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  1. The Nature of Scientific Philosophy.Yaroslav Shramko - 2020 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (1):3-18.
    The goal of this paper is to explain the nature of philosophy as a distinct science with its own subject-matter. This is achieved through a comparative analysis of mathematical and philosophical knowledge that reveals a profound similarity between mathematics and philosophy as mutually complementary sciences exploring the field of abstract entities that can be comprehended only by purely a priori theoretical inquiry. By considering this complementarity, a general definition of philosophy can be obtained by dualizing the traditional Aristotelian definition of (...)
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  2. Qu’est-ce que l’épistémologie métascientifique ?François Maurice - 2025 - Mεtascience: Discours Général Scientifique 3:15-47.
    L’épistémologie métascientifique se distingue des épistémologies philosophiques par ses objectifs, ses objets et ses méthodes. Par un examen de l’épistémologie de Mario Bunge, nous montrerons d’abord que le principal objectif de l’épistémologie métascientifique est l’élaboration d’une représentation unifiée des transformations épistémiques de la connaissance scientifique par l’étude des opérations épistémiques nécessaires à son acquisition, sa création et sa valida-tion, puis, en second lieu, que ses objets d’étude sont des construits scienti-fiques, et finalement que ses méthodes ne diffèrent pas de celles (...)
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  3. Que reste-t-il de la philosophie ?François Maurice - 2025 - Mεtascience: Discours Général Scientifique 3:311-324.
    Nous poursuivons notre examen de l’idée selon laquelle il existerait une sous-discipline en philosophie des sciences, la philosophie dans les sciences, dont les chercheurs utiliseraient des outils philosophiques pour proposer des solutions à des problèmes scientifiques. Nous soutenons plutôt l’idée que ces outils sont des outils épistémiques, cognitifs ou intellectuels standards, à l’œuvre dans toute activité rationnelle et que, par conséquent, ces chercheurs se consacrent à la re-cherche scientifique ou métascientifique.
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  4. Gibt es Fortschritt in der Philosophie?Friedrich W. Franzen - manuscript
    Philosophen scheinen sich nur über wenige Thesen einig zu sein; die Kontroverse scheint der Normalfall. Können wir vor diesem Hintergrund guten Gewissens von „Fortschritt“ in der Philosophie sprechen? Im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes wird dafür argumentiert, dass die Diagnose, die Philosophie erziele keine nennenswerten Fortschritte (nicht selten gepaart mit dem Urteil, sie sei ja ohnehin keine richtige Wissenschaft), während Natur- und Technikwissenschaften rasant voranschritten, fehlgeleitet ist. Dabei wird zunächst erörtert, welche Argumente üblicherweise gegen die Existenz philosophischen Fortschritts vorgebracht werden, und in (...)
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  5. The Problem of Philosophical Progress in Kant’s First Critique and Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Daniele Bruno Garancini - 2025 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 27 (2):310-336.
    This paper develops two theses and one suggestion. The first thesis concerns how to reason about the problem of philosophical progress. Chalmers (2015) and Dellsén et al. (2022) proposed frameworks to reason about this problem. I argue that these frameworks have limits and develop an alternative. Having done this, I put my proposed framework to the test. That is, I use it to analyse the views held by Kant in the first critique and Wittgenstein in the Tractatus. The second thesis (...)
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  6. In Defense of ‘Philosophical Engineering’: A Novel Terminological Dispute Resolution.Mirela Fus-Holmedal - 2024 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Conceptual Engineering: Methodological and Metaphilosophical Issues. Brill. pp. 135-157.
    This chapter presents a novel resolution to the terminological dispute concerning the philosophical method underlying engineering projects in philosophy. Firstly, I introduce a general definition of a terminological dispute and, as a case study, apply this to the philosophical method in question. Secondly, I evaluate the most prominent terminological choice, ‘conceptual engineering’ (see Scharp 2013, 2020, Eklund 2015, Cappelen 2018, Burgess, Cappelen and Plunkett 2020, Chalmers 2020), against the two main conditions that I propose one should take on board when (...)
