- For the chapter or volume of the same name, see Chapter 668 and Volume 68.
A Pirate Alliance is a pact between two or more pirate captains and their respective crews.
Leadership, Goals and Benefits[]
The captains who formed the alliance are theoretically equal in status, and cannot give each other orders. They may have limited control over each other's crews, but the highest authority still lies with the respective captains. In a situation where one of the captains gets captured, the other can take charge of their remaining subordinates.[2]
An alliance is usually formed with the purpose of reaching a specific, mutual goal. It may be something that neither crew could accomplish on their own, such as defeating a powerful enemy, finding a lost treasure or even conquering a nation.

Hody betrays Decken.
A common problem with pirate alliances is betrayal; when one captain sees no more use of the other, it results in treason in order to reduce the needs to share glory.[3] Also, due to their mutual goal being the only thing that binds them together, they usually have little to no respect for members of the allied crews, leading to one insulting the other behind their backs or even attacking them over perceived threats.[4] However, if the allied groups have enough respect for each other, then these issues can be avoided and their alliance could either become permanent or they can part ways on good terms when their goal is reached.
Another problem is that an attempt to even establish an alliance between captains and their respective crews can result in conflict if it fails, like when Shiki and the Golden Lion Pirates proposed an alliance with Gol D. Roger and the Roger Pirates which resulted in the Battle of Edd War when Roger rejected Shiki's offer.[5]
For the Seven Warlords of the Sea, forming an alliance essentially means forfeiting their status, as the World Government does not permit such affiliations with criminals unless the Warlord claims that their ally is subordinate to them.[6] Also, due to their sheer power, the World Government dreaded the possibility that one of the Four Emperors would forge an alliance with each other.
List of Alliances[]
Buggy and Alvida Alliance[]
- Further information: Buggy and Alvida Alliance

Alvida with the Buggy Pirates.
The Buggy and Alvida Pirate Alliance[7] is an alliance formed by Captains Buggy and Alvida and their respective pirate bands, the Buggy Pirates and the Alvida Pirates (although for the latter, only its captain remained from them). The main purpose for their team-up was to defeat a common enemy: the young, but exceptionally powerful Monkey D. Luffy, and remain allied even after their initial failure. They also conspired to find Captain John's long-lost treasure.
After Buggy became a Warlord of the Sea during the time-skip, he was forbidden to hold an official alliance with Alvida as equals, though no action or knowledge is seen taken against both crews. However, it is possible that Alvida became fully integrated into the Buggy Pirates, becoming an administer of Buggy's Delivery.
Saruyama Alliance[]
- Further information: Saruyama Alliance

The Saruyama Alliance.
The Saruyama Alliance is an alliance that was formed between three pirate captains, Mont Blanc Cricket and his surrogate sons "Salvage King" Masira and his brother "Sonar King" Shoujou. It composes of two pirate crews led by the brothers: the Masira Pirates (マシラ海賊団, Mashira Kaizokudan?) and Shoujou Pirates (ショウジョウ海賊団, Shōjō Kaizokudan?). Unlike many other alliances seen, they are extremely loyal to each other to the end, akin to a family, which makes their alliance permanent as a result. They work together to salvage evidence for the lost Sky Island, in order to prove Cricket's ancestor, Mont Blanc Noland, was not a liar.[8] Their alliance continued in search for new dreams, and are currently looking for the 'Island of Dreams', Nakrowa.[9][10]
New Fish-Man and Flying Pirate Alliance[]

The New Fish-Man and Flying Pirate Alliance.
The New Fish-Man Pirates and the Flying Pirates, led by Hody Jones and Vander Decken IX formed an alliance in order to overthrow the Ryugu Kingdom. The two conspired to have Hody break into the palace while Decken could capture Shirahoshi and marry her.[11] However, the true reason for Hody teaming with Decken was so he could kill Shirahoshi because Hody deemed her the biggest threat to his plans due to her ability to summon and control Sea-Kings. After Decken failed on his part, the alliance did not last very long, with Hody even declaring Decken useless. Then after Decken sent Noah after Shirahoshi, Hody stabbed him with a trident in order to send Noah down towards Fish-Man Island, effectively ending their alliance.[3]
Kid, On Air, and Hawkins Pirate Alliance[]

