- This extension is enabled by default on Fandom.

The Social Activity tab at Special:SocialActivity.
The social activity feed is an admin and moderator tool on wikis that have one or more social features enabled. It can be found as a separate tab on Recent Changes, between the Wiki Activity tab and the Image Activity tab.
This tab will take the user to Special:SocialActivity, which they may also navigate to directly if desired. Although the social activity feed is intended as a moderation tool, it can be accessed by any user, including logged-out users.
When does a wiki have the social activity feed enabled?[]
Since the feed is a tool that helps admins and moderators keep an eye on their wiki's social activity, it is only available on wikis that use Fandom's social features: Message Walls, Article comments, Blog comments, or Discussions. So long as at least one of these features is used on a wiki, the feed will be part of Recent Changes.
What does the social activity feed show?[]
The following actions by users on your wiki are listed on the feed, in chronological order from most recent to oldest:
- Someone posts a message or replies to a message on a user's message wall.
- Someone posts a comment or replies to a comment underneath a wiki article.
- Someone posts a comment or replies to a comment underneath a blog post.
- Someone posts a post or replies to a post in Discussions.
- Someone edits a wall message, article comment, blog comment, Discussions post or reply.
In addition, admins, moderators and other user groups with the rights to delete other people's posts can see:
- When someone locks a wall or Discussions thread.
- When someone unlocks a wall or Discussions thread.
- When someone deletes a piece of content.
- When someone undeletes a piece of content.
Each entry in the feed tells you who took an action, which action they took, where, and shows a preview of the piece of content. It also contains links to the content in question and the user's message wall or talk page, the block tool in case admins need to block someone quickly, and their contributions list. Anonymous users do not have a message wall or talk page, so in their case you'll only see a link to their contributions list.
What does the feed not show?[]
The feed does not show when someone reports a piece of content, since only admins, moderators and staff can see which posts have been reported in each wiki's report queue.
For performance reasons, there is a limit to how much social activity can be displayed. The feed displays social events from up to 1000 entries.
Further help and feedback[]
- For a guide on the wiki activity tab, see Help:Recent changes
- For more information on uploading images to a wiki, see Help:Adding images
- Browse and search other help pages at Help:Contents
- Check Fandom Community Central for sources of further help and support
- Check Contacting Fandom for how to report any errors or unclear steps in this article