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  7. Posthumanist Phenomenology and Artificial Intelligence.Avery Rijos - 2024 - Philosophy Papers (Philpapers).
    This paper examines the ontological and epistemological implications of artificial intelligence (AI) through posthumanist philosophy, integrating the works of Deleuze, Foucault, and Haraway with contemporary computational methodologies. It introduces concepts such as negative augmentation, praxes of revealing, and desedimentation, while extending ideas like affirmative cartographies, ethics of alterity, and planes of immanence to critique anthropocentric assumptions about identity, cognition, and agency. By redefining AI systems as dynamic assemblages emerging through networks of interaction and co-creation, the paper challenges traditional dichotomies such (...)
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  8. The game of metaphysics: towards a fictionalist (meta)metaphysics of science.Raoni Arroyo & Matteo Morganti - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    Metaphysics is traditionally conceived as aiming at the truth — indeed, the most fundamental truths about the most general features of reality. Philosophical naturalists, urging that philosophical claims be grounded on science, have often assumed an eliminativist attitude towards metaphysics, consequently paying little attention to such a definition. In the more recent literature, however, naturalism has instead been taken to entail that the traditional conception of metaphysics can be accepted if and only if one is a scientific realist (and puts (...)
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  9. A relação de Nietzsche com suas fontes filosóficas: Uma taxonomia dos usos.Rogerio Lopes - 2024 - Modernos and Contemporâneos: Revista de Filosofia Do Ifch da Universidade Estadual de Campinas 8 (18):18-42.
    The aim of this paper is, firstly, to present some reasons why source criticism is a particularly promising methodological approach when applied to Nietzsche’s work. Starting from a first taxonomy, devoted to the various methodological approaches in the history of philosophy, I argue that source criticism is particularly well suited to dealing with Nietzsche’s work, due to the enthymematic nature of the ways he presents his arguments as well as to the nature of some of his substantive philosophical commitments (such (...)
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  10. Stop calculating: it is about time to start thinking!Vasil Penchev - 2024 - Metaphysics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 17 (14):1-61.
    The paper is a partly provocative essay edited as a humanitarian study in philosophy of science and social philosophy, reflecting on the practical, “anti-metaphysical” turn taken place since the 20th century and continuing until now. The article advocates that it is about time it to be overcome because it is the main obstacle for the further development of exact and natural sciences including mathematics therefore restoring the unity of philosophy and sciences in the dawn of modern science when the great (...)
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  11. Conceptual Engineering is Old News.Krzysztof Sękowski & Ethan Landes - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    According to a prevailing view, conceptual engineering introduces a revolutionary philosophical methodology, challenging traditional conceptual analysis. However, in our paper, we argue that closer scrutiny reveals not only the falsity but also the inherent ambiguity of this narrative. We explore four interpretations of the "Anti-Novelty Claim", the claim that conceptual engineering is not a new way of doing philosophy. Discussing the Anti-Novelty Claim from the perspective of a text’s producer, the text’s consumers, and the exegetical potential of the text, we (...)
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  12. Régis LAURENT. METAPHYSIQUE DU TEMPS CHEZ ARISTOTE - II - Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique.Laurent Regis (ed.) - 2021
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  13. Doing History Philosophically and Philosophy Historically.Marcel van Ackeren & Matthieu Queloz - forthcoming - In Marcel van Ackeren & Matthieu Queloz, Bernard Williams on Philosophy and History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bernard Williams argued that historical and philosophical inquiry were importantly linked in a number of ways. This introductory chapter distinguishes four different connections he identified between philosophy and history. (1) He believed that philosophy could not ignore its own history in the way that science can. (2) He thought that when engaging with philosophy’s history primarily to produce history, one still had to draw on philosophy. (3) Even doing history of philosophy philosophically, i.e. primarily to produce philosophy, required a keen (...)
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  14. Filsafat Hassan Hanafi (Hassan Hanafi's Philosophy).Zainul Maarif - 2023 - Yogyakarta: Jejak Pustaka.