The Kid, On Air, and Hawkins alliance.
During the Punk Hazard Arc, three captains of the Worst Generation—Eustass Kid, Scratchmen Apoo and Basil Hawkins—met on the Kid Pirates' base[4] to discuss the terms of an alliance for the sole purpose of defeating Shanks.[12] Despite some minor altercations, the three were eventually able to come to terms, and their alliance was reported in the newspaper.[13] After Law and Luffy's victory over Doflamingo, the three pirates were relieved that the two were not going after the same Emperor they were targeting.[12] Little did they know, Apoo was secretly working as an informant for the Beasts Pirates and was setting up his cohorts to join the crew as well.
Suddenly, Kaidou landed on their base and the three found themselves face-to-face with him.[14] Apoo was already working for Kaidou and betrayed the others, and Hawkins decided to join him since it was his only chance to stay alive.[15][16][17] Kid, on the other hand, refused to serve under Kaidou, and as a result, he and Killer were both badly beaten by the Emperor and subsequently imprisoned in the Wano Country.[18] Because of Apoo and Hawkins' betrayal, Kid declared that the alliance between the three pirate crews is over.[19]
Anti-Straw Hat Alliance[]

Fleet of the Anti-Straw Hat Alliance.
After the defeat and arrest of Donquixote Doflamingo, many pirates who relied on Joker's merchandise were immediately troubled at their sudden shortage of weapons. As such, they quickly created an alliance, intending on destroying the Straw Hat Pirates who defeated him. They also planned on forcing the current king of Dressrosa, King Riku Doldo III, to take responsibility for Doflamingo and force him to complete his quota for them. However, just as the alliance confronted the Straw Hats and their new fleet, they were quickly annihilated by Marine Admiral Fujitora, who used his gravity powers to drop a massive pile of rocks on top of them.[20]
Sanji Retrieval Team-Fire Tank Alliance[]

