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Program X is designed to test the physical and psychological limits of the Reagent.
- Game Description for Program X

The image shows a man in the middle doing the Vitruvian Man pose, with his right half being skeletal. Outside of the circle are 4 words: North is Mind, East is Control, South is Balance, West is Body. In the background, there is a three headed man, the left and far right skeletal with the one in the middle being flesh.

Program X Poster

The image shows a poster of a man dressed in a black suit with thin red outlines, his hands faced downwards in a V with the thumbs touching each other, and the other fingers touching as well. He has red circular glasses and the red highlighted features of his face are skeletal, with the outlines on his head similar to the swirls of a brain. The background is red as well, with a darker red in a Rorschach pattern and black overlapping lines mimicking veins.

Program X Poster
(Early Access version)

Program X also referred as the "Path to Ascension" is a series of Trials and MK-Challenges designated to push the Reagents' limits with increased difficulty with variators. This program was only unlocked after the Reagents have completed all Trials and MK-Challenges in Program Genesis and completing this program could also unlock Program Ultra.

After the Project Lupara update, Program X and Program Ultra have been discontinued from the Trial Board due to implementation of difficulty selections.


When the new Trial environment is added to the game, the Trials and MK-Challenges with variators refreshes, along with resetting all players' highest ranks in Program X. When the player opens the Program X page for the first time, the game recommends them to reach Level 10+.

The intended difficulty of this program is Normal to Hard.

May 18 - October 26, 2023[]

Therapies Variators
Cancel the Autopsy Variator BarricadedDoors Barricaded Doors
Additional doors barricaded with planks.
Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
Variator IncreasedTrapsII Maximum Traps
Maximum and deadly traps.
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Feed the Children Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
Variator ClosedRollingGates Closed Rolling Gates
More rolling gates are closed.
Variator ExtraSoundTraps Extra Sound Traps
More Sound Traps in the Trial.
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Punish the Miscreants Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
Variator ClosedRollingGates Closed Rolling Gates
More rolling gates are closed.
Variator TimedGates Timed Gates
Rolling gates will open and close after a delay.
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Sabotage the Lockdown Variator StrongerEnemies Stronger Enemies
Enemies are stronger and more lethal.
Variator DeadlyPA Deadly Prime Asset
Prime Assets kill with one shot.
Variator BlockedPaths Blocked Paths
More blocked doors and rolling gates.
Variator GatesLockdown Gates Lockdown
Rolling gates shut down after passing them a few times.
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Foster the Orphans

Variator StrongerEnemies

Stronger Enemies
Enemies are stronger and more lethal.
Variator DeadlyPA Deadly Prime Asset
Prime Assets kill with one shot.
Variator RemoteControlGates Remote Control Gates
Some rolling gates can be opened using a control panel nearby.
Variator LockedItems Locked Items
Most items can only be found in locked containers.
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Open the Gates Variator StrongerEnemies Stronger Enemies
Enemies are stronger and more lethal.
Variator DeadlyPA Deadly Prime Asset
Prime Assets kill with one shot.
Variator NoTechnicals No Technical Items
No technical items can be found in the Trial. (Batteries, Rig Rechargers)
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Kill the Snitch Variator ThiefLoadout Thief Loadout
Start the Trial with two lockpicks and one less inventory slot.
Most items in locked containers. Rigs cooldown time is increased.
Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
Grind the Bad Apples Variator NakedAndAfraid Naked And Afraid
No rigs, one medicine, one antidote, and one battery. No items in the Trial.
Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
Cleanse the Orphans Variator DontMakeNoise Don't Make Noise
Enemies with maximum sensitivity to sound. Additional noise traps in the Trial.
Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
Variator DeadlyPA Deadly Prime Asset
Prime Assets kill with one shot.
Final Exam: Kill the Snitch Variator IncreasedTrapsII Maximum Traps
Maximum and deadly traps.
Variator IncreasedThreatII Maximum Threat
Maximum population of brutal enemies.
Variator NoIntel No Intel
Assignment details are absent from the Trial.
Variator LimitedHidespotsII Limited Hidespots II
Hiding spots are greatly reduced.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Variator LimitedItemsII Limited Items II
Amount of items found in the Trial is very limited.