    This book is based on four backgrounds: (1) the diversity of definitions of philosophy, (2) statements by several thingkers about the death/ending of philosophy, (3) the existence of Hassan Hanafi's writings about the definition, life and death of philosophy, and (4) the limitations of specific studies on philosophy according to Hanafi. On that basis, this book examines philosophy according to Hanafi, by revealing and reviewing his definition of philosophy and his views on when philosophy lives and when philosophy dies. In (...)
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  15. Towards a New Account of Progress in Metaphysics: The Tool Building Approach.Dylan Goldman - manuscript
    In this paper, I lay the groundwork for a new account of progress in metaphysics, the ‘tool building approach’. The account is born out of a response to the problem of theory-change for naturalistic metaphysics. Kerry McKenzie (2020) makes clear the problem of theory-change for naturalistic metaphysics. She argues that naturalistic metaphysical theories cannot make progress on the back of scientific theories because metaphysical theories cannot be approximately true. First, I apply a well-known account of scientific progress, the truthlikeness account (...)
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  16. (1 other version)On the alleged incompatibility between Wittgenstein and Kripke.Panu Raatikainen - 2024 - In Martin Gustafsson, Oskari Kuusela & Jakub Mácha, Engaging Kripke with Wittgenstein: the standard metre, contingent apriori, and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 9–27.
  17. Des Noûs historiques, au Noûs aristotélicien : la Grèce, Empire du Milieu ?Laurent Regis - 2021 - In Régis LAURENT. METAPHYSIQUE DU TEMPS CHEZ ARISTOTE - II - Métabiologie du mouvement entéléchique. pp. 234-275.
    La division entre "Intellect Agent" (intellectus agens) et "intellect Patient" (noûs pathêtikos) est-elle historique et donc culturelle ? Si oui , y a-t-il un intellect Uni-versel entre les deux ?
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  18. The Materialist Sixties.Daniel Stoljar - 2024 - In John Symons & Charles Wolfe, The History and Philosophy of Materialism. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Abstract: The 1960s saw the publication of many works in philosophy in which materialism (or physicalism) was a major theme even if not always endorsed. But how should we assess the ‘materialist sixties’? This paper argues that what is distinctive about the period is that it combines materialist metaphysics with materialist meta-philosophy, and, in so doing, solved a problem that dogged the discipline of philosophy since it assumed its modern form in the 19th century.
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  19. An Ethics of Philosophical Belief: The case for personal commitments.Chris Ranalli - forthcoming - In Sanford C. Goldberg & Mark Walker, Attitude in Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
    What should we do when faced with powerful theoretical arguments that support a severe change in our personal beliefs and commitments? For example, what should new parents do when confronted by unanswered anti-natalist arguments, or two lovers vexed by social theory that apparently undermines love? On the one hand, it would be irrational to ignore theory just because it’s theory; good theory is evidence, after all. On the other hand, factoring in theory can be objectifying, or risks unraveling one's life, (...)
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  20. INTUICIÓN, PERICIA FILOSÓFICA Y ARGUMENTACIÓN.Fernando Eliécer Vásquez Barba - 2021 - Analítica 1 (1):80 - 92.
    In this paper it is explored the relationship between the practice of philosophy and the development of a sort of professional intuition through it. That is to say, this paper is broadly concerned with a very traditional metaphilosophical topic, namely, the sort of abilities a skillful philosopher must possess to excel at philosophizing. More precisely, it critically examines the long-held common place in philosophy according to which the competences acquired through philosophical training are related to applying concepts. Such a view (...)
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  21. On the Alleged Incompatibility between Wittgenstein and Kripke.Panu Raatikainen - 2024 - In Martin Gustafsson, Oskari Kuusela & Jakub Mácha, Engaging Kripke with Wittgenstein: the standard metre, contingent apriori, and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 9-27.
  22. On Reason and Hope: Plato, Pieper, and the Hopeful Structure of Reason.Ryan M. Brown - 2023 - Communio 50 (2):375-421.