The Retrieval Team-Fire Tank Alliance.
This alliance was formed between the Sanji Retrieval Team—a group consisting of Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Chopper, and Brook of the Straw Hat Pirates, Jinbe of the Sun Pirates, and Pedro and Carrot of the Mokomo Dukedom—and the Fire Tank Pirates, as well as Caesar Clown who was forcibly recruited by Fire Tank captain Capone Bege. The alliance's primary goal was to assassinate Big Mom during her Tea Party.[21]
Between one and three days before the Tea Party, Bege recruited Caesar, who was being forced to work in a factory for the Big Mom Pirates. Caesar was forced to serve Bege due to Bege possessing his disembodied heart, and developed KX Launcher weapons to kill Big Mom.[21] The Sanji Retrieval Team wished to stop the Tea Party in order to rescue Sanji's birth family, the Vinsmoke Family, from being assassinated during the event, so on Jinbe's suggestion they teamed up with the Fire Tank Pirates to best achieve this goal.[22]
Bege had no issue with the retrieval team's objective, but ordered Luffy to aid in his plot by going out and destroying Big Mom's portrait of Mother Carmel, which would cause Big Mom to have a psychological crisis, unleash a deafening scream that would incapacitate her crew, and become weakened. Luffy agreed to this, despite his role being the most dangerous. Due to his role as the mastermind of the assassination plot, Bege held the most authority over the entire alliance. He gave Luffy and his team freedom to come up with their own plan to enter the tea party venue and rescue the Vinsmokes, but ultimately had oversight in terms of setting those plans up. The rest of the Sanji Retrieval Team focused on saving the Vinsmokes, while Caesar was tasked with flying in a mirror which the alliance would use to escape after the assassination. Going through the mirror would be facilitated by Mira Mira no Mi user Charlotte Brûlée, whom the Sanji Retrieval Team had captured earlier for their own plans.[21]
The alliance succeeded at breaking into the wedding venue, destroying the portrait, and freeing the Vinsmokes, but Bege's plot ultimately failed when Big Mom's scream blew up the KX Launcher shots in midair and shattered their escape mirror.[23] The Vinsmokes joined the alliance and helped them to briefly stave off attacks from the Big Mom Pirates, but ultimately the alliance was defeated and trapped.[24] However, they were able to escape through a stroke of fortune as the Tamatebako, which had been given to Big Mom from Fish-Man Island as a gift, fell to the base of the Whole Cake Chateau and exploded, causing the Big Mom Pirates to fall to the ground below. Sanji and Caesar flew the Sanji Retrieval Team and Fire Tank Pirates to safety, where the three parties dissolved their alliance and went their separate ways.[25]
Not long afterwards, however, Bege's wife Charlotte Chiffon decided to aid Sanji and her sister Charlotte Pudding in baking a cake for Big Mom in order to stop her from going after the Straw Hats, as she wished to repay a debt she owed to them for saving her twin sister Lola's life two years ago.[26] Hours later, the Fire Tank Pirates reunited with Chiffon and took her team and the cake to Big Mom.[27] On the way, Bege got into an argument with Sanji over whether or not to poison the cake; Sanji won out and the cake was not poisoned.[28] The Fire Tank Pirates made their way to the Straw Hats as they were being pursued by Big Mom, and led Big Mom away from them with the cake as Sanji returned to his crew.[29] The Fire Tank Pirates eventually dropped off the cake at Funwari Island, far enough away to give the Straw Hats time to escape Totto Land, before they escaped from Totto Land as well.[30]
Beasts and Big Mom Pirate Alliance[]

Kaidou and Big Mom form an alliance.
Two of the Four Emperors, Kaidou of the Beasts Pirates and Charlotte Linlin of the Big Mom Pirates, formed an alliance between their crews after their duel on Onigashima. The two captains agreed that they would return to being enemies and resume trying to killing each other after they conquer the world.[31] This alliance was proposed by Big Mom.[32] For the New Onigashima Project, Kaidou and Big Mom revealed their plan to seek out the Ancient Weapons and the One Piece. Kaidou also betrayed his previous ally, the Kurozumi Family, by beheading Orochi while annexing their territory for his project. Kaidou also offered Orochi's subordinates to join his crew or die.[33] During the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance's Raid on Onigashima, both Kaidou and Big Mom were defeated by three captains from the Worst Generation—Luffy, Law, and Kid.
Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance[]
- Further information: Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance

