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Gustavo Ramirez is a minor character in Primos, he is voiced by Gabriel Iglesias. He is the father of LotLot and the uncle of Tater and the other primos.




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ve Characters
Main characters Tater Ramirez Humphrey
Recurring characters Nellie Ramirez HumphreyBibi Ramirez HumphreyBud HumphreyBud Ramirez HumphreyBuela RamirezPop RamirezCousin Bud HumphreyGordita HumphreyBig Nacho RamirezNachito RamirezTabi, Tere, and Toñita RamirezLotLot RamirezChaCha RamirezLita PerezScooter PerezLucita Perez
Other characters Ivan RamirezDiego PerezGustavo RamirezIgnacio RamirezJavier RamirezVision TigerThe SkidPamBlaineMs. MahoneyGwennifer MalfeoSerenaCarmela