    As Josef Pieper writes in his study “On Hope,” the virtue of hope is the virtue that completes the human being in its intermediary, temporal state (the “status viatoris,” or condition of being “on the way”). To be human is always to be “on the way” toward a fulfillment and completion not yet available to it (the “status comprehensoris”). Those who are hopeful direct themselves toward this end as to their fulfillment despite recognizing that it, in some sense, exceeds their (...)
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  23. Protohistory: Unending Intuitions.Idowu Odeyemi - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 55 (1):59-73.
    Philosophers ponder on how to do philosophy and how to do it well. This pondering has divided metaphilosophers’ concern about philosophical methodology into two groups that I shall label “pro-history” and “pro-intuitions”. The claim (and belief) of philosophers in the former group can be realized with this sentence by Robert Pasnau (2011): “The discipline of philosophy benefits from a serious, sustained engagement with its history.” The latter group believes that for philosophy not to slide into the realm of irrelevance, rather (...)
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  24. A Plea for Descriptive Social Ontology.Kathrin Koslicki & Olivier Massin - 2023 - Synthese 202 (Special Issue: The Metametaphysi):1-35.
    Social phenomena—quite like mental states in the philosophy of mind—are often regarded as potential troublemakers from the start, particularly if they are approached with certain explanatory commitments, such as naturalism or social individualism, already in place. In this paper, we argue that such explanatory constraints should be at least initially bracketed if we are to arrive at an adequate non-biased description of social phenomena. Legitimate explanatory projects, or so we maintain, such as those of making the social world fit within (...)
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  25. Introduction.Paul A. Boghossian & Christopher Peacocke - 2000 - In Paul Artin Boghossian & Christopher Peacocke, New Essays on the A Priori. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-10.
    This collection of newly commissioned essays, edited by NYU philosophers Paul Boghossian and Christopher Peacocke, resumes the current surge of interest in the proper explication of the notion of a priori. The authors discuss the relations of the a priori to the notions of definition, meaning, justification, and ontology, explore how the concept figured historically in the philosophies of Leibniz, Kant, Frege, and Wittgenstein, and address its role in the contemporary philosophies of logic, mathematics, mind, and science. The editors’ Introduction (...)
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  26. PAC-The Rightfull Citation.Mota Victor - manuscript
    biography as a revenge to some ideal ideals.
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  27. Realism, Deflationism, and Metaphysical Explanation.Naomi Thompson - 2023 - In Miguel Garcia-Godinez, Thomasson on Ontology. Springer Verlag. pp. 61-83.
    Thomasson is a simple realist about the vast majority of entities: she thinks that they exist, and that their existence is to be accepted as a trivial consequence of the truth of various uncontroversial sentences (Thomasson, Ontology Made Easy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, p. 156). This position is to be taken in contrast to the explanatory realism familiar from dominant post-Quinean metaontology: the view that entities are posited to explain phenomena, and that (very roughly) we should believe in whatever (...)
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  28. Epistemological scientism and the scientific meta-method.Petri Turunen, Ilmari Hirvonen & Ilkka Pättiniemi - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (2):1-23.
    This paper argues that the proponents of epistemological scientism must take some stand on scientific methodology. The supporters of scientism cannot simply defer to the social organisation of science because the social processes themselves must meet some methodological criteria. Among such criteria is epistemic evaluability, which demands intersubjective access to reasons. We derive twelve theses outlining some implications of epistemic evaluability. Evaluability can support weak and broad variants of epistemological scientism, which state that sciences, broadly construed, are the best sources (...)
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  29. Algorithmic Opinion Mining and the History of Philosophy: A Response to Mizrahi’s For and Against Scientism.Andreas Vrahimis - 2023 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 12 (5):33-41.
    At the heart of Mizrahi’s project lies a sociological narrative concerning the recent history of philosophers’ negative attitudes towards scientism. Critics (e.g. de Ridder (2019), Wilson (2019) and Bryant (2020)), have detected various empirical inadequacies in Mizrahi’s methodology for discussing these attitudes. Bryant (2020) points out one of the main pertinent methodological deficiencies here, namely that the mere appearance of the word ‘scientism’ in a text does not suffice in determining whether the author feels threatened by it. Not all philosophers (...)