The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance is formed.
On Punk Hazard, the Heart Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates, two crews from The Worst Generation, formed an alliance. The respective captains, Trafalgar D. Water Law and Monkey D. Luffy, teamed up with the sole purpose of overthrowing Kaidou of the Four Emperors. This alliance was proposed by Law, who, at the time, was still a Warlord of the Sea.[34]
However, the true reason for the alliance was to destroy the SMILE Factory that belonged to another Warlord, Donquixote Doflamingo, who allied with Kaidou; what Law did not inform Luffy at the time was that he intended to kill Doflamingo and destroy the entire Donquixote Pirates to avenge the death of Donquixote Rosinante.[35] The alliance was placed in the newspaper the next day and all around the world people reacted in shock upon learning of it.[36] Kin'emon and Momonosuke joined the group hoping to save Kanjuro. On Dressrosa, Law called off the alliance while facing Doflamingo[37] but after being captured Luffy forced him back into it stating that it was his choice and not Law's, much to Law's irritation, but reluctant acceptance.[38]
As Law is a Warlord of the sea, he was forbidden from allying with pirates who are not allied with the Government, and as such his title is revoked.[6][39] Although they have yet to achieve their promised goal of defeating Kaidou, the alliance has succeeded Law's quest to defeat Doflamingo.[40] the results of their victory over Doflamingo were reported on a global scale.[41] This alliance is notable as the two captains of this alliance Monkey D. Luffy & Trafalgar D. Water Law are both carriers of D.
Upon reuniting with the other half of the Straw Hat Pirates on Zou, the alliance learned that the samurai of the Kouzuki Family were fighting against Kaidou as well, who is currently occupying Wano Country with the shogun there. They requested to form an additional branch to the Heart-Straw Hat Alliance to take down the Emperor, and Luffy accepted, forming an alliance between the pirates, the Kouzuki Family, and the Mink Tribe. Luffy dubbed this group as the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance.[42]
With the Beasts Pirates defeated and Kaidou and Kurozumi Orochi being deposed from Wano's leadership, the alliance reached its goal and officially ended.[43]
The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story.
Anti-World Alliance[]
The Anti-World Alliance was a non-canon allied fleet of both pirates and Marines, who banded together to deal with Byrnndi World and his crew, the World Pirates. During World's later years, in his pursuit for freedom, World became overly aggressive, attacking not only the citizens and the Marines, but fellow pirates as well. As such, the World Government proposed an alliance between the Marines and the pirate crews hostile to World. In the end, World was betrayed by his own crew during the battle between the World Pirates and the alliance, who had been convinced by Cipher Pol agents to defect. After World was captured and his closest companions fled, the alliance could be assumed to have been disbanded.[44]
Silver Pirate Alliance[]
- Further information: Silver Pirate Alliance
The Silver Pirate Alliance is a non-canon alliance made up of multiple pirate crews, whose main purpose seems to be capturing rival pirate crews with high bounties and stealing their treasure. The Silver Pirate Alliance, unlike a normal pirate alliance where the leaders of the individual crews are considered equals, have a hierarchy more similar to a fleet, with the pirate known as Bill as their leader. The alliance has been picking up crews along the Grand Line who were doomed to fail, and promise them a new lease on life. They are also provided with powerful weapons forged with Bill's smelting powers. They have been active in the New World since one year prior to the current timeline, and have already taken down over a hundred of rivaling pirate crews.[45] Their base of operations was stationed on Silver Mine, which had plenty of ore for Bill to utilize his powers.
However, the entire alliance is actually a sham so that Bill can pay off his debt to Gild Tesoro. While Bill appears to be a charismatic leader who worries for his comrades, in truth, he has no genuine care for any of them, intending to sacrifice all of them for their bounties when they run out of uses, and anyone who falls short of his standards were sent to work in the underground mines as slaves.[46] He would even attack and destroy pirate crews and recruit the remnants without letting them know of his part in their destruction, such as he did with the Sweet Pirates.
After his initial defeat by Luffy, Bill became mad with worry that he could not pay his debts to Tesoro and decided to use his powers to destroy the island along with his enemies. His rampage caused many of his subordinates to desert him to save themselves, causing the alliance to break apart. However, Bill ultimately lost to Luffy again, and afterwards, he and his headquarters sank to the depths of the sea, thus ending the Silver Pirate Alliance completely.[47]
Concludes non-canon section.
- The World Government fears that if at least two of the Four Emperors ally together, they could cause an upset in the balance of power in the world.[48][49]
- As of the Wano Country Arc, the World Government's fear comes true when Big Mom and Kaidou formed an alliance to conquer the world.[31]
