one of Wagner's most deliberate and philosophical writings. He wrote, "Art ceases, strictly speaking, to be Art from the moment it presents itself as Art to our reflecting consciousness. " He described how the unconsciousness of art, and thus art's power, connected natural genius to cultivate traditions.
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  41. Sostratos' Teiresias.Richard Wagner - 1892 - Hermes 27 (1):131-143.
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  42. Wagner's Aesthetics.Richard Wagner & Carl Dahlhaus - 1972 - Edition Musica.
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  43. Das Ganze der Philosophie und ihr Ende.Richard Wahle - 1896 - Wien,: W. Braumüller.
    1. Buch. Methodik.--2. Buch. Metaphysik.--3. Buch. Psychologie.--4. Buch. Ethik.
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    Attentional factors in depth perception.Richard D. Walk - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):83-84.
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    Essentialism: a hierarchical theory of epistemology.Richard Walker - 2000 - Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press.
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    Sex differences in motion perception of Adler’s six great ideas and their opposites.Richard D. Walk & Jacqueline M. F. Samuel - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (3):232-235.
    A mime presented on videotape Adler’s six great ideas of truth, goodness, beauty, liberty, equality, and justice; their opposites; and the transitions from the positive or “good” concepts to their opposites. Using Johansson’s (1973) technique, the performer’s 12 joints were marked with points of light. Overall, the viewers had marginal success in identifying the concepts, but females were much more successful than males in identifying the “bad” ones of evil, slavery, falsehood, and ugliness, averaging 62% correct to the males’ 23%. (...)
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  47. Who's Afraid of Noam Chomsky?Richard Wall - unknown
    Professor Noam Chomsky is a fierce critic of US wars and foreign policy, and a brilliant analyst of the propaganda and psychological mechanisms through which the liberal-bureaucratic establishment achieves public consent and endorsement of the aggressive actions of the state. For this he is intensely admired in some quarters, and detested and reviled in others. Between the extremes of the uncritical campus adulation and the vicious ad hominem abuse to which he is sometimes subjected, there are genuine critiques to be (...)
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  48. Zum Hautontimorumenos des Terenz.Richard Walzer - 1935 - Hermes 70 (2):197-202.
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  49. Families and the new evangelisation: Some reflections before the third extraordinary general assembly of the synod of bishops.Richard Rymarz - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (2):203.
    Rymarz, Richard An important theme in the contemporary disposition of the church toward the wider culture is the need for a new evangelisation. The thinking was given great impetus by St John Paul II. Whilst a bold strategy, there is little doubt that any attempt to evangelise contemporary secular cultures also presents significant challenges. The church, understood however as an agent of evangelisation not by choice but by its very nature, must carry on its Pauline mission with an eye (...)
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  50. A Existência de Deus.Richard Swinburne & Edrisi Fernandes - 2008 - Princípios 15 (23):271-190.
    Conferência apresentada no Departamento de Filosofia da UFRN, no dia 22 de novembro de 2007. Título original: “The Existence of God”.
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