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  30. Problems with Publishing Philosophical Claims We Don't Believe.Işık Sarıhan - 2023 - Episteme 20 (2):449-458.
    Plakias has recently argued that there is nothing wrong with publishing defences of philosophical claims which we don't believe and also nothing wrong with concealing our lack of belief, because an author's lack of belief is irrelevant to the merit of a published work. Fleisher has refined this account by limiting the permissibility of publishing without belief to what he calls ‘advocacy role cases’. I argue that such lack of belief is irrelevant only if it is the result of an (...)
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  31. Uloga intuicija u epistemologiji.Jelena Mijić - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Belgrade
    Predmet ove disertacije se u najširem smislu može posmatrati kao odgovor na meta-epistemološko pitanje o zadatku epistemologije i načinu na koji bi epistemološki projekat trebalo voditi. U radu prikazujemo i kritički analiziramo debatu savremenih metafilozofa o ulozi, a posledično i prirodi intuicija u savremenoj analitičkoj filozofiji. Osnovni cilj našeg rada je da odbranimo stav da epistemičke intuicije igraju ulogu evidencije u okviru metoda analize pojma znanja. Ovaj stav deo je standardne slike o epistemološkoj metodologiji koja se poslednjih godina dovodi u (...)
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  32. Senso comune e metodo filosofico.Ernesto Graziani - 2020 - Aphex 21.
    In filosofia spesso si segue un metodo stando al quale una tesi o teoria che sia più in sintonia con il senso comune deve essere preferita alle posizioni meno in sintonia con esso, per lo meno fino a quando non si mostri che quella tesi o teoria è inadeguata e che una delle posizioni avverse costituisce un adeguato sostituto. Nel presente contributo si vuole offrire una caratterizzazione della nozione di senso comune generalmente in uso nei dibattiti filosofici contemporanei; illustrare criticamente (...)
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  33. Why Lewis Would Have Rejected Grounding.Fraser MacBride & Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2022 - In Helen Beebee & A. R. J. Fisher, Perspectives on the Philosophy of David K. Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 66-91.
    We argue that Lewis would have rejected recent appeals to the notions of ‘metaphysical dependency’, ‘grounding’ and ‘ontological priority’, because he would have held that they’re not needed and they’re not intelligible. We argue our case by drawing upon Lewis’s views on supervenience, the metaphysics of singletons and the dubiousness of Kripke’s essentialism.
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  34. The Integrated Metatheoretical Model of Addiction.Guy Pierre du Plessis - 2022 - Qieos 1 (1):1-25.
    In “The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Science of Addiction” Robert West highlights a pervasive challenge for more conceptual clarity and consensus within the field of addiction studies. In an attempt to address the challenge I provide the conceptual building blocks or architectonic of a metatheory of addiction, referred to as the Integrated Metatheoretical Model of Addiction (IMMA). The IMMA is not a general theory of addiction, but rather an exploratory attempt at providing the architectonic of an metaparadigmatic heuristic, that (...)
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  35. Desacuerdos Profundos Sobre Ontología Científica.Bruno Borge, Sasha D. ́Onofrio & Ignacio Madroñal - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía: Universidad de Concepción 40:139-156.
    Disagreements about scientific ontology have frequently been reconstructed as the result of a dispute between rival epistemic stances. In this paper, (i) we characterize some of these disagreements as deep disagreements. In addition, we show that deep disagreements about scientific ontology can arise not only from the adoption of different epistemic stances, but also between positions that fall within the same stance. The development of this point allows us, in turn, to establish a distinction between types of deep disagreement and (...)
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  36. That Sinking Feeling. [REVIEW]Gavin Keeney - 2022 - A La Luz.
    Review of an exhibition held at Ca' Pisani, Venice, Italy, May 28-July 7, 2022.