- Interestingly, Buggy urged ´Gol D. Roger to accept an alliance with Shiki, but his captain enjoyed his freedom too much to consider it. Years later as a pirate captain himself, Buggy would strike up an alliance with Alvida, meaning that in contrast to his former captain, Buggy seems to favor alliances between crews.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 54, cover story: Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles Vol. 14 and Episode 46, Buggy and Alvida form an alliance.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 525 (p. 5-7) and Episode 422, Alvida takes charge of the Buggy Pirates after Buggy gets captured.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 65 Chapter 638 (p. 19) and Episode 559, Hody stabs Decken, effectively ending their alliance.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 677 and Episode 603, Kid, Hawkins and Apoo meet up to create an alliance.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 0 Chapter 0 (p. 4-8) and Episode 0, The hostilities between the Roger Pirates and Golden Lion Pirates are initiated by a failure in negotiations.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 713 and Episode 643, Issho revokes Law's title as a Warlord of the Sea for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates.
- ↑ One Piece Yellow: Grand Elements (p. 182), Buggy and Alvida's alliance's name is revealed.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 25 Chapter 228 and Episode 148, The Saruyama Alliance show great loyalty to each other.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 32 Chapter 303 and Episode 195, Cricket and his alliance continue to find new dreams together.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 65 Chapter 643, cover story: From the Decks of the World Vol. 26, Cricket and his alliance 2 years after the war.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 613 and Episode 532, Vander Decken IX and Hody Jones forming an alliance.
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 793 (p. 10) and Episode 736, Kid, Apoo and Hawkins reveal their prime target is Shanks.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 699 (p. 18) and Episode 628.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 795 (p. 14-17) and Episode 739, Kaidou lands atop of the three pirates' alliance, threatening them.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 821 (p. 19) and Episode 774.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 91 Chapter 911 (p. 19) and Episode 894.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 954 (p. 4-6) and Episode 955, Law makes Hawkins reveal what happened with Kaidou.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 824 (p. 13) and Episode 779.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 950 (p. 3) and Episode 950, Kid states that his alliance with Hawkins and Apoo is over.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 800 (p. 7-16) and Episode 745, The anti-Straw Hat alliance appears, and is crushed.
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 859 and Episodes 828–829, The Straw Hat-Fire Tank Alliance is formed and their objective is laid out.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 857 and Episode 826.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 868 and Episode 838.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 871 and Episode 841.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 872 and Episodes 842–843.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 875 and Episode 847.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 887 and Episodes 860–861.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 889 and Episode 863.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 892 and Episode 866.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 900 and Episode 875.
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 954 (p. 15) and Episode 955, Kaidou and Big Mom announce their intent of global conquest by forming an alliance.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 992 (p. 3) and Episode 1003, Big Mom reveals to Perospero that the alliance with Kaidou was her idea.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 985 (p. 10-19) and Episodes 993–994.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 667 (p. 16-19) and Episode 593, Law offers Luffy an alliance.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 749 (p. 8-17) and Episodes 685–686, Law reveals to Luffy that the alliance's true purpose is to avenge Rosinante's death.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 699 (p. 17) and Episode 628.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 724 (p. 19) and Episode 655, Law calls off the alliance once he is confronting Doflamingo.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 744 (p. 19) and Episode 679, Law is surprised that Luffy returns and insists their alliance is still active.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 801 (p. 15) and Episode 746, Law's bounty rose as a result of his Warlord status revocation.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 790 (p. 18-19) and Episode 733, Law watches as Doflamingo is defeated.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 792 (p. 15) and Episode 735, The Straw Hat-Heart Alliance's victory over Doflamingo was reported.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 819 (p. 7-15) and Episodes 771–772, The Straw Hat, Heart and Kouzuki alliance is formed.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1056 (p. 12-13) and Episode 1083, Law declares the end of the alliance.
- ↑ 3D2Y
- ↑ One Piece Anime — Episode 747, The Silver Alliance makes their appearance.
- ↑ One Piece Anime — Episode 748, Former members of the Silver Pirate Alliance working as slaves.
- ↑ One Piece Anime — Episode 750, Bill and the Silver Mine perish in molten ore and seawater.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 956 (p. 11-12) and Episode 957.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 957 (p. 11, 17) and Episode 958.