October 26, 2023 - March 4, 2024[]

Therapies Variators Images
Release the Prisoners Variator StrongerEnemiesII Stronger Enemies II
Deadly enemies without mercy.
Release the Prisoners PGX Page

Release the Prisoners page in Program X

Variator IncreasedTrapsII Increased Traps II
Maximum and deadly traps.
Variator BlockedPaths Blocked Paths
More blocked doors and rolling gates.
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Gather the Children of God

Drill the Futterman

Sabotage the Lockdown

Feed the Children

Punish the Miscreants
Variator StrongerEnemiesII Stronger Enemies II
Deadly enemies without mercy.
PGX MK Challenge Variators

Program X variators for MK-Challenges 2-6

Variator IncreasedTrapsII Increased Traps II
Maximum and deadly traps.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Kill the Snitch Variator IncreasedThreatII Increased Threat II
Maximum population of brutal enemies.
PGX Trial Variators

Program X variators for the Trials 1-3

Variator NoIntel No Intel
Assignment details are absent from the Trial.
Cleanse the Orphans Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Variator LimitedItems Limited Items
Amount of items found in the Trial is limited.
Grind the Bad Apples
Final Exam: Vindicate the Guilty Variator IncreasedThreatII Increased Threat II
Maximum population of brutal enemies.
Final Exam PGX Vindicate the Guilty

Final Exam: Vindicate the Guilty page in Program X

Variator DeadlyPA Deadly Prime Asset
Prime Assets kill with one shot.
Variator NoIntel No Intel
Assignment details are absent from the Trial.
Variator LimitedHidespotsII Limited Hidespots II
Hiding spots are greatly reduced.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Variator LimitedItemsII Limited Items II
Amount of items found in the Trial is very limited.

March 5 - July 16, 2024[]

Therapies Variators Images
Gather the Children of God

Cancel the Autopsy

Feed the Children
Variator StrongerEnemies Stronger Enemies
More and stronger enemies.
PX S3 MK-Challenges

Program X variators for
MK-Challenges 1-3

Variator IncreasedTraps Increased Traps
Additional and deadly traps.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Exam: Cleanse the Orphans Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
PX S3 Trials

Program X variators for
Exam: Cleanse the Orphans

Variator ExtraTraps Extra Traps
The Trial is filled with traps.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Drill the Futterman

Sabotage the Lockdown

Foster the Orphans
Variator StrongerEnemies Stronger Enemies
More and stronger enemies.
PX S3 MK-Challenges

Program X variators for
MK-Challenges 5-7

Variator IncreasedTraps Increased Traps
Additional and deadly traps.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Exam: Vindicate the Guilty Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
PX S3 Trials

Program X variators for
Exam: Vindicate the Guilty

Variator ExtraTraps Extra Traps
The Trial is filled with traps.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Release the Prisoners

Escape the Courthouse

Incinerate the Sex Toys
Variator StrongerEnemies Stronger Enemies
More and stronger enemies.
PX S3 MK-Challenges

Program X variators for
MK-Challenges 9-11

Variator IncreasedTraps Increased Traps
Additional and deadly traps.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.
Exam: Kill the Snitch Variator IncreasedThreat Increased Threat
More and stronger enemies.
PX S3 Exam KTS

Exam: Kill the Snitch page in Program X

Variator IncreasedTraps Increased Traps
Additional and deadly traps.
Variator LimitedItems Limited Items
Amount of items found in the Trial is limited.
Variator LimitedIntel Limited Intel
Assignment details are limited in this Trial.
Variator UnreliableDoors Unreliable Doors
Extra barricaded, trapped, and blocked doors.


Program X Poster
Completing the final trial of this program rewards the Program X poster for the player as a poster customization. After the discontinuation of Program X, the poster can now only be obtained from the "A New You" catalog.


  • During the launch of early access, Program X used to have a season type labeled as Season 1, which was previously called Pre-Season.
    • This label was removed after Program X refreshed with the addition of the fourth program update.
  • After the first Program X refresh from the Courthouse update, some of the variator names were changed, but the icons and descriptions are the same.
    • Maximum Threat has been renamed to Increased Threat II.
    • Maximum Traps has been renamed to Increased Traps II.