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  37. Book Review: Being You: A New Science of Consciousness by Anil Seth. [REVIEW]Manh-Tung Ho - 2022 - Lse Impact of Social Science.
    In Being You, Anil Seth takes us on a comprehensive tour through the science of consciousness, drawing on the most up-to-date data, lessons and theories in the field. This is a compelling book that will leave readers pondering whether new technologies and smart experimental designs will further deepen our understanding of the mind, writes Manh Tung Ho.
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  38. Philosophy and Philosophy: The Subject Matter and the Discipline.Ethan Landes - 2021 - Dissertation, University of St. Andrews
    The last two decades have seen the proliferation of the empirical study of philosophy. This dissertation defends the practice and argues that to understand the way contingent features of the practice of philosophy affect the epistemic standing of philosophers, we need to draw upon a wider and more varied set of empirical data than is sometimes supposed. To explore this, the dissertation focuses on two places where the practices of the discipline of philosophy have an effect on the epistemology of (...)
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  39. Inwiefern sind philosophische Erfahrungen epistemisch transformativ?Íngrid Vendrell Ferran - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (5):809-822.
    Drawing on Laurie A. Paul’s notion of “transformative experience”, this paper explores transformative philosophical experiences and analyses the structure of the attitude underlying them. It is argued that these experiences have to be explained not in cognitive terms but as a change in our affective attitude. More precisely, these experiences lead us to feel values in a novel manner. However, in order to make the philosophical experience epistemically transformative and provide a new perspective from which we can acquire new philosophical (...)
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  40. Emergence of Levels of Self: A New theory of Consciousness.Pooja Soni - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Pertinent Press.
    This book illustrates a new theory of Consciousness attempting to solve the meta-problem of Consciousness and the mind-body problem using Aristotle's soul as the basis of self-hood. It attempts to solve the mind-body problem by illustrating the transition of the Soul as the body into a mind, using emotional experiences turning into experiences of feelings.
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  41. AS PALAVRAS SÃO PODERES - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    En los albores de la tercera del siglo XXI, la existencia de la humanidad se ha vuelto sumamente peligrosa. Estamos talando nuestros bosques, agotando nuestros acuíferos de agua dulce y perdendo nuestros suelos superiores vitais. Estamos eliminando a vida de nuestros oceanos e reemplazándola com cientos de milhões de toneladas de desechos plásticos. Estamos inundando nosso ambiente com produtos químicos industriais tóxicos. Nuestra contaminação está impulsando a mudança climática que provoca olas de calor, sequías e incêndios florestais que destrozan o (...)
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  42. LAS PALABRAS SON PODER - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    En los albores de la tercera década del siglo XXI, la existencia de la humanidad se ha vuelto sumamente peligrosa. Estamos talando nuestros bosques, agotando nuestros acuíferos de agua dulce y perdiendo nuestros suelos superiores vitales. Estamos eliminando la vida de nuestros océanos y reemplazándola con cientos de millones de toneladas de desechos plásticos. Estamos inundando nuestro medio ambiente con productos químicos industriales tóxicos. Nuestra contaminación está impulsando el cambio climático que provoca olas de calor, sequías e incendios forestales que (...)
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  43. ΤΟ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΟ ΤΗΣ ΣΚΕΨΗΣ.Alexis Karpouzos - 2009
    Το χρονικό της σκέψης’’ ονομάζεται μια συλλογή δοκιμίων και ομιλιών που γράφτηκαν και εκφωνήθηκαν στην Αθήνα, στο διάστημα 2010 με 2012. Αυτά τα κείμενα συνθέτουν μία ενιαία και πολυδιάστατη στοχαστική έρευνα που ιχνηλατεί τις εποχιακές μεταμορφώσεις του Χρόνου και της φιλοσοφικής Σκέψης. Οι σκέψεις που αναπτύσσονται, επιχειρούν να συναρτήσουν την Ιστορία με τη Φιλοσοφία, με διάθεση να διερευνήσουν το Αίνιγμα του Κόσμου που δεν είναι, αλλά ξετυλίγεται ως ανοικτός χωροχρόνος με τις σκέψεις που τον εκφράζουν, με τις γλώσσες που τον (...)
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  44. The Material Theory of Induction, by John Norton. [REVIEW]William Peden - 2022 - BJPS Review of Books.
    Even prior to its publication, John Norton’s book has stimulated debates about induction. Its publication will galvanize these discussions. Does it merit all this attention? Yes, and not just from philosophers of science. Practically all philosophers will find novel and thought-provoking ideas, with implications for their research.
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  45. Nothing Personal: On the Limits of the Impersonal Temperament in Ethics.Nicholas Smyth - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (1):67-83.
    David Benatar has argued both for anti-natalism and for a certain pessimism about life's meaning. In this paper, I propose that these positions are expressions of a deeply impersonal philosophical temperament. This is not a problem on its own; we all have our philosophical instincts. The problem is that this particular temperament, I argue, leads Benatar astray, since it prevents him from answering a question that any moral philosopher must answer. This is the question of rational authority, which requires the (...)
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  46. Viewpoint Convergence as a Philosophical Defect.Grace Helton - forthcoming - In Sanford C. Goldberg & Mark Walker, Attitude in Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
    What can we know? How should we live? What is there? Philosophers famously diverge in the answers they give to these and other philosophical questions. It is widely presumed that a lack of convergence on these questions suggests that philosophy is not progressing at all, is not progressing fast enough, or is not progressing as fast as other disciplines, such as the natural sciences. Call the view that ideal philosophical progress is marked by at least some degree of convergence on (...)
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  47. The unexamined philosophy is not worth doing: An introduction to New Directions in Metaphilosophy.Yafeng Shan - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (2-3):153-158.
    Recently there has been an increasing interest in metaphilosphy. The aim of philosophy has been examined. The development of philosophy has also been scrutinised. With the development of new approaches and methods, new problems arise. This collection revisits some of the metaphilosophical issues, including philosophical progress and the aim of philosophy. It sheds new light on some old approaches, such as naturalism and ordinary language philosophy. It also explores new philosophical methods (e.g., digital philosophy of science, conceptual engineering, and the (...)
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  48. Idealism and Indian philosophy.Shyam Ranganathan - 2021 - In Joshua R. Farris & Benedikt Paul Göcke, The Routledge Handbook of Idealism and Immaterialism. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In contrast to a stereotypical account of Indian philosophy that are entailments of the interpreter’s beliefs (an approach that violates basic standards of reason), an approach to Indian philosophy grounded on the constraints of formal reason reveals not only a wide spread disagreement on dharma (THE RIGHT OR THE GOOD), but also a pervasive commitment to the practical foundation of life’s challenges. The flip side of this practical orientation is the criticism of ordinary experience as erroneous and reducible to the (...)
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  49. Unconscious Bias or Deliberate Gatekeeping?Louise Chapman, Filippo Contesi & Constantine Sandis - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine (95):9-11.
    Philosophy has a language problem. A recent study by Schwitzgebel, Huang, Higgins and Gonzalez-Cabrera (2018) found that, in a sample of papers published in elite journals, 97% of citations were to work originally written in English. 73% of this same sample didn’t cite any paper that had been originally written in a language other than English. Finally, a staggering 96% of elite journal editorial boards are primarily affiliated with an Anglophone university. This is consistent with earlier data suggesting that journal (...)
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  50. “Noema” and “Noesis” by Information after Husserl’s Phenomenology Interpreted Formally.Vasil Penchev - 2021 - Metaphysics eJournal, SSRN 14 (22):1-19.
    Along with “epoché” or his “reductions”, Husserl’s “noema” and “noesis”, being neologisms invented by him, are main concepts in phenomenology able to represent its originality. Following the trace of a recent paper (Penchev 2021 July 23), its formal and philosophical approach is extended to both correlative notions, in the present article. They are able to reveal the genesis of the world from consciousness in a transcendental method relevant to Husserl, but furthermore described formally as a process of how subjective temporality (...)
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